Making Good Men, Better Men Since Time Immemorial
Making Good Men, Better Men Since Time Immemorial

Grand Secretary

The Tenets of Our Order Are Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth

On January 25th , a tornado ripped through the Fultondale and New Castle Communities in northern Jefferson County, barely missing the Gardendale Lodge, but causing massive destruction to the neighboring communities and taking the life of a 14-year-old boy.  It is disasters like these when we, as Masons, can exercise these important tenets in our community.

Brother Nick Chieffo of Brooklin Lodge #704 visited with Brother Paul Thomas of Gardendale Lodge #907, and together, with the help of Brother Melvin Cochran of Sam Thompson Lodge #456, organized an effort to raise funds and supplies for those affected.  Brother Chieffo, and another member of Brooklin Lodge, Brother Bryant Fortenberry, operate a food cart in addition to their usual vocations.

After contacting as many of Brooklin’s members as possible in a short time, they brought their food cart to an emergency staging area in Fultondale. Although several of their brothers from Brooklin were able to attend, they were quickly overrun with demand. Brother Chieffo said he was amazed by the number of brothers who were there already or who came after a quick phone call. They jumped in to help man the cart, purchase additional cart supplies and help in any way they could.

Before long the brothers from Gardendale, Sam Thompson and Brooklin were joined by masons from Acacia #670, Maryland #783, Milton H. Fies #722, Brookside #552, Hewitt-North Birmingham #519, Georgiana #285 and Huffman #633 Lodges, as well as brothers from the GAOTU Tribe of the Widow’s Sons. Brother Andy McCaleb of Milton H. Fies, brought his bobcat and helped clear debris.

In a matter of hours, the food cart raised $3,000 from sales, and other contributions – from masons and community members alike – totaled just over $3,000, generating in excess of $6,000 that was immediately donated to the relief efforts.

This truly is Freemasonry at it’s best!

Brother Bruce L. Patterson, PM

Secretary, Brooklin #704

Notification of Annual Communication

Brethren, please be advised by receipt of this notification that the 2019 Annual Communication of your Grand Lodge will take place at the Embassy Suites Hotel & Convention facility in downtown Montgomery, Alabama on November 12th & 13th, 2019. Grand Lodge registration credentials and related information for the Lodges will be forth coming in the near future.

You will find an enclosed registration form for the Embassy Suites facility along with information for alternate accommodations.

Sunday: For your planning information there will be a Committee on Work practice session on Sunday afternoon at 2:00 PM (Nov. 10th) the Embassy Suites Ballroom. There will also be a 5:00 PM Sunday Church service on that date in the Ballroom.

Monday: The Committee on Work will exemplify the Alabama Masonic Ritual on Monday (Nov. 11th) beginning at 9:00 AM. We will have a Secretary’s meeting after the Committee on Work session.

Tuesday: The gavel will rap for the official opening of the 2019 Grand Lodge Communication at 9:00 AM (Nov. 12th). The Grand Lodge “First Session” will be called off at noon for lunch. The Grand Lodge “Second Session” will convene at l:00 PM at the Embassy Ballroom for further business of the Grand Lodge.

Wednesday: Grand Lodge will convene at 8:00 AM (Nov. 13th) for the last “Third Session”. Unfinished business will be taken up with election and installation of Grand Lodge Officers to end the 2019 Annual Communication.

Be advised that the Credentials Committee will be registering members at the Embassy Suites on Sunday, Nov. 10th from l:00 – 4:00 PM. Registration on Monday, Nov. 11th will be from 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM and Tuesday, Nov. 12th from 7:00 AM – I l:00 AM.

Teddy R. Grogan, Jr., PGM
Grand Secretary