“Joseph Clifton Roe was born September 23, 1893, on a farm near Newburg in Franklin County, Alabama, the son of Frank Sykes Roe and Lucy Tubb Roe. He was educated in the public schools of Franklin County and the State Teachers College at Florence, Alabama. He taught five years in Lawrence and Franklin Counties.
In World War I, he served in the United States Navy. Beginning as City Carrier, he was employed in the Post Office at Russellville, Alabama October 1, 1919 and became Assistant Postmaster by 1948. He married Miss Rhoda Hargett on July 5th, 1920 and was a member of the First Baptist Church, Russellville, Alabama.
He was initiated in Newburg Lodge No. 388, on November 3, 1917, passed December 1, 1917, and raised January 5, 1918. On returning from service, he was elected Senior Warden, June 1919. He demitted from Newburg Lodge, July 2, 1921 and affiliated with Russellville Lodge No. 371 on September 3, 1921. After having filled the chairs in this Lodge, he was elected Worshipful Master in June 1926.
He received the Capitular degrees in Tuscumbia Chapter No. 10, Royal Arch Masons, May 15, 1924. Brother Roe was a charter member of Russellville Chapter No. 164, R.A.M., organized May 20, 1925 and was Past High Priest of the Chapter. He received the Cryptic Degrees in Young S. Harrington Council No. 74, Florence, Alabama on November 19, 1945. Brother Roe received the Orders of Red Cross and Malta on October 11, 1944 and the Order of the Temple on October 18, 1944 in DeMolay Commandery of Knights Templar No. 14 of Decatur, Alabama. On December 6, 1945 he demitted from this Commandery and affiliated with Florence Commandery No. 39, Florence, Alabama. He was a member of Zamora Temple, A. A. O.N.M.S., of Birmingham, Alabama, having been initiated December 9, 1944. In the Order of the Eastern Star, he was a Charter member of Russellville Chapter No. 256, organized June 22, 1920 and was Past Patron of the Chapter. He was a charter member of North Alabama Shrine No. 7 White Shrine of Jerusalem, Decatur, Alabama organized March 24, 1948.
In the Grand Lodge of Alabama, he was appointed District Lecturer of the Fourth District on December 6, 1940, and served in that capacity until December 6, 1944 when he was elected Junior Grand Warden. He was regularly advanced and on November 17, 1948 was elected Most Worshipful Grand Master.
His record of Service as a line officer was one of faithfulness and ever present readiness to do what was asked of him. His friendly and delightful personality endeared him to all Masons wherever he visited. He had the faculty of getting things done in a manner of making the craft enjoy their labors, thereby creating a wholesome, happy and united Fraternity.” Lxxvi [1948 Pro] [Grand Masters of The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Free & Accepted Masons The State of Alabama 1821-2008 by Donna R. Causey]