Interview with Brother Thomas “Bud” Hill

1840 Minister Speech
Greetings from the 2019 Grand Historian
To the Most Worshipful Grand Master, Brother Van Tidwell, RW Deputy Grand Master, Brother Mike Taylor, RW Senior Grand Warden, Brother Shelby Morrow, RW Junior Grand Warden, Brother Billy Jackson, other elected and appointed Grand Lodge officers, to the Masters, Wardens, and officers of all the subordinate lodges under the Grand Lodge of Alabama, and to the Brethren all, I bid you salutations and greetings.
I am humbled and honored for this opportunity to serve as your Grand Historian. Historic research is a particular passion of mine, and Masonic history even more so. Over the next year, I will be sharing my research with you through this blog, but I would also like to share research that has been compiled from you as well. I will include my email address at the bottom for any correspondence or papers you have put together. Please feel free to email me at any time with questions, tips, papers, news articles, etc.
I look forward to working with each and every one that I can, and I’m excited for the things we can do together to further masonic research in our jurisdiction.
Mike Brewer
Grand Historian 2018-2019