Tolbert D. Sharp was born November 20, 1913 at Corinth, Mississippi. He is the son of Willie D. and Minnie May Sharp. He attended elementary school and graduated from Corinth High School where he participated in all the school activities. In 1930 young T. D. made his first step toward the Masonic fraternity by joining the Corinth Chapter of DeMolay. It was there that his young mind was impressed with the outward demeanor of Masons. From there on it was his heart’s desire to become a Mason.
The next few years were eventful for T. D. as he held several jobs and each change saw him advance. He led Lexie E. Blankenship of Selmer, Tennessee, to the Altar on March 14, 1936. They are the parents of two sons, Edward Philip Sharp, age 19, now serving in the U. S. Navy and Tolbert Larry Sharp, age 17, a student at Sheffield High School. He is a member of
the Church of Christ.
For the past 22 years T. D. has been employed by Reynolds Metals Co. in Listerhill Alloys plant of Sheffield, Alabama. He is now serving as General Foreman of the Shipping Department.T. D. has participated in the Reynolds training program in Management and Supervision. He is a member of the Reynolds Management Association.
Grand Master Sharp was initiated an Entered Apprentice in Sheffield Lodge No. 503 F. and A. M. on August 8, 1944, passed to the Degree of Fellowcraft on September 5, 1944 and raised to the sublime Degree of Master Mason September 19, 1944. He was elected and installed Senior Deacon in June 1952, progressed to Junior Warden, thence to Senior Warden and was elected and installed as Worshipful Master of Sheffield Lodge No. 503 in June 1955.
He was made a Royal Arch Mason in Cyrus Chapter No. 6 in Florence, Alabama August 28, 1951. He became a Royal and Select Master in Florence Council No. 74, R. and S. M. of Florence on October 30, 1951. He received the Orders of Knights Templar in Florence Commandery No. 39 on November 17, 1951 and was introduced into the mysteries of the Degree of Super Excellent Master of Florence Council No. 74, R. and S. M. on January 9, 1954. He received the Scottish Rite degrees—4th through 32nd—in Birmingham in the spring class of 1959. He was initiated and became a member of Zamora Temple AAONMS May 28, 1955. In 1961, he served as President of the Muscle Shoals Shrine Club and as President of the Muscle Shoals Scottish Rite Association.
Our Grand Master has served on several Grand Lodge Committees including two years on the committee on work. He served eight years as District Lecturer of the Third Masonic District. In addition to having served as Worshipful Master of Sheffield Lodge, he has served as Lodge Secretary for eight years.
His Eastern Star membership is in Sheffield Chapter No. 32 where he was initiated February 10, 1951, serving as Associate Patron in 1954-55 and Worthy Patron in 1955-56.
T. D.’s being chosen to serve as Grand Master climaxes an illustrious Masonic career. His enthusiasm for the fraternity has never waned. He has been able to lead without goading. He displays strength without being forceful, perseverance without pottering and friendliness without demonstration. He preaches and practices proficiency in the work. It is therefore reasonable to anticipate a year of friendly and capable administration.