Penson Rabon Graham was born September 11, 1914, near Deatsville, Autauga County, Alabama, the son of William E. and Catherine Bazzell Graham. He received his elementary education in the public schools of Autauga County, graduated from Sidney Lanier High School and entered Marion Military Institute. He joined the Montgomery Chapter of the Order of the DeMolay in 1931 and enlisted in the U. S. Air Force in 1935. For the past twenty years he has been with the Montgomery Fire Department and is presently serving as Captain in the Communication Division. He is a member of the Capitol Heights Methodist Church.
On January 17, 1937,-he married Miss Dora Nell McLauchlin of Florala, Alabama. To them has been born one daughter, Mrs. Burton M. Baldwin of Montgomery, Alabama and one son, William Rabon Graham, a student at Robert E. Lee High School. There are two granddaughters, Deborah and Constance Baldwin.
As for his Masonic record; he was initiated in Sam Gibbons Lodge No. 639 September 10, 1938, Passed to the Degree of Fellowcraft October 8, 1938 and Raised to the Sublime Degree of
Master Mason October 20; 1938. In-June 1939, he was elected and installed Senior Warden of Sam Gibbons Lodge No. 639. He affiliated with Oak Par k Lodge No. 864 July 19, .1940 and on
September 16, 1942 he affiliated with Montgomery Lodge No. 11. He served Montgomery Lodge No. 11 as Worshipful Master 1949 and 1950.
He received his Capitular Degrees in Montgomery Chapter No. 22, Royal Arch Masons March 9, 1944. He received the Cryptic Degrees in Montgomery Council No. 3, R. & S. M. March 16, 1944. He received the Orders of the Temple in Montgomery Commandery No. 4, Knights Templar April 13, 1944. He received the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite Degrees as follows: Fourth through Fourteenth Degrees—Mobile Lodge of Perfection October 1942, Affiliated with the” Montgomery Lodge of Perfection March 17, 1943. Received the Thirty-second Degree in the Montgomery Consistory May 20, 1949. He was initiated in Alcazar Temple AAONMS November 5, 1944, serving the Shrine as Secretary of the Alcazar Shrine Degree Team 1944-1960 and was elected a representative to the Imperial Shrine in New York City 1951. He was initiated in Montgomery Court No. 96 Royal Order of Jesters 1951. On August 14, 1944, he was initiated in Elizabeth Armstrong Chapter No. 10 Order of the Eastern Star, and served the Chapter as Associate Patron in 1948 and Worthy Patron in 1949-50.
He was Assistant Grand Sentinel for Grand Chapter O. E. S. 1948 and Chairman of the Decorating Committee for Grand Chapter O. E. S. 1950. He served on DeMolay Advisory Board 1939-40 and on the Rainbow Girls Advisory Board 1949-50. He received the Grand Cross of Color Degree O. R. G. in 1949.
From 1947-1959, he was Chairman of the Entertainment Committee for Grand Lodge F& A M He served as Senior Grand Steward M. W. G. L. F & A M State of Alabama 1950-51. He has been Grand Representative State of Utah 1953 through the present time. On November 18, 1959, he was elected Right Worshipful Junior Grand Warden of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Alabama and regularly advanced to Right Worshipful Senior Grand Warden, Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master and on November 21, 1962 was elected and installed Most Worshipful Grand Master.
The Grand Lodge of Alabama is most fortunate in having for its leader Grand Master Penson R. Graham of Montgomery. No more affable, friendly or kindly person has served the Grand Lodge in any capacity in recent years. For many sessions of the Grand Lodge he served as Chairman of Entertainment of Distinguished Guests and throughout the land he is known as Alabama Grand Lodge Ambassador of good will, and through his efforts he has established our people in the top category of hospitality, courtesy, and genuine friendliness. While good natured, easy going and pleasant, he is still firm and has proven himself to be an excellent administrator and fearless and worthy in the discharge of his duty as a Grand Line Officer and a member of the Board of Control of the Masonic Home. Toward this institution he has exemplified compassionate and steadfast interest, keen and genuine, for many years. His natural attributes and years of training have served him well and assuredly he will wisely employ his experience and good judgment in administering the affairs of the Grand Lodge for the ensuing year.