Making Good Men, Better Men Since Time Immemorial
Making Good Men, Better Men Since Time Immemorial


Franklin Warren Parks, PGM 1950-1951

Franklin Warren Parks, PGM 1950-1951

“Franklin Warren Parks, born January 11, 1898, at Brundidge (Pike County), Alabama, the son of Franklin Butler Parks and Alice Harden Parks, was educated in the public schools of Pike County.

He served in the 1st World War during the years 1917-1919, spending 15 months overseas in France and Belgium.

In 1920 he came to Montgomery and attended Massey’s Business College. He made his home in Montgomery and operated a Decorating business.

He married Miss Mae Schoefield of Crenshaw County on August 2nd, 1922, and to their union three children, William P., Joseph Robert and Patricia Ann were born. He was a member of the Capitol Heights Methodist Church in Montgomery.

Brother Parks was initiated an E.A. in Keystone Lodge No. 778 A.F. & A. M. at Montgomery, Alabama on January 12, 1937, passed to degree of Fellowcraft on January 26, 1937, was raised to Sublime Degree of Mason on February 23, 1937. He was elected Junior Deacon in 1939 and served as Worshipful Master of his lodge during the year 1941-42. He was appointed Assistant District Lecturer of the 21st Masonic District in 1940, and District Lecturer in 1941-42-43. He served as a member on Committee on Work in 1945-46-47. He was appointed as Grand Representative of the Grand Lodge of Western Australia in 1947. He was elected Junior Grand Warden, November 1947. Brother PARKS received the Scottish Rite degree in May 1939, served as Venable Master, Sept. 19, 1945 to Feb. 5, 1947, received 32nd degree K.C.C.H. on Oct. 21, 1947. He was made a member of Alcazar Temple, A.A.O.N.M.S., Montgomery, Alabama May 26, 1939 and was exalted to the Most Sublime Degree of R.A.M. on July 10, 1945 in Montgomery Chapter No. 22. He was received and acknowledged a R. & S. M. on March 4, 1948 in Montgomery Council No. 3. Brother PARKS was Knighted a K.T. in Montgomery Commandery K. T. No. 4 on March 8, 1948. He was a Charter Member of the Past Master Association in Montgomery and was initiated in Hinda Grotto March 15, 1941 where he served as Monarch during the year 1942. He received the degrees of the Order of the Eastern Star in Elizabeth Armstrong Chapter No. 10, Montgomery, in 1948.

In the fraternal circles of the State he was held in the highest esteem, attested by the fact that he was honored by the highest office in the gift of his fraternal brethren. Socially he was one of the most genial and companionable of men and numbers among his close personal friends, men in every walk and station in life. Grand Master PARKS was capable and honest, and noted for his sterling integrity in dealing with all matters pertaining to his official duties, endeavoring at all times to follow our teachings Do good unto all; recommend it more especially “to the household of the faithful.”

Brother Parks passed away March 13, 1966 following a sudden seizure at a Shrine Dinner in honor of the Imperial Potentate.”

William Joseph Nash, PGM 1949-1950

William Joseph Nash, PGM 1949-1950

William Joseph Nash, PGM 1949-1950

“William Joseph Nash, son of REV. William Nash and Martha Ann Ford Nash, was born at Highmound in Blount County, Alabama, June 28, 1909. He was educated in the Public Schools of Blount County, Alabama, attended Howard College, Birmingham, Alabama, then transferred and graduated from Jacksonville, Alabama. He taught in the High Schools of Calhoun County, Alabama for five years.

He returned to Oneonta, Alabama as Assistant Manager of The Nash Abstract and Investment Company, Inc. In 1933 he was appointed Judge of Inferior Court of Blount County, Alabama to fill an unexpired term and was elected to serve four more terms of four years. He was re-elected January 15, 1949. Bro. Nash was appointed City Clerk, Treasurer and Engineer on October 1, 1934 and held that position until his resignation on October 1, 1947. He was issued an Engineering License as Civil Engineer by the State of Alabama on July 1st, 1947 and accepted an appointment as District Manager of the Birmingham District of the Woodmen of the World Life Insurance Society of Omaha, Nebraska.

On August 24, 1929, he married Miss Mary Edna Conkle of Oxford, Alabama and to their union two children, Sara Ann and William Robert Nash, were born. He was a member of the Missionary Baptist Church and served as President of B.T.U., Church Choir, Sunday School Supt., Church Clerk and Clerk of the Blount County Baptist Association. During World War II, he served as Chairman of Blount County Chapter of the American Red Cross, Chairman of the War Chest, Chairman of War Bond and Finance Committee and County Director of Civilian Defense. He was District Chairman of Choceolocio Council, Boy Scouts of America, and a Past Scout Master in that Council. Bro Nash was a member and Past President of the Oneonta Civitan Club, member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and a Past Noble Grand, member of the Woodmen of the World, a Past Consul Commander and Past Head Advisor of The Head Camp, W. O. W., State of Alabama.

Bro. Nash was initiated an E. A. in Oneonta Lodge No. 324, A. F. & A. M. on December 20, 1935, passed to the Degree of Fellowcraft on January 10, 1936 and was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason on January 24, 1936; was elected and installed Worshipful Master of his lodge, June 24, 1938, only a little more than two years after he was raised. In 1938, he was
appointed Assistant Lecturer for the Ninth District, and in 1939, he was named District Lecturer. He was elected and installed Right Worshipful Junior Grand Warden, November 20, 1946, and elevated to the Grand East on November 23, 1949.

“As a Mason he has exemplified the highest principles of the Craft in his daily life. His attentive ear was ever open to the call of distressed brethren, their widows and orphans, ever ready to use his best endeavors for them and the good of Masonry in general.”

Brother Nash passed away July 21, 1950 while in office as Most Worshipful Grand Master of Free and Accepted Masons of Alabama.”

Joseph Clifton Roe, PGM 1948-1949

Joseph Clifton Roe, PGM 1948-1949

“Joseph Clifton Roe was born September 23, 1893, on a farm near Newburg in Franklin County, Alabama, the son of Frank Sykes Roe and Lucy Tubb Roe. He was educated in the public schools of Franklin County and the State Teachers College at Florence, Alabama. He taught five years in Lawrence and Franklin Counties.

In World War I, he served in the United States Navy. Beginning as City Carrier, he was employed in the Post Office at Russellville, Alabama October 1, 1919 and became Assistant Postmaster by 1948. He married Miss Rhoda Hargett on July 5th, 1920 and was a member of the First Baptist Church, Russellville, Alabama.

He was initiated in Newburg Lodge No. 388, on November 3, 1917, passed December 1, 1917, and raised January 5, 1918. On returning from service, he was elected Senior Warden, June 1919. He demitted from Newburg Lodge, July 2, 1921 and affiliated with Russellville Lodge No. 371 on September 3, 1921. After having filled the chairs in this Lodge, he was elected Worshipful Master in June 1926.

He received the Capitular degrees in Tuscumbia Chapter No. 10, Royal Arch Masons, May 15, 1924. Brother Roe was a charter member of Russellville Chapter No. 164, R.A.M., organized May 20, 1925 and was Past High Priest of the Chapter. He received the Cryptic Degrees in Young S. Harrington Council No. 74, Florence, Alabama on November 19, 1945. Brother Roe received the Orders of Red Cross and Malta on October 11, 1944 and the Order of the Temple on October 18, 1944 in DeMolay Commandery of Knights Templar No. 14 of Decatur, Alabama. On December 6, 1945 he demitted from this Commandery and affiliated with Florence Commandery No. 39, Florence, Alabama. He was a member of Zamora Temple, A. A. O.N.M.S., of Birmingham, Alabama, having been initiated December 9, 1944. In the Order of the Eastern Star, he was a Charter member of Russellville Chapter No. 256, organized June 22, 1920 and was Past Patron of the Chapter. He was a charter member of North Alabama Shrine No. 7 White Shrine of Jerusalem, Decatur, Alabama organized March 24, 1948.

In the Grand Lodge of Alabama, he was appointed District Lecturer of the Fourth District on December 6, 1940, and served in that capacity until December 6, 1944 when he was elected Junior Grand Warden. He was regularly advanced and on November 17, 1948 was elected Most Worshipful Grand Master.

His record of Service as a line officer was one of faithfulness and ever present readiness to do what was asked of him. His friendly and delightful personality endeared him to all Masons wherever he visited. He had the faculty of getting things done in a manner of making the craft enjoy their labors, thereby creating a wholesome, happy and united Fraternity.” Lxxvi [1948 Pro] [Grand Masters of The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Free & Accepted Masons The State of Alabama 1821-2008 by Donna R. Causey]

Irving Eugene Farmer, PGM 1947-1948

Irving Eugene Farmer, PGM 1947-1948

“Brother Farmer was born April 9, 1902 on a farm near Collinsville, Dekalb County, Alabama, the son of Eugene and Lucy Plukett Farmer. He was educated in the public schools of Dekalb County, Alabama. In 1926 he moved to Fort Payne where he established business connections and lived until his death.

On January 3, 1931, he married Miss Minda Ann Safford of Lebanon, Alabama. He was a member of the First Baptist Church of Fort Payne, Alabama.

Brother Farmer was a faithful and zealous worker in Masonry. He first entered Masonry in Van Buren Lodge No. 355 at Collinsville on December 28, 1923, passed January 11, 1924 and raised January 25, 1924. After having filled all the chairs, he served as Worshipful Master in 1927. Later he moved his membership to Fort Payne Lodge No. 437. He held membership in the York Rite Bodies, Eastern Star and Zamora Temple. For several years he served as District Lecturer, Member and Chairman of the Committee on Work. In 1942 he was elected Junior Grand Warden and being regularly advanced, in November 1947 he was elected Grand Master.

Bro. Farmer began a renewed consciousness in money matters for Masonry in Alabama, especially in his main project, the Endowment Fund. He took an inventory of the herd, livestock, and poultry at the 276 acre Masonic Home and strongly recommended a building expansion program.

As we share his loss with his wonderful Wife of 41 years, Minda, we are reminded that in the midst of life we are in death, and may we so live and act that we may be fittingly prepared to die when the hour of our departure is at hand thereby again meeting our loved ones in that “Beautiful Land Far Beyond the Sky”.

Brother Farmer was a man of genial disposition, he loved and enjoyed the company of his brethren and was always ready to give his time, energy and ability to serve our fraternity and humanity. He exhibited a genuine love for Masonry, his fellow man and most especially our Masonic Home that was so dear to his heart. He will be greatly missed in the circles of Alabama Masonry. “

Clarence Edward Michaels, PGM 1946-1947

Clarence Edward Michaels, PGM 1946-1947

“CLARENCE EDWARD MICHAELS was born in Chillicothe, Ohio, on February 26, 1888, the son of AUGUSTUS P. and MARY MICHAELS. He was educated in the Public Schools of Chillicothe, Ohio and from 1902 to 1907 was employed by the B. & O.S. W. Railroad as Stenographer and Clerk. On October 1, 1907 he came to Birmingham, Alabama and entered the employ of the L.& N. Railroad as Stenographer and Accountant. From 1914 to 1917, he operated Metal Culver plants at Portsmouth, Ohio and Savannah, Georgia, and on June 8, 1917 returned to Birmingham, Alabama and entered the employ of the Tennessee Coal, Iron and Railroad Co., as Stenographer and Clerk in the Purchasing Department and where he served as Buyer. On August 15, 1912, he married Miss MARTHA SCHOEL of Birmingham, Alabama and to them three children were born,, two daughters and one son.

He was a member of the First Christian Church of Birmingham, Alabama and of the Exchange Club of Birmingham, Alabama.

CLARENCE EDWARD MICHAELS was initiated in Woodlawn Fraternal Lodge No. 525 of Birmingham, Alabama on September 29, 1921, passed October 13, 1921 and raised October 20, 1921. He served this Lodge as Worshipful Master for the years 1928-1929 and on June 26, 1940 was elected a Trustee of the Lodge. He served the Lodge as Secretary Pro Tem during the illness and until the death of their Secretary from July 19, 1934 to September 26, 1935. In the Grand Lodge of Alabama he was elected Junior Grand Warden on December 4, 1940, was regularly advanced and on November 20, 1946 was elected Most Worshipful Grand Master.

He received the Capitular degrees in Woodlawn Chapter No. 146, Royal Arch Masons of Birmingham, Alabama on November 16, 1923 and served the Chapter as High Priest for the year 1931-1932. He was elected a Trustee of the Chapter on June 14, 1935. He received the Cryptic degrees in Woodlawn Council No. 71 Royal and Select Masters of Birmingham, Alabama on March 15, 1924 and served the Council as Thrice Illustrious Master for the year 1934-1935. He was elected a Trustee of the Council on June 12, 1935. In the Grand Council of Alabama, he was elected Grand Conductor of Council on December 4, 1934, was regularly advanced and on November 30, 1937 was elected Most Illustrious Grand Master. He received the Orders of the Temple in Woodlawn Commandery No. 31 Knights Templar of Birmingham, Alabama on March 14, 1924 and served the Commandery as Eminent Commander for the year 1934. He also served the Chapter, Council and Commandery as Secretary and Recorder Pro Tem during the illness and until the death of the Secretary and Recorder from 1934 to 1935. He received the 32nd degree of the A.A. Scottish Rite in the Bodies of Birmingham, Alabama on Nov. 9, 1945. He was a member of Zamora Temple, A.A.O.N.M.S. of Birmingham, Alabama, having been initiated on May 25, 1925.

Brother MICHAELS was a devoted worker for the benefit of Masonry in all its branches, and was ever alert to guard its interest and ready to do all in his power to promote its good. His genial disposition, charitable heart and constant concern for the welfare of the brethren made him beloved by all.

He passed away in Birmingham, March 22, 1955.”

James Matthew Jones, Sr., PGM 1944-1946

James Matthew Jones, Sr., PGM 1944-1946

“James Matthew Jones, the son of Randolph Pittman and Mattie Lou Jones, was born September 6, 1894 at Malvern, Geneva County, Alabama, He attended the Public Schools of Geneva County, Alabama and the B.C.I. College, Newton, Alabama. From 1917 to 1924 he was engaged in the hotel industry in various cities of the South. In 1924 he came to Dothan, Alabama and engaged in the grocery business and farming. He was married July 17, 1920 to Miss Lila Loretta Harman of Graniteville, South Carolina, and their union was blessed by one son, James Matthew Jones, Jr. Bro. Jones was a member of the First Presbyterian Church of Dothan, Alabama.

James Matthew Jones was made a Master Mason on April 28, 1925 in Pythagoras Lodge No. 659 of Dothan, Alabama. He filled all the chairs in that Lodge and was elected Worshipful Master in June 1938. In December 1937 he was appointed Senior Grand Steward of the Grand Lodge by Grand Master Samuel B. Adams and in December 1939 was elected Junior Grand Warden of the Grand Lodge of Alabama. He was regularly advanced and on December 6, 1944 was elected Most Worshipful Grand Master.

He received the Royal Arch degree in Dothan Royal Arch Chapter No. 113 of Dothan, Alabama on March 18, 1940. He served the Chapter as High Priest in 1941 and 1942. In December 1940 he was elected Grand Master of the 2nd Veil of the Royal Arch Chapter of Alabama and was Grand Captain of the Host. On April 27, 1944 he was appointed Grand Representative of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Western Australia in the Grand Chapter of Alabama. He received the Holy Order of Priesthood on November 30, 1942 in the Council of Anointed High Priest of Alabama. He received the Cryptic Degree in Dothan Council No. 68 of Dothan, Alabama on September 28, 1942. Bro. Jones was Knighted in Dothan Commandery No. 25 Knights Templar of Dothan, Alabama on April 11, 1940 and served the Commandery as Eminent Commander in 1944. He received the degrees of the Scottish Rite from the 4th through the 18th degree in the bodies of this Rite in Dothan, Alabama in 1926 and served as Venerable Master of Dothan Lodge of Perfection for two years. He was a member of Dothan Chapter No. 76 Order of the Eastern Star and served four years as Associate Patron of this Chapter.

Brother Jones was a zealous and enthusiastic worker in all the Bodies of Masonry. He was ever alert to serve and benefit the Craft and untiring in his efforts to promote its best interest.
Brother Jones passed away in Dothan, Houston County, Alabama July 9, 1959. He was the last Grand Master to hold two consecutive terms.” lxxiii[1944 Pro][1959 Pro] [Grand Masters of The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Free & Accepted Masons The State of Alabama 1821-2008 by Donna R. Causey]

William Earl James, PGM 1942-1944

William Earl James, PGM 1942-1944

“William Earl James was born July 24, 1887, at Arkadelphia, Alabama, the son of James M. James and Mary Rice James. He was educated in the public schools of Blount and Cullman Counties, Alabama, and in law at the University of Alabama and a member of the First Baptist Church of Cullman, Alabama.


He served in the United States Army in World War I, beginning as a private and finishing as a Captain of Field Artillery. Bro. James was engaged in the practice of law in Cullman, Alabama, and served as State Senator in the Alabama Legislature for 1927.

William Earl James was initiated in Cullman Fraternal Lodge No. 421 of Cullman, Alabama, on May 8, 1911, passed May 23, 1911, and raised by the then Deputy Grand Master, Henry C. Miller on June 26, 1911. After having filled all the other chairs in that lodge, he was elected Worshipful Master of the same in June 1917 and again in June 1919. In the Grand Lodge of Alabama, he served as District Lecturer for a number of years and on December 1, 1937, was elected Junior Grand Warden and was regularly advanced and on December 2, 1942, was elected Most Worshipful Grand Master.

He received the degrees of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite from the 4th to the 32nd in the Bodies of the Rite in Birmingham, Alabama in 1919. He received the Honorary degree of Knight Commander of the Court of Honor in 1942. He was a member of Cullman Chapter No. 35, Order of the Eastern Star of Cullman, Alabama. He was a member of Zamora Temple A.A.O.N.M.S. of Birmingham, Alabama. He was a Past Grand Chancellor of the Knights of Pythias of Alabama.

Brother James was a man of genial disposition, cultured and friendly. He enjoyed the company of his brethren and was ever ready to give of his time, energy and ability to serve and benefit our fraternity and humanity. These qualities endeared him to all who knew him. Past Grand Master William Earl James departed this life on May 22, 1968.

His Past Grand Master brethren have written of him. “While he never married he gave unstintingly of his time to counseling youth of his church and community. We who knew him felt that in his own mind his proudest achievement was his service to the Masonic Home, Farm and Dairy, the children and elderly who resided there while he was active in the administration of the affairs of the Grand Lodge.” May we render true thanksgiving to the Great Architect of the Universe for the examples and inspirations of this departed Brother.”

George Underwood Potter, PGM 1940-1942

George Underwood Potter, PGM 1940-1942

“George Underwood Potter was born September 28, 1878 at Bowling Green, Kentucky, the son of Joseph Underwood and Mary Jane Potter. He was educated in the public schools of Bowling Green Kentucky and early in 1904 he came to Mobile, Alabama, where he established business connections and took up permanent residence. He was married on June 20, 1932 to Miss Ora Mae Simmons of Fruitdale, Alabama. He was a member of the First Christian Church of Mobile, Alabama.

Bro. Potter was initiated in Mobile Lodge No. 40 of Mobile, Alabama on December 15, 1919, passed January 19, 1920 and raised February 2, 1920. After having filled all the chairs in that Lodge, he was elected Worshipful Master in 1923. In the Grand Lodge of Alabama he served as District Lecturer for the years 1923 to 1926; as a member of the Committee on work from 1926 through 1935, and as Chairman of the Committee from 1931 through 1935. On December 4, 1935 he was elected Junior Grand Warden, was regularly advanced and on December 4, 1940 was elected Most Worshipful Grand Master.

He received the Capitular degrees in Mobile Royal Arch Chapter No. 21, of Mobile, Alabama as follows: Mark Master, Feb. 13, 1920, Past Master and Most Excellent Master February 20, 1920 and Royal Arch February 27,1920 He received the Cryptic degrees in Mobile Council of Royal and Select Master of Mobile, Alabama on June 3, 1920. He was knighted in Mobile Commandery of Knights Templar No 2 of Mobile, Alabama on Apr 2, 1920. He was a member of Birdie Winston Chapter No. 391, Order of the Eastern Star, of Mobile, Alabama from December 4, 1929 and served the Chapter as Worthy Patron for the years 1937 and 1938. He received the degrees of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite from the Fourth to the Thirty-Second in the Bodies of the Rite in Mobile, Alabama in 1922. He received the honorary degree of Knight Commander of the Court of Honor in 1925 and was coroneted a Thirty-Third degree Honorary Inspector General in 1933. He was a member of Abba Temple Ancient Arabic Order of Nobles of the Mystic Shrine of Mobile, Alabama and has served in various capacities on the Divan.

Brother Potter died in Mobile, Alabama June 1, 1962 and was interred in Pine Crest Cemetery, Mobile, June 4, 1962, with Masonic Funeral Rites by the Grand Lodge.

Brother Potter was an enthusiastic Mason from the time of his initiation and was ever ready and willing to serve in any capacity. Because of his willingness to respond to every call, he was known, loved and respected throughout the State, and remained active to the last week of his life, physically, mentally and financially aiding the Lodge bearing his name, which he Instituted and Constituted for the Grand Lodge and lived to within the span of one day of witnessing the Corner-stone Ceremony thereof. It is estimated that he occupied the East in Raising more than 600 to the Sublime Degree….. Respectfully submitted, Ency F. Yeilding, Senior Past Grand Master of Alabama.

Ency Fendley Yeilding, PGM 1939-1940

Ency Fendley Yeilding, PGM 1939-1940

“Ency Fendley Yeilding was born October 15, 1897 at Oneonta, Blount County, Alabama, the son of W. L. and Era Yeilding. At the age of four years, he moved to Birmingham, Alabama, with his parents, where he spent the larger portion of his life. He attended the public schools and received his earlier education in the schools of Birmingham, Alabama. In July of 1918 he moved to Florence, Alabama and engaged in the battery and electrical business. He was married November 23, 1921 to Miss Annie Boyd Brown of Birmingham, Alabama, and their union was blessed with two children, a son and a daughter.

Ency Fendley Yeilding was initiated September 6, 1920, passed September 20, 1920 and raised October 13, 1920 in Florence Lodge No. 14 of Florence, Alabama. He filled all the chairs in that Lodge and was elected Worshipful Master on June 24, 1924.

In the Grand Lodge of Alabama he served for seven years on the Committee on Work. On December 6, 1933 he was elected Junior Grand Warden, was regularly advanced and on December 6, 1939 was elected Most Worshipful Grand Master.

He received all the Capitular Degrees in Cyrus Royal Arch Chapter No. 6 of Florence, Alabama on February 25, 1929. After filling all the other chairs in this Chapter, on June 24, 1932, he was elected High Priest. He received the Order of High Priesthood on December 5, 1932 in the Council of Anointed High Priests of Alabama. He received the degrees of the A.A. Scottish Rite in the bodies of the Rite in Birmingham, Alabama as follows 14th Degree Feb. 11, 1921; 18th Degree Feb. 14, 1921; 30th Degree Feb. 15, 1921; 31st Degree March 10, 1921 and 32nd Degree March 18, 1921. He was initiated in Zamora Temple A.A.O.N.M.S. of Birmingham, Alabama on March 19, 1921. He received the Order of the Eastern Star in Cyprus Chapter No. 195 of Florence, Alabama on May 18, 1921 and served that Chapter as Worthy Patron, being elected to that office on June 22, 1934, and was again elected Worthy Patron on June 23, 1939.

“Brother Yeilding distinguished himself in Masonry from the first, always ready to serve the Order whenever a call came. He was ever loyal to his own home Lodge and in spite of the fact that he has gone to the very top in Masonry, he could always be seen in his Lodge meeting with his brethren.

He was a life-long member of the Methodist Church and stands high in the estimation of all the citizens of Florence as a man of high moral integrity.”

Brother Yeilding passed away December 8, 1980.”

Lxx [1981 Pro][1939 Pro]

Samuel Boyd Adams, PGM 1937-1939

Samuel Boyd Adams, PGM 1937-1939

“Samuel Boyd Adams was born May 7, 1882 on a farm near Starkville, Oktibbeha County, Mississippi, the sixth of seven children of Non Quincy Adams, who was a Mason and a Baptist Minister. His father died in 1922. His mother died when he was a very small child and he was reared by his step-mother who has been all that a mother could have been to him. When only eighteen years of age he became connected with a company engaged in the manufacture of lumber and in 1927 he organized the S. B. Adams Lumber Company, a Corporation in Mobile, Alabama. He was President and General Manger.

He was a member of the Rotary Club for seventeen years and in 1934 was elected President of the Rotary Club of Mobile, Alabama. In January, 1935, he was elected a Director of the First National Bank of Mobile, Alabama. He had eight children; four girls and four boys, composing a most charming family circle presided over by his splendid wife, Dora Williams Adams.

Samuel Boyd Adams was initiated in Greensboro Lodge No. 49 of Greensboro, Mississippi, on May 17, 1920, passed June 18, 1920 and raised July 17, 1920. He demitted from this Lodge on July 16, 1921 and affiliated with Athelstan Lodge No. 369 of Mobile, Alabama on August 4, 1921. He was elected Master of this Lodge on June 18, 1925 and served one year. “If Brother Adams had one passion that exceeded others, it was his love for Freemasonry. His Masonic career began in May 1920, with his initiation as an Entered Apprentice. By 1923, he had received all the degrees of the Blue Lodge, the Chapter, the Commandery and the Scottish Rite (except the 33rd), as well as some of those of the coordinate orders. In nearly all of these he served well in various official positions.

In the Grand Lodge of Alabama he served as District Lecturer for the 32nd District for several years, and on Dec. 2, 1931 was elected Junior Grand Warden. He was regularly advanced and on December 1, 1937 was elected Most Worshipful Grand Master. He was reelected in 1938 and just one week thereafter with a cheery smile he took the Long Trail over the Great Divide at the early age of 56.”

Brother Adams passed away December 14, 1938 and a Memorial Service was held in the Alabama Grand Lodge Session of Dec. 1939 in affectionate respect to his memory.”

Coke Smith Wright, PGM 1935-1937

Coke Smith Wright, PGM 1935-1937

“Coke Smith Wright was born in Oconee County, South Carolina, Feb. 14, 1886-son of the Reverend John Nelson Wright and Martha Jane (Boggs) Wright. He received his education in the public schools of S. C. He attended the medical department of the University of Georgia at Augusta in 1909, and practiced medicine in Aiken County, South Carolina.

In 1909, he gave up the practice of medicine and entered the life insurance business, and, in 1911, was made Birmingham Branch Manager for the Acacia Mutual Life Insurance Company. He was very active in the Birmingham Association of Life Underwriters.

He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church South.

He was married on September 18, 1919 to Edna Earl Reeves.

Bro. Wright was initiated in Owens Lodge No. 164 of Norfolk, Virginia, on April 19, 1909, passed May 31, 1909 and raised September 22, 1909. He demitted from that Lodge and on July 25, 1911 affiliated with King Solomon Lodge No. 460 of Birmingham, Alabama. He served this Lodge as Worshipful Master for the year 1917 and again for the year 1928.

In the Grand Lodge of Alabama he became an active and zealous worker, serving as Lecturer in his District and as a member of the Masonic Home Board, and always alert for the best interest of the Craft. On December 4, 1929 lxviii[1935 Pro] he was elected Junior Grand Warden, was regularly advanced and on December 4, 1935, was elected Most Worshipful Grand Master.

He received the Capitular degrees in Mineral City Chapter No. 101, Royal Arch Masons, of Birmingham, Alabama, on June 15, 1916. He received the Cryptic degrees in William S. Patton Council No. 24, Royal and Select Masters of Meridian, Mississippi, on November 16, 1916. He received the Orders of Knighthood in Ensley Commandery No. 36, Knights Templar, of Ensley, Alabama on Nov. 19, 1919. He demitted from this Commandery on March 19, 1923 to become a Charter member of Birmingham Commandery No. 42. He was initiated in Salter Chapter No. 21, Order of the Eastern Star, of Birmingham, Alabama on March 23, 1915 and served the Chapter as Worthy Patron for the year 1917. He was a member of Kam Ram Grotto, M. O. V. P. E. R., of Birmingham, Alabama and was a Past Treasurer, and Trustee. He was initiated in Birmingham Lodge of Perfection, A. A. S. R. S. J., of Birmingham, Alabama on Nov. 4, 1912, Birmingham Chapter Rose Croix on Nov. 5, 1912, Birmingham Council of Kadosh on Nov. 6, 1912, Alabama Consistory on Nov. 7, 1912. He served as Master of Kadosh for the year 1922. He was initiated in Zamora Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S., of Birmingham, Alabama on Feb. 8, 1913.

Brother Wright was an earnest, energetic, efficient and enthusiastic worker for all that is to the best interest of the Craft, and his most distinguishing characteristic was his gracious charm, cheerfulness and friendly disposition. He was beloved by a host of friends throughout the State.”

Samuel A. Moore, PGM 1933-1935

Samuel A. Moore, PGM 1933-1935

“Samuel A. Moore was born Dec. 15, 1866 in Nashville, Tennessee, the son of Turner G. and Jennie (Whitsitt) Moore. He received his education in the public schools of Tennessee and on August 1, 1884 began work for the N.C. & St. L. Railway and worked with them in various capacities for over Fifty Years. He was a member of the First Baptist Church of Gadsden, Alabama. On January 29, 1889 at Starkville, Mississippi, he married Miss Lula Watson and to them was born two daughters, Jennie (deceased before 1933)and Lucie.


Samuel A. Moore was initiated in Marshal Lodge No. 209 of Guntersville, Alabama on October 17, 1911, passed Dec. 19, 1911, and raised January 30, 1912. He demitted from this Lodge on May 28, 1912 and affiliated with Gadsden Lodge No. 236 of Gadsden, Alabama June 11, 1912 where he served as Worshipful Master for the year 1914.

He was a member of Birmingham Lodge of Perfection, A.A.S.R. of Birmingham, Alabama, and a member of Zamora Temple A.A.O.N. M.S. of Birmingham, Alabama. He was also a member of Queen City Chapter No. 135, O.E.S. of Gadsden, Alabama, and served this Chapter as Worthy Patron in 1914. He also served the Grand Chapter Order of the Eastern Star of Alabama as Grand Patron in 1918. On March 6, 1919, he received the Mark Master and Past Master degrees in Coosa Chapter No. 86 of Gadsden Alabama and Most Excellent Master April 17, 1919 and Royal Arch April 26, 1919. He received the Cryptic Degrees in Gadsden Council No. 56, R.& S. M. of Gadsden, Alabama on May 26, 1919. Bro. Moore was knighted in Etowah Commandery No. 15, Knights Templar, of Gadsden, Alabama March 5, 1920. He was a member of Birmingham Lodge of Perfection, A. A. S. R of Birmingham, Alabama and a member of Zamora Temple A.A. O. N. M. S. of Birmingham, Alabama.

In the Grand Lodge of Alabama, he first served as District Lecturer, then as a member of the Committee on Work and afterwards as Chairman of this Committee. On Dec. 7, 1927, he was elected Junior Grand Warden, was regularly advanced and on Dec. 6, 1933, was elected Most Worshipful Grand Master, being re-elected on Dec. 5, 1934.

Brother Moore was esteemed and respected by his fellow citizens and was beloved by all who knew him for his genial and friendly disposition, quiet dignity, splendid efficiency and his steadfast adherence to the principles of our Order and unfailing devotion to its best interests.”
[Eastern 213] [1934 Pro] [Grand Masters of The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Free & Accepted Masons The State of Alabama 1821-2008 by Donna R. Causey]