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I authorize the Worshipful Master, Senior Warden, and/or Junior Warden, along with the Treasurer and Secretary, to conduct the business of the Lodge… Read more
I authorize the Worshipful Master, Senior Warden, and/or Junior Warden, along with the Treasurer and Secretary, to conduct the business of the Lodge… Read more
To the Brethren of Alabama,
Last Saturday, in response to the COVID-19 outbreak, I granted permission for the Worshipful Masters of the Alabama Masonic Lodges to suspend Masonic activities during the period of the declared National Emergency if they felt it would be in the best interest of their Brethren and their Lodges. As I stated at that time, we have never experienced this type of national response to any crisis. I felt it necessary to take extreme measures in response to an extreme situation. We are now one week later,and the situation has been elevated to a level we have never seen in this nation.
As I write this, I am sitting at my home because we have been requested not to travel unless it is absolutely necessary. For the first time in our history, our churches were closed this morning. The restaurants are closed, the schools are closed, all non-essential businesses are closed; as well as all major gatherings such as weddings, funerals, and graduations. Simply stated, we have never experienced this type of extreme national response in our lifetime and I feel that it is important that we protect all our Brethren during this turbulent time.
As such, in order to comply with the orders of the President of the United States and the Governor of Alabama concerning the number of people who should be gathering together in meetings or locations, I am suspending all Masonic meetings and functions in Alabama until April 30th, 2020. The Grand Lodge officers will be convening prior to that date and will assess the current situation and provide further guidance before the end of the April.
Brethren, please understand that the only reason I am making this decision is to ensure the safety and well-being of all our Brethren. I realize this will place a hardship on some lodge activities, but I am convinced this is the most prudent course of action for Alabama Masonry.
Once this critical situation has passed, we will reengage the Masonic Fraternity in Alabama with the strongest fervency and zeal. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call me anytime at 205-276-5348. I sincerely Hope and Pray that each of you and your families remain safe during the COVID-19 crisis.
Mike Taylor, Grand Master
This page is NOT the latest COVID-19 information…
Please Visit THIS PAGE for the latest information…
To All the Brethren of Alabama:
As a result of the current COVID-19 crisis, we have entered uncharted territory in our Nation, State, local communities and our Masonic fraternity. The President has declared a National state of emergency which has altered all of our daily activities. Because of this, if a Worshipful Master determines that it is in the best interest of his lodge and his brethren to suspend Masonic activities, he will have my full support. I realize this is not the normal way we conduct our business, but these are not normal times. When the national state of emergency has ended, we will revert to our normal operating procedures stated in our constitution, resolutions and edicts. Rest assured that your Grand Lodge Officers are monitoring this situation closely and as new information arises, we will respond accordingly. Our number 1 priority is the health and safety of our brethren. If you have any questions or concerns call me at any time. My number is 205-276-5348.
Mike Taylor
Grand Master
MWGM Mike Taylor traveled to Ashville #186 to Raise Brother Harris Trent Godfrey to the Sublime Degree of MM on March 10. Brother Taylor was one of over 25 in attendance for the degree, including DGT James Grigsby and other Grand Lodge committee members. The Degree itself was conferred beautifully, and attendees enjoyed an excellent pot-luck dinner between sections.