Making Good Men, Better Men Since Time Immemorial
Making Good Men, Better Men Since Time Immemorial


District Lecturers for 2024-2025

District Lecturers for Group I:

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District Name Lodge #
9 Dennis Dwaine Berry 186, 932
10 Douglas Edward Hogue, Jr 42, 574
10 Gordon Terrell Andrews 42, 574
11 Nathan Ryan Godwin 394, 673, 902
13 Joel Isaac Bryant, PM 186
13 Larry Edward Worthy 42, 574
14 David Wayne Tucker 626, 708
15 Thomas Roland Bassett 929, 932
16 Ricky Carl Kilgore 42, 502

District Lecturers for Group II:

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District Name Lodge #
1 David Steven Cooper 543, 934
2 David Wayne Whitaker 278, 933
3 Mark Nathaniel Waddell 14, 788
3 Loyd William Staggs 43
4 Jack Nimrod Fowler, II 880
4 Donnie W. Farley 879
5 Douglas Mack Roberts 16, 914
6 Talmadge Gene Self 421, 758
6 Van Kevin Tidwell, PGM 464
7 Michael Lee Boyles 464
8 Joshua David Young 209, 320

District Lecturers for Group III:

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District Name Lodge #
19 Jon Michael Taylor 596, 935
20 Randy Lee Davenport 783
21 Toney Lyle Horton 856, 935
22 Eric Jonathan Eddy 446, 886, 935
26 Richard Allen Schultz 559, 935
27 Gordon Gregory Durr, PGM 281, 906
28 William Geary Hewett, Jr. 148

District Lecturers for Group IV:

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District Name Lodge #
30 John J Hall, III 516, 656
31 Daniel Wesley Robinson 76, 119
32 Zachary Allen Holmes 119
33 John J Hall, IV 74, 516
34 James Harry Beasley 349, 908
35 Billy Wayne Wilkerson 548
36 Gene Thomas Nelson 908
37 Thomas Harper Nesbit 529
38 Joseph Allen Houston Brackin 466
39 Paul Junior Adams 170, 434, 605
39 Howard Stephenson Oliver 434

District Lecturers for Group V:

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District Name Lodge #
40 Bernie Clyde Raines, Sr. 301
41 Larry Wayne Stinson 64
42 Charlie William Crane, Jr 64, 270
43 Paul Riley Jackson 3, 226, 334
44 Billy Wayne Jackson 81, 226
45 Franklin Delano Ethridge 767, 895
45 Delton Earl Havard 895
45 Jake Orlan O'Rear, PM 899
45 Glen McNeil Thomas 917
46 Thomas Thurman Danner 142, 916
46 James Cleveland McGee 14, 598