Making Good Men, Better Men Since Time Immemorial
Making Good Men, Better Men Since Time Immemorial


Penson Rabon Graham, PGM 1962-1963

Penson Rabon Graham, PGM 1962-1963

Penson Rabon Graham was born September 11, 1914, near Deatsville, Autauga County, Alabama, the son of William E. and Catherine Bazzell Graham. He received his elementary education in the public schools of Autauga County, graduated from Sidney Lanier High School and entered Marion Military Institute. He joined the Montgomery Chapter of the Order of the DeMolay in 1931 and enlisted in the U. S. Air Force in 1935. For the past twenty years he has been with the Montgomery Fire Department and is presently serving as Captain in the Communication Division. He is a member of the Capitol Heights Methodist Church.

On January 17, 1937,-he married Miss Dora Nell McLauchlin of Florala, Alabama. To them has been born one daughter, Mrs. Burton M. Baldwin of Montgomery, Alabama and one son, William Rabon Graham, a student at Robert E. Lee High School. There are two granddaughters, Deborah and Constance Baldwin.

As for his Masonic record; he was initiated in Sam Gibbons Lodge No. 639 September 10, 1938, Passed to the Degree of Fellowcraft October 8, 1938 and Raised to the Sublime Degree of
Master Mason October 20; 1938. In-June 1939, he was elected and installed Senior Warden of Sam Gibbons Lodge No. 639. He affiliated with Oak Par k Lodge No. 864 July 19, .1940 and on
September 16, 1942 he affiliated with Montgomery Lodge No. 11. He served Montgomery Lodge No. 11 as Worshipful Master 1949 and 1950.

He received his Capitular Degrees in Montgomery Chapter No. 22, Royal Arch Masons March 9, 1944. He received the Cryptic Degrees in Montgomery Council No. 3, R. & S. M. March 16, 1944. He received the Orders of the Temple in Montgomery Commandery No. 4, Knights Templar April 13, 1944. He received the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite Degrees as follows: Fourth through Fourteenth Degrees—Mobile Lodge of Perfection October 1942, Affiliated with the” Montgomery Lodge of Perfection March 17, 1943. Received the Thirty-second Degree in the Montgomery Consistory May 20, 1949. He was initiated in Alcazar Temple AAONMS November 5, 1944, serving the Shrine as Secretary of the Alcazar Shrine Degree Team 1944-1960 and was elected a representative to the Imperial Shrine in New York City 1951. He was initiated in Montgomery Court No. 96 Royal Order of Jesters 1951. On August 14, 1944, he was initiated in Elizabeth Armstrong Chapter No. 10 Order of the Eastern Star, and served the Chapter as Associate Patron in 1948 and Worthy Patron in 1949-50.

He was Assistant Grand Sentinel for Grand Chapter O. E. S. 1948 and Chairman of the Decorating Committee for Grand Chapter O. E. S. 1950. He served on DeMolay Advisory Board 1939-40 and on the Rainbow Girls Advisory Board 1949-50. He received the Grand Cross of Color Degree O. R. G. in 1949.

From 1947-1959, he was Chairman of the Entertainment Committee for Grand Lodge F& A M He served as Senior Grand Steward M. W. G. L. F & A M State of Alabama 1950-51. He has been Grand Representative State of Utah 1953 through the present time. On November 18, 1959, he was elected Right Worshipful Junior Grand Warden of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Alabama and regularly advanced to Right Worshipful Senior Grand Warden, Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master and on November 21, 1962 was elected and installed Most Worshipful Grand Master.

The Grand Lodge of Alabama is most fortunate in having for its leader Grand Master Penson R. Graham of Montgomery. No more affable, friendly or kindly person has served the Grand Lodge in any capacity in recent years. For many sessions of the Grand Lodge he served as Chairman of Entertainment of Distinguished Guests and throughout the land he is known as Alabama Grand Lodge Ambassador of good will, and through his efforts he has established our people in the top category of hospitality, courtesy, and genuine friendliness. While good natured, easy going and pleasant, he is still firm and has proven himself to be an excellent administrator and fearless and worthy in the discharge of his duty as a Grand Line Officer and a member of the Board of Control of the Masonic Home. Toward this institution he has exemplified compassionate and steadfast interest, keen and genuine, for many years. His natural attributes and years of training have served him well and assuredly he will wisely employ his experience and good judgment in administering the affairs of the Grand Lodge for the ensuing year.

Arlis Richard Fant, PGM 1961-1962

Arlis Richard Fant, PGM 1961-1962

Arlis Richard Fant was born December 8, 1915, in Hamilton, Marion County, Alabama, the son of Donis A. and Ola Clark Fant. He was educated in the public schools of Marion County, Alabama. A welder by trade, he is now serving as Business Representative for the International Association of Machinists, Birmingham and Jefferson County, Alabama, Area.

He is a member of the First Baptist Church of Bessemer and has served as Deacon, Superintendent of his Sunday School Department, and is now President of the Men’s Bible Class and serves as a substitute teacher.

Mr. Fant married Miss Fannie Lou Holiday of Columbus, Mississippi, January 9, 1939. They have one daughter, Brenda Joyce Fant Taylor of Bessemer.

His Masonic record has been one of activity. He was Initiated in Brighton Lodge 595, Brighton, Alabama, May 15, 1945; Passed to the Degree of Fellowcraft May 30, 1945; and Raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason, June 5, 1945, and subsequently served the offices of Deacon, Wardens, and was Worshipful Master of his home Lodge in 1949 and 1950. He received his Capitular Degree in Bessemer Chapter No. 110, Royal Arch Masons, and served as High Priest in 1960-61. He received the Cryptic Degree in Woodlawn Council No. 71 in 1959. He is a member of Bessemer Commandery No. 35, and is the Generalissimo of his Commandery at this time. He is a member of Birmingham Scottish Rite Consistory, Zamora Temple Shrine, the” Fairfield Shrine Club, and the Order of the Eastern Star, Brighton Chapter No. 187. He served as Assistant District Lecturer in District 13-A in 1949-50, 1955-56-57, and Lecturer of the District in 1950-52. In November, 1958, he was elected Right Worshipful Junior Grand Warden, regularly advanced to Right Worshipful Senior Grand Warden, Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master, and on November 22, 1961, was elected and installed Most Worshipful Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Alabama, and is probably the youngest Grand Master of our State to assume office.

Brother Fant has worked tirelessly, faithfully and fruitfully in all of his assignments in Masonry at the constituent lodge level, among the neighboring lodges and in his Grand Lodge service, appointive and elective. Possessed of friendly and delightful personality, he loves and enjoys the company of his brethren and is always ready to give of his time, talents and substance and thereby enjoys an enviable reputation and position of respect throughout this Grand Jurisdiction as well as adjoining ones. He also enjoys the reputation of doing things and getting things done in. a pleasant and successful manner, and we doubt not that his year as Grand Master will be marked with efficiency and accomplishment.

Gordon L. Evatt, PGM 1960-1961

Gordon L. Evatt, PGM 1960-1961

Gordon Lee Evatt was born June 4, 1910, in Rising Fawn, Georgia, the son of Luther Eugene and Emma Hollifield Evatt.

He received his public schooling in Collinsville, graduating from the Collinsville High School as salutatorian of his class in May of 1929, and then entered Alverson Business College, Birmingham, graduating in the May, 1930, class of which he was president. For the past twenty years he has been Official Court Reporter of the Ninth Judicial Circuit of Alabama, serving the courts in DeKalb, Cherokee, Jackson and Marshall Counties, and for several years prior thereto was Treasurer of Public School Funds and bookkeeper in the office of the DeKalb County Superintendent of Education, being in public service offices for a total of twenty-seven years.

He is a member of the First Baptist Church, Fort Payne, and has served in many offices including that of Deacon, Church Treasurer, Training Union Director and assistant Teacher of the Baraca Class of more than 200 members.

He is a charter member and past president of the Fort Payne Lions Club and also served that club as Treasurer, Secretary and Director. He also holds membership in state and national Court Reporters Associations, and was president of the Alabama Association in 1956-57. He is a member of the Alabama Historical Society.

He married Miss Imogene Keys on May 4, 1939, and she has been a constant encourager and loyal supporter of his fraternal service.

He was initiated in Fort Payne Lodge No. 437 April 3, 1936, Passed to the Degree of Fellow Craft April 17, 1936, and Raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason April 24, 1936, and subsequently served the offices of Secretary, Wardens and as Worshipful Master in 1939-40. He has been Secretary of the DeKalb County Masonic Conference for twenty-two years.

He received his Capitular Degrees in Woodlawn Chapter No. 146 Royal Arch Masons April 3, 1943 and later demitted to the revived Fort Payne Chapter No. 107. He received the Cryptic Degrees in Woodlawn Council No. 71 April 17, 1943. He received the Orders of the Temple in Woodlawn Commander y No. 31 Knights Templar April 24, 1943, later affiliating as a charter member of Fort Payne Commandery No. 46, K. T. and served as Eminent Commander. Since September 15 Bro. Evatt has filled an interim appointment as Acting Grand Secretary-Recorder of the York Rite Grand Bodies. He was initiated in Zamora Temple AAONMS, Birmingham, June 13, 1943. He was selected and initiated in St. Dunstan’s Conclave No. 57 Order of the Red Cross of Constantine, Birmingham, February 4, 1958, and is currently serving as Herald. He received the Scottish Rite Degrees in the Lodge of Perfection, Valley of Huntsville, in March of 1960, and the remainder of the Scottish Rite through the Thirty-Second Degree in the Valley of Birmingham in October, 1960. He was initiated in Fort Payne Chapter No. 414 Order of the Eastern Star, and served as Worthy Patron, and as Chairman of the By-Laws Committee of the Grand Chapter in its Golden Anniversary year 1949-50. He is a charter member of Bethlehem Shrine No. 6, Order of the White Shrine of Jerusalem, Gadsden.

He served the Grand Lodge for nine years as Chairman of the Credentials Committee, one year as associate member and five years as Chairman of the Jurisprudence Committee. In November, 1957, he was elected Right Worshipful Junior Grand Warden, regularly advanced to Right Worshipful Senior Grand Warden, Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master, and on November 23, 1960, was elected and installed Most Worshipful Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Alabama.

The Masons of Alabama were fortunate in having an opportunity to elevate to their highest office one who possesses the experience, knowledge, and Christian virtues of this noble citizen from Ft. Payne. It was with an indomitable spirit and undaunted courage that he conquered the ravages of a physical impairment suffered in youth, and it will be with these same sterling and persevering qualities plus an amazing capacity for leadership that he will handle and solve the intricate and complex problems confronting the Grand Lodge of Alabama. Despite his personal attainments and earned titles, he delights in being addressed as “Gordon.” His friendly demeanor is so warm and sincere as to inspire devoted attachments. To sum it all up in one sufficing statement, it would have been difficult indeed to select a worthier set of shoulders on which to drape the Purple of our Fraternity.

James Levi Lawson, PGM 1959-1960

James Levi Lawson, PGM 1959-1960

James L. (Jimmy) Lawson was born May 2,1899, at the Lawson home, one mile from Lawson’s Bridge, on Pea River, in Pike County, Alabama. His parents were the late Mr. A. L. Lawson and Mrs. Emma Dozier Lawson, both of whom were descendants of pioneer families. Jimmy Lawson grew up on a farm where agriculture and nature lore were an intimate part of his background. He attended a one-room, one-teacher school in the Myers community. After teaching a country school for one year, he attended Business College in Montgomery and then volunteered for army service in World War I. He was in active combat service, beginning with the St. Mihiel drive, and ending with the Armistice on November 11, 1918. He was selected from his unit to attend the A. E. F. University, Beaune, France, returning from Beaune in time to be discharged from the service and enter the Alabama Polytechnic Institute at Auburn in the fall of 1919. While a student at Auburn, Jimmy was actively affiliated with almost every facet of student activity. He was an active member of the Alpha Gamma Rho fraternity, served as a student class officer, was President of the Y. M. C. A., and was a member of Spades, Phi Kappa Phi, Gamma Sigma Delta, Alpha Phi Epsilon, and a member of the debating team of the Wilsonian Literary Society.

After graduation from Auburn in the spring of 1923, Jimmy worked with the Veteran’s Administration until January 16, 1924, when he became County Agent of Marengo County, Alabama. After two years service in Marengo, he was transferred to the same position in Hale County where he remained as County Agent until March 1, 1937. At that time, Brother Lawson and his family moved from their home in Greensboro to Auburn where he began work as District Agent for the A. P. I. Extension Service. He later served as Assistant Director and Associate Director of the Extension Service, holding the latter position until February, 1959. Brother Lawson still remains with the Extension Service, with his home and headquarters in Auburn.

In October, 1925, Jimmy was married to Mabel Taylor Yerby, the daughter of the late Editor William E. W. Yerby of the Greensboro Watchman. Three children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Lawson. Susan Lawson Birch, the wife of Dr. W. E. Birch, lives in Wendell, North Carolina. Mabel Yerby Lawson, II, died in an automobile accident in 1949, and Jimmy Lawson, Jr., makes his home at present with his parents in Auburn. Mr. and Mrs. Lawson have one grandson, David Elliott Birch of Wendell, North Carolina. Mr. Lawson is a member of the Methodist Church and served for many years as a Steward in the Auburn Methodist Church.

Jimmy was initiated in Auburn Lodge No. 76 while a senior at Auburn and was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason prior to his graduation in the spring of 1923. His membership was again returned to the Auburn Lodge soon after he moved to Auburn in 1937. He became an active member of the lodge and took a leading part in securing an adequate lodge hall and other accommodations for the Auburn Lodge and affiliated organizations. He is a Past Master of the Auburn Lodge and has been active in degree work. In 1951, Brother Lawson was appointed Chairman of the Farm Committee of the Grand Lodge. Since then he has worked actively with the Grand Masters, Board of Control, and Superintendents of the Masonic Home. The 276 acres of land at the Home not used for buildings and recreational purposes has been cleared and used to produce milk, meat, eggs, and vegetables for consumption at the Home. The first job in 1951 was to get the land cleared and drained to make it usable for agricultural purposes and to get rid of insects being raised on marshy areas. The dairy herd on the Farm is being constantly improved through a good breeding program. Surplus food products are sold on the local market, providing funds to assist in the operation of the Home. Brother Lawson’s agricultural training and administrative experience have been reflected in the operation of the Masonic Home and Farm in Montgomery.

In November, 1956, Brother Lawson was elected R. W. Junior Grand Warden of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Alabama and has been regularly advanced since that date and on November 18, 1959, was elected and installed Most Worshipful Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Alabama.

He was initiated in Auburn Lodge No. 76 on February 16, 1923, Passed to the degree of Fellow Craft on March 17, 1923, and Raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason on May 5, 1923. He demitted from Auburn Lodge No. 76 on March 17, 1924 and affiliated with St. Albans Lodge No. 22 on March 25, 1924 from Auburn Lodge No. 76, demitted from St. Albans Lodge No. 22 on December 26, 1926; affiliated with LaFayette Lodge No. 26 on April 10, 1927 and demitted June 10, 1941 and affiliated with Auburn Lodge No. 76 by demit from LaFayette Lodge No. 26, on July 28, 1941. He served as Worshipful Master of Auburn Lodge No. 76 from June, 1945 to June, 1946.

He received his Capitular degrees in Myles J. Greene Chapter No. 80 R. A. M. as follows: Mark Master, October 6, 1959; Past Master, October 6, 1959; Most Excellent Master, October 20, 1959; Royal Arch, November 3, 1959.
He received the Cryptic degrees in Chattahoochee Council No. 83 R. & S. M. on January 23, 1960. He received the Orders of the Temple on November 25,1959, in Opelika Commandery No. 28, K. T. He was initiated in Alcazar Temple A. A. O. N. M. S. in Montgomery on December 4, 1959. He was initiated in Auburn Chapter No. 57, Order of the Eastern Star, on August 7, 1941.

Jimmy, as he is affectionately known to a host of friends, is affable and kind, faithful and devoted to his duties. He is sincere and honest in his motives and in every position of trust or service to which he has been called, he has proved himself “a workman that needeth not to be ashamed.”

Robert Rufus Berryman, PGM 1958-1959

Robert Rufus Berryman, PGM 1958-1959

“Brother Robert Rufus Berryman was born near Town Creek, Lawrence County, Ala., February 25, 1902, the son of William A.. and Octavia Masterson Berryman. He received his education in the public schools of Lawrence and Colbert Counties, graduating from Colbert County High School, Leighton, Alabama in 1919. After receiving a teacher’s certificate by extension classes from the University of Alabama, he taught five years in Lawrence County Schools.  In 1924 he was appointed rural letter-carrier and remained in that capacity until his retirement from Civil Service in 1956. In 1958, he was engaged in the Insurance Business, and a member of the State Senate, representing the second senatorial district of Lawrence and Morgan Counties.

He was a Deacon in the Town Creek Baptist Church, a member of the Civitan Club and for many years he was an active worker with the Boy Scouts of America. He married Miss Kylie Terry of Courtland, Alabama on April 6, 1928. They had one son, William Clinton Berryman, who served as Grand Orator in 1958.

Brother Robert was initiated in Town Creek Lodge, No. 361 on October 23, 1924, Passed to the degree of Fellow Craft November 13, 1924, and Raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason November 27, 1924. He served as Worshipful Master 1938-39 and again in 1941-42. A new Masonic hall was built during his term as Worshipful Master.

He received his Capitular degrees in Decatur Chapter No. 38 R.A.M. as follows: M. M. September 7,1928, P.M. and M.E.M., September 14, 1926 and R.A.M. on September 21, 1928. He received the Orders of the Temple in DeMolay Commandery No. 14 K.T. as follows: R. C. and Malta Dec. 6, 1951, Order of Temple Jan. 17, 1952. He was initiated in Zamora Temple
A.A.O.N.M.S., Birmingham, Alabama on May 30, 1953. He was initiated in Town Creek Chapter No. 249, O.E.S., on February 15, 1927 and served as Worthy Patron, 1929-30, 1930-31, 1940-41, and 1944-45. He was a charter member of North Alabama Shrine No. 7, Order of the White Shrine of Jerusalem, Decatur, Alabama, which was organized March 24, 1948, and is
a Past Watchman of Shepherds.

He served the Grand Lodge as District Lecturer, Member of the Committee on Work, and various other capacities in the Grand Lodge. In 1939-40, Brother Ency Yealding appointed him Junior Grand Deacon of the Grand Lodge. On November 23, 1955, he was elected R. W. Junior Grand Warden of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Alabama. He was regularly advanced and on November 19, 1958, he was elected and installed Most Worshipful Grand Master.

As a Mason, he exemplified the highest principles of the Craft in his daily life, and he is noted for his sterling integrity in dealing with matters pertaining to his official duties.

Bro. Berryman died July 9, 1969.”

Eely Elbert Jackson, PGM 1957-1958

Eely Elbert Jackson, PGM 1957-1958

“Eely Elbert Jackson was born at Searcy, Butler County, Alabama on Jan. 12, 1900, the son of William Andrew and Eugenia M. Jackson. When he was one year old, his parents moved to Honoraville, Crenshaw County, Alabama where he spent his boyhood days and received his education in the public schools of that community. On Nov. 28, 1928 he married Miss Ruth Cumbie of Greenville, Alabama. They were blessed with two sons, Wallace Lamar and Eely Elbert, Jr. He was a member of Capital Heights Baptist Church of Montgomery, Alabama.

Bro. Jackson was initiated in Honoraville Lodge No. 251 on Dec.1, 1923, passed to the Degree of Fellow Craft on Dec. 17, 1923 and Raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason Feb. 3, 1924. He was elected Junior Deacon of Honoraville Lodge June 1924 and was elected Junior Warden in June 1925. On Aug. 31, 1925 he moved to Greenville, Alabama, and transferred his membership to Eureka Lodge No. 64. He served the Lodge as Worshipful Master in 1934 and again in 1941. In Dec. 1942 he moved to Montgomery, Alabama and transferred his membership to Keystone Lodge No. 778.

He received the Capitular Degrees in Montgomery Chapter No. 22 R. A. M. on February 1950 and served the Chapter as Excellent High Priest in 1951-52; the Cryptic Degrees in Montgomery Council No. 3, R. & S.M. on November 1953; the Orders of the Temple in Montgomery Commandery No. 4, K. T. by special dispensation from the Grand Commander at the Grand Commandery meeting in Mobile, Alabama on April 25, 1951. He was elected as Eminent Commander in 1955. He received the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite Degrees as follows: 4th through 14th Degrees, Montgomery Lodge of Perfection, May 21, 1953, 15th through 18th Degrees, Montgomery Chapter Rose Croix, April 27, 1955, 19th through 30th Degrees, Montgomery Council of Kadosh, May 12, 1955, 31st through 32nd Degrees, Montgomery Consistory, May 12, 1955. He was initiated in Alcazar Temple A.A. O. N. M. S. in the Spring Ceremonial of 1957. On October 7, 1947, he was initiated in Liberty Chapter No. 254, Order of the Eastern Star and served the Chapter as Worthy Patron in 1952-53.

He served as District Lecturer for many years and as a member of the Committee on Work and in 1952 was appointed Worshipful Junior Grand Deacon, by Most Worshipful Grand Master Brother Southall. On November 17, 1954 he was elected Right Worshipful Junior Grand Warden of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Alabama, was regularly advanced and on November 20, 1957 he was elected and installed Most Worshipful Grand Master.

Eely Elbert Jackson had appointed a Planning Committee as early as 1957 with Dr. William E. Goodwin as Chairman to study the Grand Lodge total program. They recommended to Grand Master Evatt in 1961 a master plan to centralize the Masonic Home activities and expand them eventually to a colony that would include housing for Masons and their families who may not be confined to the Masonic Home. On November 22, 1961, he was elected Right Worshipful Grand Treasurer and served in this office until November 19, 1980, a period of nineteen years. Bro. Jackson passed away May 23, 1991.”

Carl Charles Cooper, PGM 1956-1957

Carl Charles Cooper, PGM 1956-1957

Charles Cooper was born July 5, 1908 in Chilton County, near Mountain Creek, Alabama; the son of Charles Cooper and Laura Miller Cooper. His boyhood was spent in Marbury and Verbena, Alabama. He received his education in the public schools of Marbury, Verbena and Lanett, Alabama. At an early age, he became interested in the building business, first as a bricklayer in 1924. Since 1938 he has been in the General Contracting Business, having erected many fine buildings throughout the State.

In September, 1928 he moved to Selma, Alabama and on June 21, 1929 he was happily married to Miss Ruby Wood of Selma, Alabama. They were blessed with three children: Mrs. H. J. Riley, Thomas Eugene Cooper and Linda Marie Cooper.

He was an active Deacon in the First Baptist Church of Selma and enjoyed the privilege of leading the singing in his Sunday School Class.

He was initiated in Selma Fraternal Lodge No. 27 on February 24, 1947, passed to the degree of Fellow Craft March 10, 19447, and was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason on March 17, 1947. He was elected Senior Warden of the Lodge in June 1947 and was elected and served the Lodge as Worshipful Master from June 24, 1948 to June 24, 1949. He received the Capitular degrees in Montgomery Council Royal and Select Masters No. 3, on March 19, 1954. He received the Orders of The Temple in Selma Commandery No. 5, Knights Templar on November 8, 1947. He was initiated in Alcazar Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S. on November 25, 1947. He was initiated in Dallas Chapter No. 184, Order of the Eastern Star on August 14, 1947.

He was appointed District Lecturer of the 24th District, Group 5, on November 17, 1948 by now Past Grand Master J. Clifton Roe and he served in that capacity until November 22, 1950 when he was appointed a member of the Committee on Work, Group 5, by now Past Grand Master, Franklin W. Parks, and served as a member of the Committee on Work until November 18, 1953 when he was elected Right Worshipful Junior Grand Warden. He was regularly advanced and on November 21, 1956 was elected and installed Most Worshipful Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Alabama.

In all his undertakings he has made a success and served with honors whenever entrusted with responsibility whether it was in his Church, Civic, or Fraternal duties. Brother Carl Charles Cooper passed away March 20, 1978.”

Troy Leander Nunn, PGM 1955-1956

Troy Leander Nunn, PGM 1955-1956

The subject of this sketch was born February 23, 1898 on a farm near the little town in which he now resides, Hartselle, Morgan County, Alabama, the son of Mattie Callaway Nunn and the late Samuel Nunn. His boyhood days were spent in a wholesome atmosphere among the people of sterling qualities and high ideals. He received his education in the public schools of Morgan County. At an early age he decided to leave the farm and seek employment elsewhere, and for several years working at various jobs until 1923 when he was employed by the Louisville and Nashville Railroad in the Building Department. During the next fourteen years he “was thus employed and was located in many States in the South and East which made it possible for him to meet many people in all walks of life, thereby enabling him to better understand the problems which confront the people of his native Southland. In 1937 he decided to return to his home town of Hartselle, Alabama and go into the Jewelry business. He has enjoyed a successful business in this field for more than eighteen years, but most of all, he enjoys and values his many friends made during the years spent in his home town.

He is an active member of the First Baptist Church of Hartselle and a member of the Chamber of Commerce. He is also past president of the Rotary Club and is at present, serving as Chairman of the City Council. He was elected to this position three years ago, and enjoys the respect and admiration of a host of acquaintances.

Brother Troy L. Nunn was initiated in Hartselle Lodge No. 398 F& A M on June 23, 1939, passed on July 18, 1939 and raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason on August 1, 1939, He was elected and served the Lodge as Worshipful Master from June 1940 to June 1943. He was elected and served Hartselle Chapter No. 39, Order of the Eastern Star as Worthy Patron from June 1940 to June 1941. He is a member of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite for the Southern Jurisdiction, Alabama Consistory No. 1, Valley of Birmingham, having received his 32nd degree on April 5, 1946. He is a member of Zamora Temple A. A. O N . M. S. having been initiated May 18, 1946 and is now a member of the Decatur Shrine Club.

John William Preddy, PGM 1954-1955

John William Preddy, PGM 1954-1955

John William Preddy was born September 7, 1909 in Nashville, Tennessee and is the son of Fred A. Preddy and Jessie Waters Preddy. He was educated in the public schools of Birmingham, Alabama. He joined the United States Navy in 1925 and remained in the service until December, 1933. From December 1933 to December of 1934 he worked at T. C. I. On December 13, 1934 he went to work for the Birmingham Police Department where he has remained ever since.

He is a member of the Central Park Methodist Church.

He married Miss Helen Brunton of Charlottesville, Virginia on August 25, 1936, and to them has been born a daughter, Miss Valeria Ann Preddy, a student at Central Park Elementary
School at Birmingham, Alabama.

John William Preddy was initiated in Fairview Lodge No. 644 F. & A. M., Birmingham, Alabama on April 16, 1940, passed on April 30, 1940 and raised on May 14, 1940. He was elected
and served the Lodge as Worshipful Master from June 24, 1943 to June 24, 1944. On retiring as Master, he was elected and served the Lodge as Secretary from 1944 to 1951.

He received the Scottish Rite degrees, Valley of Birmingham, Orient of Alabama in 1944. He is past Venerable Master of the Lodge of Perfection, Past Wise Master of the Chapter of Rose Croix and is Commander of Council of Kadosh and Marshal in Alabama Consistory. He received the Knights Commander Court of Honor on October 16, 1951. He was exalted to the most sublime degree of Royal Arch Masonry in Woodlawn Chapter No. 146 on November 7, 1953;
was received and Greeted as a member of Woodlawn Council No. 71 Royal and Select Masters on November 21, 1953 and was Knighted in Woodlawn Commandery K. T. on May 15, 1954.
He is a member of Mary Echols Chapter No. 125 O. E. S. and is a member of Zamora Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S. of Birmingham, Alabama.

He was elected and served the Grand Lodge of F. & A. M. of Alabama as Grand Tiler in November 1948 and served in that office until November 9, 1951 when he was elected Junior Grand Warden of the Grand Lodge F. & A. M. of Alabama. He was regularly advanced and on November 17, 1954 was elected and installed Most Worshipful Grand Master.

He is a man of great sterling worth, distinguished for his solid common sense, understanding and good judgment and he is loved by all who know him for his kind and tender heart,
and loyalty to his friends and principles.
[Grand Masters of The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Free & Accepted Masons The State of Alabama 1821-2008 by Donna R. Causey]

Leonard Stacy Terry, PGM 1953-1954

Leonard Stacy Terry, PGM 1953-1954

“Leonard Stacy Terry the son of L. Clint Terry and Susie Goodwin Terry, was born May 24, 1898 near Courtland, Lawrence County, Alabama. He was educated in the public schools of Lawrence County. He was appointed as rural letter carrier on Route No. 1, Courtland, Alabama, at the age of 19. In 1919, he transferred to Route No. 2, Hillsboro, Alabama. He was a Steward in the Hillsboro Methodist Church.

He married Miss Catherine Bailey of Hillsboro, Alabama on June 21, 1922 and to them was born a son, Bailey Terry and a daughter, Miss Julia Sue Terry. Leonard Stacy Terry was initiated in Courtland Lodge No. 37 on July 14, 1919, Passed Aug.14, 1919, and Raised on Sep.9, 1919. After serving in various stations, he served as Master for the year 1929-30 and Secretary in 1953. He was exalted as a Royal Arch Mason in Decatur Chapter No. 38, Decatur, Alabama, on November 17, 1921 and served as High Priest of that Chapter for the year 1934-35. He was anointed, consecrated and set apart to the Holy Order of High Priesthood on December 2, 1935. He was Knighted in DeMolay Commandery No. 14 K.T. of Decatur, Alabama on December 6, 1951 and was a member of Zamora Temple A.A.O.N.M.S. of Birmingham, Alabama, having been initiated on May 30, 1953. He was initiated into Town Creek Chapter O.E.S. No. 249 on August 16, 1926, and served as Worthy Patron in 1931-32. When Courtland Chapter No. 498 was organized in 1951, he demitted from Town Creek and affiliated with Courtland. His zeal, faithfulness and devotion to the Masonic Fraternity has been proven by service throughout the years. He served the Grand Lodge of Alabama as District Lecturer and a member and Chairman of the Committee on Work.

On November 22, 1950, he was elected Junior Grand Warden, and successively advanced each year to the station of Grand Master in 1953.

“Brother Leonard Stacy Terry died in Starkville, Mississippi, March 4, 1976. He served as Superintendent of the Alabama Masonic Home 1962-1967.

He was one of the most faithful, steadfast and honorable Masons of our State. We all are made poorer by his leaving us.”

Joseph Spangler Southhall, PGM 1952-1953

Joseph Spangler Southhall, PGM 1952-1953

Joseph Spangler Southall, was born April 20, 1889, at Sunny-South, Wilcox County, Alabama, the son of Alexander M. and Alma Spangler Southall. He was educated in the public schools of Wilcox County, moving at the age of 10 years to Mobile where he continued his education at Barton Academy. He has been connected with Industrial and Mill Supply Houses as a factory representative since 1910.

He is a member of the All Saints Episcopal Church in Mobile, Alabama.  On April 24, 1911 he married Miss Irma I. Steber of Mobile. The union has been blessed with four children: one son, Joseph S. Southall, Jr., New Orleans, Louisiana; three daughters: Myrtle  (Mrs. William Wallace, Jr.), Mobile, Alabama; Irma Inez (Mrs. Robert F. Flinn), Mobile, Alabama, and Betty Carolyn (Mrs. Harvey N. Blakeney), Mobile, Alabama, and one granddaughter, Marilyn Flinn, Mobile, Alabama.

Joseph Spangler Southall was initiated in Athelstan Lodge No. 369 of Mobile, Alabama on April 5, 1919, Passed on May 3, 1919 and. Raised on May 14, 1919. He was elected and served
the Lodge as Worshipful Master in 1923-24.

He received the Capitular Degrees in Mobile Chapter No. 21 R. A. M. on January 28, 1921.  He was received and Greeted in Mobile Council No. 12 R. & S. M. on July 21, 1921. He was Knighted in Mobile Commandery No. 2 K. T. on July 1, 1921. He was initiated in Abba Temple A. A. O. N. M. S. on April 11, 1923 and is a Charter member of Al. Hassen Grotto. He was initiated in Veritas Chapter No. 175 O. E. S. on November 28,1922 and served as Worthy Patron in 1924-25. He demitted from that Chapter and became a Charter member of Birdie  Winston Chapter No. 391 in 1929. He was elected and served the Grand Chapter O. E. S. of Alabama as Worthy Grand Patron in 1930-31. He was later elected and served the Birdie Winston Chapter No. 391 as Worthy Patron in 1943-44.

For many years he served the Grand Lodge of F. & A. M. of Alabama as a District Lecturer and a member of the Committee on Work. On November 23, 1949 Brother Southall was elected Junior Grand Warden of the M. W. Grand Lodge F. & A. M. of Alabama and was regularly advanced and on November 19, 1952 was elected and installed Most Worshipful Grand Master.

He is a man of cheerful disposition, quick to make friends, zealous in the interest of Masonry and well known for his solid common sense, fine understanding and good judgment. Brother “Joe” is loved by all who know him for his generosity and loyalty to his friends and principles.
[Grand Masters of The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Free & Accepted Masons The State of Alabama 1821-2008 by Donna R. Causey]

William Lipsey Legg, PGM 1951-1952

William Lipsey Legg, PGM 1951-1952

William Lipsey Legg was born April 30, 1897 at Jasper, Walker County, Alabama, the son of Albert Brown Legg and Lizzie Lipsey Legg. He was educated in the public schools of Jasper, Alabama and graduated from Walker County High School in 1915. During World War I he served in Battery C, Fourth Field Artillery and is a charter member of Woods-Smith Post No. 9
of the American Legion.

Since his youth he has been engaged in the mortuary and insurance business with his father and brothers, he is Secretary-Treasurer of A. B. Legg & Sons Company, Inc. and of A. B. Legg
& Sons Burial Insurance Company, Inc. of Jasper, Alabama.  He is a member of the First Methodist Church of Jasper and at the present time is a Trustee of that church and a member of the Board of Stewards.

On April 23, 1923 he was married to Minnie Lane McDonald and to them have been born three children, Dorothy Lane (Mrs. Martin J. Wiman), William Lipsey, Jr., and Florence (Mrs. M.
L. Mathews, Jr.) .

William Lipsey Legg was initiated in York Lodge No. 211 of Jasper, Alabama on April 4, 1922, passed on May 2, 1922 and raised June 6, 1922. After having filled all the chairs in this Lodge he was elected Worshipful Master in 1930. He was again elected Worshipful Master in 1944 and again in 1945. In 1944 he was appointed District Lecturer of the Fourteenth Masonic District comprised of Walker and Fayette Counties and served continuously in this capacity until his election as Junior Grand Warden.

He received the Capitular Degrees in Jasper Chapter No. 118 on October 5,1928 and is Past High Priest of that Chapter. He was made a member of Jasper Council No. 70 on November 9, 1928, he is a member of Cyrene Commandery No. 10, K. T. and Zamora Temple A. A. O. N. M. S. of Birmingham. He was initiated into the Eastern Star in Jasper Chapter No. 17 on June 8, 1944.

Brother Legg is peculiarly fitted for the Office of Grand Master. He brings to the office a long experience as a business administrator. In his career as a Worshipful Master and District
Lecturer he has been most thorough and diligent, being satisfied with nothing less than perfection. Withal, he is calm and courteous and considerate of all with whom he comes in contact.