Making Good Men, Better Men Since Time Immemorial
Making Good Men, Better Men Since Time Immemorial

Grand Master

Grand Lodge of North Carolina Coin


The Grand Lodge of Alabama has partnered with the Grand Lodge of North Carolina on a RISE North Carolina Grand Lodge coin to assist in their relief efforts from Hurricane Helene. MWGM Robert Wayne Rideout has generously commissioned an AL numbered series coin. They are available for a donation of $100 through the Grand Lodge office. CLICK HERE to see a full size image.

This is a limited offering and all funds raised will be sent to the Grand Lodge of North Carolina to aid in their relief efforts for the lodges of western North Carolina. Contact the Grand Secretary to reserve yours. I have mine.


Richard Schultz, GM

Passing of Brother James M. Eidson, Sr., PGM

It is my sad duty to inform you of the passing of Most Worshipful Brother James M. Eidson, Sr., Past Grand Master of Masons in Alabama. Most Worshipful Brother Eidson passed away peacefully at his home yesterday, February 16, 2025. Most Worshipful Brother Eidson served as Grand Master in 1974-1975. Most Worshipful Brother Eidson was our most senior Past Grand Master and this Masonic year, Most Worshipful Brother Eidson celebrated 50 years as a Past Grand Master. Per Most Worshipful Brother Eidson’s last requests, there will be no service of any kind. Please keep the entire Eidson family in your prayers.

Sincerely and Fraternally,
Zachary Holmes, Grand Secretary

Thank You

When the Lord needed a warrior to defeat evil, He said whom shall we send? Christ said here am I send me. Since then, warriors have spent Christmas apart from their families on the frontline around the world defending Freedom and protecting Peace on Earth. At this time we want to send a special Thank You to all our Veterans and Prayers that the Lord would watch over and protect all our men and women in uniform around the world let them feel our Love and give them Peace.

Arrangements for MWPGM Charter Lee Nicholson, Sr.

Most Worshipful Sirs, Right Worshipful Sirs, Worshipful Grand Lodge officers and Brethren All:

It is my sad duty to inform you of the passing of Most Worshipful Charter Lee Nicholson, Sr., Grand Master of Masons in Alabama 1982-83.

Arrangements for MWPGM Nicholson are as follows:

Most Worshipful Grand Master Rusty Beck will open the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Alabama at 10am Tuesday, September 26, 2023, at Nunn-Oden #398, 126 Sparkman St. SW, Hartselle, AL  35640. 

Visitation will be Tuesday, 26 September 2023 from 11 a.m. – 1p.m at Peck Funeral Home, 1600 Hwy 31 SW, Hartselle, AL 35640, (256) 773-2541.

There will no service at the funeral home. 

Masonic graveside rites will be performed at 1:30 p.m. at Forest Chapel UMC Cemetery, 250 Forest Chapel Rd, Hartselle, AL 35640, (256) 773-2730.

All present sitting Grand Lodge officers are strongly encouraged to attend if possible. Please dress accordingly and remember to bring your apron, jewel, and gloves. 


Zachary Allen Holmes 

Grand Secretary/Executive Director 

Grand Lodge of Alabama, F&AM 

Service Awards

MW Brother Rusty Beck, Grand Master, RW Brother Mike Boyles, Deputy Grand Master, MW Brother David Tucker, Past Grand Master, and RW Brother Max Carey, Grand Marshal were privileged in presenting two of our Brethren service awards for their many years of service to our Fraternity: Brother John Willis of Somerville Lodge No. 721 and Rising Sun Lodge No. 29 received his 60 year pin, and Brother Mike Jones of Rising Sun Lodge No. 29 received his 70 year pin. Congratulations to you both!

Grand Master’s Social Media Message

January 13, 2021

Brethren, if you have not reviewed the Social Media Policy lately, I encourage you to do so. While posting on the internet can be fun, rewarding, and educational, at times it can be challenging, especially when engaged in a subject near and dear to your heart. Emotions can sometimes get in the way of expressing yourself in the manner that would be appropriate as a representative of our fraternity.

Having social discourse is a freedom we all enjoy. Please use the social medium platforms we have available today in a positive way and be respectable of others.

Tommy Morrow

Grand Master