Making Good Men, Better Men Since Time Immemorial
Making Good Men, Better Men Since Time Immemorial


William Lovard Lee, PGM 1931-1933

William Lovard Lee, PGM 1931-1933

“William Lovard Lee was born April 17, 1873, in Clayton, Alabama, the son of Alto V. and Lillie(Lawrence) Lee. He was educated in the common schools of his native town and graduated from the University of Alabama in the year 1892. After teaching school for three years in Camden and Columbia, he was admitted to practice law in Clayton, Alabama on November 13, 1895, a profession he followed with great success and distinction. He served as Mayor of Columbia, Alabama from 1900 to 1904, was a member of the State Legislature in 1907, and Chairman of the Houston County Board of Education from 1914 to 1921. He was a member of the Democratic Executive Committee of the State of Alabama 1916 to 1920 and was Chairman of the Houston County Democratic Executive Committee for eight years.

He was married on December 9, 1896 to Miss Ellen Thomas and to their union seven children were born: William L. Lee, Jr. Wallace T. Lee, Eloise Lee, Wilellen Lee, Vela Lee, Dorothy Lee , and Alto V. Lee.

William Lovard Lee was initiated on August 24, 1901, in Columbia Lodge No. 135 of Columbia, Alabama, passed September 29, 1901 and raised October 14, 1901, serving this Lodge as Worshipful Master during the years 1904, 1905, and 1906.

In the Grand Lodge of Alabama he served as Chairman of the Committee on Appeals and on December 3, 1925 was elected Junior Grand Warden. He was regularly advanced and on December 2, 1931 was elected Grand Master, being re-elected on December 7, 1932.

He received the Capitular degrees in Dothan Chapter No. 113, of Dothan, Alabama, on July 24, 1903; demitting from this Chapter on May 8, 1908, to become a Charter member and the first High Priest of Columbia Chapter No. 138, of Columbia, Alabama and served as High Priest from 1908 to 1912 and again from 1914 to 1916. He received the Order of High Priesthood on December 3, 1912 . In the Grand Chapter of Alabama he was appointed Grand Master of the First Veil on December 3, 1912, was successively advanced and on November 30, 1920, was elected Most Excellent Grand High Priest. He received the Cryptic degrees in Montgomery Council No. 3 of Montgomery, Alabama on December 2, 1912. He was knighted in Dothan Commandery No. 25 of Dothan, Alabama on March 25, 1908 and was a member of Zamora Temple A.A.O. N.M.S. of Birmingham, Alabama.

Upon assuming office as Grand Master, he found the treasury empty, with an indebtedness of $40,000.00 with no appreciable income for the past year, the expense of the Grand Lodge before him, and the Masonic home, the symbol of our love, with 428 residents to care for, with no cash on hand and no revenues to look forward to. William Lovard Lee was a man, led by God, who came into the hearts of Masonic Brethren and caused them to sense the great responsibility resting upon them. Under the leadership of this man, we began to set our house in order, and with our trust in God, and our brotherly love re-exemplified, our great lights rebrightened.

William Lovard Lee passed away on December 28, 1944.”

Robert F. Lovelady, PGM 1929-1931

Robert F. Lovelady, PGM 1929-1931

“Robert F. Lovelady was born on a farm near Danville, Morgan County, Alabama, and was educated in the public schools of Morgan County. At an early age he studied pharmacy and opened a drug store in Pratt City, now Birmingham. Later he engaged in the wholesale and retail drug business in Birmingham. He was elected president of the State Pharmaceutical Association of Alabama and represented Alabama at the National Retail Drug Association. In 1907 he was elected to the State Legislature to represent Jefferson County, Alabama. He was a member of the Committee on Education and Temperance and took an active part in the cause of both introducing the State Local Option Bill that became law. In 1908 he was elected a member of the Board of Revenue of Jefferson County and served as President 12 years. He also served as Chairman of the Jefferson County Democratic Executive Committee. Govenor Brandon appointed him in 1924 a member of the Jury Commission of Jefferson County and in 1925 he was appointed private secretary to John H. Taylor, Commissioner of the City of Birmingham. He was appointed Superintendent of the Hillman Hospital, Birmingham in January 1930. Bro. Lovelady was a Methodist and served as President of the Board of Missions for twenty years. He served as a Sunday School Superintendent for 25 years.

He was initiated in Florida Lodge No. 450, A.F.& A. M., October, 11, 1890, passed October 25, raised November 8, 1890. He represented his Lodge in 1894 as Junior Warden; and had not missed a Grand Lodge meeting since that time—37 years. He was elected Master of his Lodge in June, 1895 and served for two years. Bro. Lovelady served the Grand Lodge as Chairman of the Committee on Lodges Under Dispensation for many years and on December 4, 1924, was elected Junior Grand Warden. He was regularly advanced and on December 4, 1929, was elected Most Worshipful Grand Master, being re-elected to that office on December 3, 1930.

He received the degree of Mark Master in Pratt City Chapter No. 108 of Pratt City, Alabama, on April 17, 1893; Past Master, May 1, 1893; Most Excellent Master, May 20, 1893, and Royal arch June 15, 1893. Bro. Lovelady served this Chapter as High Priest for the years 1898, 1902 and 1904. He received the Cryptic Degrees in Sam Thompson Council No. 43, of Birmingham, Alabama, on December 4, 1894 and was knighted in Cyrene Commandery No. 10, Knights Templar, of Birmingham, Alabama, on December 4, 1894. He was a member of Ludie Little Chapter No. 343, O.E. S., of Pratt City, Alabama. He was a member of Birmingham Consistory No. 1, A. A. S. R. S. J., of Birmingham, Alabama. He was a member of Zamora Temple A. A. O. N. M. S. of Birmingham, Alabama.

“He was a man of delightful and charming personality, sound business ability, a civic, religious and political leader and was highly esteemed, respected and held in the highest regard by all who know him.”

On March 23, 1946, Past Grand Master, Robert F. Lovelady passed away and On March 24, 1946, Masonic Services were held in the Forest Hill Cemetery of Birmingham, Alabama.”
Lxv [1930 Pro][1946 Pro] [Grand Masters of The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Free & Accepted Masons The State of Alabama 1821-2008 by Donna R. Causey]

James Madison Pearson, PGM 1927-1929

James Madison Pearson, PGM 1927-1929

“James Madison Pearson was born on a farm near Alexander City, Alabama on Feb. 22, 1862, the son of Stephen M. and Mattie R. Pearson. He was educated in the public schools of Tallapoosa County and in Emory College, Oxford, Georgia. At and early age he began what was to be his life work, teaching school. He served as a member of the City Council and was a member of the Alabama State Text Book Commission in 1913. He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, and was a member of the Board of Stewards of his church for more than thirty years.

In Dec. 1888, he married Miss Emma B. Overby and to their union was blessed with six children, five girls and one boy.

James Madison Pearson was initiated in Ware Lodge No. 435, of Alexander City, Alabama, on June 6, 1892, passed July 43, 1892 and raised October 29, 1892. He was elected Worshipful Master of that Lodge in 1894 and served in that station for more than fifteen years. In the Grand Lodge of Alabama, he served for many years on the Committee on Work and was the Chairman of the Committee for a number of years. He was unexcelled in his knowledge of the ritual and famed for his splendid rendition of the work. On December 8, 1921, he was elected Junior Grand Warden of the Grand Lodge of Alabama and on Dec. 7, 1927, was elected Most Worshipful Grand Master, being re-elected the following year. He received the Capitular degrees in Hillabee Chapter No. 79, of Alexander City, Alabama, as follow: Mark Master, Past Master and Most Excellent Master March 3, 1893, and Royal Arch March 4, 1893. He was elected High Priest of that Chapter in 1920 and served continuously, with the exception of one year until 1928. He was anointed, consecrated and set apart to the Holy Order of High Priesthood on November 29, 1920. He received the Cryptic degrees in Dadeville Council No. 65 of Dadeville, Alabama on August 6, 1912. He received the Orders of Knighthood in Dadeville Commandery No. 26, Knights Templar, of Dadeville, Alabama, on November 2, 1917. He demitted from that Commandery to become a Charter member and the first Eminent Commander of Alexander City Commandery No. 38, of Alexander City, Alabama. He served as Eminent Commander until 1929. He was a member of Dadeville Chapter No. 288, Order of the Eastern Star, of Dadeville, Alabama. He was a member of St. Dunstan Conclave No. 57, Red Cross of Constantine, Birmingham, Alabama and a member of Nazareth Chapter, White Shrine of Jerusalem, Opelika, Alabama. He was a member of Holbrook Consistory, A. A. S. R. S. J. of Montgomery, Alabama and a member of Alcazar Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S. of Montgomery, Alabama.

Brother Pearson’s outstanding characteristic was a quiet modest and unassuming dignity, together with a friendly and lovable disposition which endeared him to all who knew him. He was loved by all but most by his own hometown people who called him affectionately, “Professor Jim”.

Brother Pearson died May 12, 1951 in Alexander City, Alabama.”

Oliver Day Street, PGM 1925-1927

Oliver Day Street, PGM 1925-1927

“Oliver Day Street was born Dec. 6,1866 at Warrenton, Alabama, the son of Thomas Atkins and Julia Ann (Beard Street). He graduated from the University of Alabama in 1887 with the degree of A. B. He received the L.L. B. in the year 1888. He was married on February 17, 1892, to Miss Mary Emma Lusk, the daughter of DR. Lorenzi D. and Mary Emma (Loveless) Lusk, of Guntersville, Alabama. His wife died on October 21, 1923. His children are Margarette, Mary Julia, Oliver Day, Thomas Atkins (deceased) and John Edwin Campbell.  He was admitted to the bar in 1889 practiced his profession in Guntersville, Birmingham and throughout the northern half of Alabama. Bro. Street served as United States District Attorney for the Northern District of Alabama form 1907 to 1914 and as Special Assistant to the Attorney General of the United States from 1914 to 1920. He was Chairman of the Republican District Committee for Seventh Congressional District from 1904 to 1908 and served as delegate to the Republican National Conventions of 1908, 1912, 1916 and 1920. He was nominee of the Republican Party of Alabama for governor in 1914 but declined; and was again nominated in 1922 and accepted.

He was a member of the Alabama Historical Society, the Tennessee Valley Historical Society and the National Geographic Society. He was trustee of the Department of Archives and History of Alabama from 1901 to 1921.

Oliver Day Street was initiated on September 24, 1901, in Marshall Lodge No. 209 of Guntersville, Alabama, passed October 22, 1901, and raised November 19, 1901. He served this Lodge as Worshipful Master during the years 1904, 1905, 1910.

In the Grand Lodge of Alabama he served as Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Correspondence from 1915 to 1922. On December 4, 1919 he was elected Junior Grand Warden. He was regularly advanced and on December 3, 1925, was elected Most Worshipful Grand Master, being again elected to that honorable office on December 1, 1926.  He was a member of a Committee of three appointed in February, 1926, by the Masonic Service Association of the United States to make an investigation of Masonry in foreign countries and to report thereon. He was Associate Editor of the Masonic encyclopedia compiled under the auspices of the Masonic Service Association of the United States.  He was the Author of “The Symbolism of the Three Degrees” of Symbolic Masonry.

Brother Street passed away August 3, 1944 at his home in Guntersville Alabama. His brilliant intellect and exceptional abilities were greatly missed throughout the Masonic world for he was recognized as one of the leading Masonic authorities of his time. In addition to his fine contribution as Grand Master for the fiscal years of 1925-27, he wrote the last Masonic Manual of his day, wrote the only history, was a frequent contributor to Masonic publications, served on committees of the Grand Lodge continuously until his death.”
Lxiv [1926 PRO][1944 Pro] [Grand Masters of The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Free & Accepted Masons The State of Alabama 1821-2008 by Donna R. Causey]

Duncan C. Carmichael, PGM 1923-1925

Duncan C. Carmichael, PGM 1923-1925

“Duncan C. Carmichael” was born on a farm near Dillon, S. C. July 26, 1860, to Neil C. Carmichael and Martha Jane (McCallum) Carmichael, of Scotch Presbyterian ancestry. He was educated in the schools of the community and the Laurinburg High School of Laurinburg, N. C. Afterwards he taught a short time in the public schools of his native county and then moved to Escambia County, Alabama, where he engaged in the turpentine business. In the fall of 1888 he moved from Williams Station, now Atmore Alabama, to Rochelle, Georgia, and continued in the turpentine business for eight years. In 1897 he moved to Dothan, Alabama and continued there in the turpentine as well as various other businesses. He was married in Columbus, Georgia, on January 23, 1895 to Miss Idalu Simmons.

He was initiated in Rochelle Lodge No. 190 of Rochelle, Georgia, on Aug. 9, 1890, passed Sept. 12, 1890 and raised Oct. 11, 1890. He demitted from this Lodge June 9, 1900, affiliated with Dothan Lodge No. 466, of Dothan, Alabama on July 14, 1900 but demitted from this Lodge on Sept. 8, 1906 to become a charter member and the first Worshipful Master of Pythagoras Lodge No. 659, of Dothan, Alabama. In the Grand Lodge of Alabama he was elected Junior Grand Warden on Dec. 6, 1917, was regularly advanced and on Dec. 6, 1923, was elected Most Worshipful Grand Master, to which exalted office he was again elected on Dec. 4, 1924. He was a member of the Masonic Home Comm. That located the Home in Montgomery, was one of four that composed the Building Committee and was on the Board of Control.

He received the Capitular degree in Wells Chapter No. 42, of Americus, Georgia as follows: Mark Master, Oct. 6, 1891; Past Master Oct. 22, 1891; Most Excellent Master Oct. 22, 1891, and Royal Arch, November 11, 1891. He demitted from this Chapter and became a charter member of Dothan Chapter No. 113, of Dothan, Alabama, serving the Chapter as High Priest in 1904 and 1905. He received the Cryptic degrees in Montgomery Council No. 3 of Montgomery, Alabama on December 6, 1909. He demitted from this Council on June 20, 1913, and became a charter member of Dothan Council No. 68 of Dothan, Alabama, serving this Council as thrice Illustrious Master during the years 1922 and 1923. He received the Orders of Knighthood in DeMolay Commandery No. 5, of Americus, Georgia, as follows: Order of Red cross, December 22, 1891, and Orders of Temple and
Malta, February 9, 1892, and demitted from this Commandery to become a charter member and the first Eminent Commander of Dothan Commandery No. 25, of Dothan, Alabama, serving as such from 1907 to 1911. He was elected Grand Warden of the Grand Commandery on May 12, 1910, was regularly advanced, and on April 24, 1918, was elected Grand Commander.

He was a man of great sterling worth and business ability, distinguished for his solid common sense, fine understanding and good judgment, and loved by all that knew him for his kind and tender heart, open-handed generosity and staunchness and loyalty to his friends and principles.

Duncan C. Carmichael passed away in Dothan, Alabama April 27, 1937.”
Lxiii [1924 Pro][1937 Pro]

Julian Fletcher Spearman, PGM 1921-1923

Julian Fletcher Spearman, PGM 1921-1923

Julian Fletcher Spearman was born in Social Circle, Walton County, Georgia, June 26, 1877, the fifth son of Toombs and Annie Elizabeth Spearman. His f

ather was a prominent lawyer of Social Circle. He received his education at the public schools of Social Circle later practicing pharmacy in the State of Georgia; moved to Anniston, Alabama 1899, to enter the employ of the Wikle Drug Company; later he purchased that firm. In June 1918, he was elected President of the Alabama Pharmaceutical Association. Brother Spearman married Miss Tempie Knox June 3, 1903, of Social Circle and they had two children, Ruth Elizabeth and George Knox. He was a member of the Methodist Church.

Brother Spearman was a member of the Anniston Rotary Club and Director in the Commercial National Bank as well as Director in the Anniston Chamber of Commerce.

He was initiated in Anniston Lodge No. 443 and elected in June, 1908, Worshipful Master. He was District Lecturer for the Fifth Masonic District, December 1912 and served until 1915. In 1921, he was elected Junior Grand Warden and regularly advanced and elected Most Worshipful Grand Master 1921-1922.

He was a member of Anniston Chapter No. 105, R. A. M., elected High Priest 1907; member of Talladega Council No. 67. Knight Templar of Anniston Commandery No. 23. Eminent Commander 1909-1910, and April 1917, was elected Grand Commander. Bro. Spearman was Past Patron of Elizabeth Spearman Chapter O. E. S. No. 81, which he organized and was named for his mother.

Bro. Spearman passed away in Anniston June 11, 1947.

Percy Blackett Dixon, PGM 1919-1921

Percy Blackett Dixon, PGM 1919-1921

“Percy Blackett Dixon was born on November 30, 1862 at Canton Bend, near Rock West Baptist Church in Wilcox County, Alabama; the second son of Joseph B. and Sarah Milling (Bones) Dixon. Shortly after the Civil War he removed with his parents to London, England, where he was reared and educated, returning to this country in 1882, and going to Mobile, Alabama, where he resided until his death at 10:45 p.m., April 22, 1926, at his home 155 North Conception Street.

He engaged in the business of Funeral Director and was in that business since settling in Mobile. Twenty-two years ago he had the honor of being elected President of the National Funeral Directors Association of the United States and held several positions in the same thereafter. He was the originator of the law in Alabama regulating embalming, and for twenty-seven consecutive years was President of the State Board of Embalming and was a member of the Board at the time of his death. He was the senior member of the firm of Dixon & McKay, established and well-known in this state.

Brother Dixon was survived by his widow, nee Miss Alice Douglas Redwood; one son, Percy B., Jr.; one daughter, Mrs. Marie G. Lingo; one brother, Herbert Dixon; four sisters, Mrs. H.J. Healen, Mrs. J. P. Wilbanks, Mrs. Herbert Cunningham, and Miss Cecile Redwood Dixon.

Percy B. Dixon was initiated in Mobile Lodge No. 40, of Mobile, Alabama, on February 19, 1894, passed March 5, 1894, and raised March 19, 1894. He served this Lodge as Master during the years 1899 and 1900, and was a life member of same.

He received the Capitular degree in Mobile Chapter No.21, of Mobile, Alabama, as follows: Mark Master, March 25, 1895; Past Master, March 28, 1895; Most Excellent Master March 28, 1895; Royal Arch, April 4, 1895. He served this Chapter as High Priest during the year 1918 and was life member of same.

He received the Order of High Priesthood on December 2, 1919. He received the Cryptic degrees in Mobile Council No. 12, on May 26, 1904. He received the Order of Red Cross in Mobile Commandery No. 2 of Mobile, Alabama, on April 8. 1897, and the Orders of the Temple and Malta on April 16, 1897. He served this Commandery as Eminent Commander during the year 1897, and was a Life Member.
He received the degree of the A.A.O.M.S. in Zamora Temple, of Birmingham, Alabama, and demitting there-from to become a Charter Member of Abba Temple of Mobile, Alabama. He received the 32nd degree of the A.A. Scottish Rite in Alabama Consistory No. 1 of Birmingham, Alabama on April 22, 1903, and demitted there-from to become a Charter Member of Mobile Consistory of Mobile, Alabama, and was a Life Member of that body, and was the Master of Kadosh for several years from its organization.

In the Grand Lodge A.F.&A.M. of Alabama, he served as a member of the Committee on Finance from 1897 to 1913. On December 3, 1913, he was elected Junior Grand Warden, was successively advanced, and on December 4, 1919, was elected Grand Master, being re-elected on December 2, 1920.” (The Grand Lodge of Alabama of F. & A.M. 1926 Proceedings)

[Grand Masters of The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Free & Accepted Masons The State of Alabama 1821-2008 by Donna R. Causey]

Robert Sterling Teague, PGM 1917-1919

Robert Sterling Teague, PGM 1917-1919

“Robert Sterling Teague was born January 22, 1868, at Greenville, Butler County, Alabama: the son of the Hon. William Martin Teague, former Mayor of Montgomery, and Eugenia Isabella (Jackson) Teague. He attended school at the Greenville Collegiate Institute until 1883 when the family moved to Montgomery. He entered the University of Alabama, 1884, and with the following degrees; A. B. 1887; A. M. Hon., 1894; LL.B. 1896.

He was married to Miss Sara McGehee Clark on October 17, 1912, and they had four children, Robert Sterling Teague, Jr., Peyton Clark Teague, Eugene Jackson Teague and Dorothy Clark Teague. Mr. Teague practiced law in Montgomery as a partner of Hon. George Fleming Moore, from 1897 to 1901. He was a member of the firm of the Teague Hardware Company, organized in 1892. In 1901 he abandoned the practice of law to take an active part in that business. Mr. Teague served as Captain of Co. D 2nd Regiment, Alabama National Guard, 1894 to 1896; Major and Judge Advocate First Brigade, Alabama National Guard, 1896 to 1905; Major and Commissary of Subsistence, First Brigade, Alabama National Guard 1905, and was commissioned by President McKinley as Captain 5th United States Volunteer Infantry, May 15, 1908. He commanded company M, and was in Satiago de Cuba from August 13, 1908 to March 26, 1909.

He was initiated November 18, 1890, passed December 23, 1890, and raised January 9, 1901, in Andrew Jackson Lodge No. 173, of Montgomery, Alabama and served that Lodge as Worshipful Master 1905-1906. He was exalted in Montgomery Royal Arch Chapter No. 22 on March 25, 1891, and served that Chapter as High Priest 1900-1902. He was anointed, consecrated and set apart to the Holy Order of High Priesthood on December 1, 1902. He was received and greeted in Montgomery Council No. 3, Royal and Select Masters in 1892, and served as Thrice Illustrious Master 1901-1903. He was knighted April 16, 1891, in Montgomery Commandery No. 4, Knights Templar, and was Eminent Commander 1901-1902. He was elected Grand Captain of the Host of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Alabama on December 1, 1903, was successively advanced, and on December 4, 1906, was elected Grand High Priest and served one year. In the Grand Council of Alabama he was elected Grand Master on Dec. 2, 1901, and again on December 1, 1902, serving two years. In the Grand Commandery of Alabama he was elected Grand Commander on May 11,1905, and served one year. He received the 32nd degree A.A.S.R.S.J. on July 29, 1892, and was a member of Holbrook Consistory No. 3, of Montgomery, Alabama. He was elected a Knight Commander of the Court of Honor by the Supreme Council A.A.S.R.S.J. on Oct. 21, 1905, and received the 33rd degree on January 21, 1908. He was Venerable Master of Alabama Lodge of Perfection No. 1, of Montgomery, Alabama, from 1897 to 1906, and was Master of Kadosh, Holbrook consistory No. 3, Montgomery, Alabama.

He was elected Junior Grand Warden of the Grand Lodge of Alabama Dec. 6, 1911, was successively advanced and on Dec. 6, 1917, was elected Most Worshipful Grand Master, to which office he was re-elected on Dec.5, 1918.

Bro. Teague passed away in Montgomery Jan. 1, 1940.”

Walter Smith, PGM 1915-1917

Walter Smith, PGM 1915-1917

“Walter Smith was born in New Sharon, Franklin County, Maine, on March 19, 1862. He was married to Miss Jennie B. Newbern of Jackson, Tennessee, on February 17, 1891, and moved to Tuscaloosa, Alabama.

He was initiated August 23, 1893, passed September 27, 1890, and raised October 25, 1893, in Rising Virtue Lodge No. 4, of Tuscaloosa, Alabama, of which Lodge he was Master from 1901 to 1903. He was one of the trustees appointed for the construction of the new Masonic Temple at Tuscaloosa, 1906, and has acted as Secretary of that body since its organization.

He was Chairman of the Committee on By-Laws of the Grand Lodge from 1904 to 1909, inclusive, when he was elected Junior Grand Warden, and after serving in the intervening stations, was elected Most Worshipful Grand Master on December 2, 1915; to which high and responsible station he was re-elected on December 7, 1916.

He was exalted March 9, 1899, in Tuscaloosa Chapter No. 1, Tuscaloosa, Alabama of which Chapter he was High Priest from 1903 to 1912, with the exception of one year. He was anointed and consecrated by the Council of Anointed High Priests of Alabama, December 1, 1903. He was received and greeted August 9, 1899, in Tuscaloosa Council No. 4, Tuscaloosa, Alabama of which Council he was Thrice Illustrious Master from 1906 to 1907. He was elected Grand Steward of the Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of Alabama November 30, 1903, was successively advanced, and was elected Most Illustrious Grand Master on November 30, 1908. He was knighted August 10,1899 in Tuscaloosa Commandery No. 13 of Tuscaloosa, Alabama on its reorganization, and on August 11, 899, was elected Eminent Commander, serving until 1901. He was elected Grand Warder of the Grand Commandery of Knights Templar of Alabama in 1900, and successively advanced, and on May 9, 1907, was elected Right Eminent Grand Commander of the Grand Commandery of Knights Templar of the State of Alabama, serving the Constitutional limit.

He received the degrees of the A.A.S.R.S.J from the 4th to the 14th, inclusive. He was a member of Zamora Temple A.A.O.N.M.S., of Birmingham, Alabama.

“Past Grand Master Walter Smith passed away January 23rd 1942 at his home in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. Brother Smith was Grand Master for the fiscal Masonic Year 1916-1917 and served on a committee of the Grand Lodge continuously from that time to his death.”

Henry Clanton Miller, PGM 1913-1915

Henry Clanton Miller, PGM 1913-1915

“Henry Clanton Miller was born March 1st 1804, in Danville, Morgan County, Alabama, the second son of Dr. Nathan and Elizabeth Grizelle (Torrence) Miller; his father, a Royal Arch Mason was of Scotch-Irish and German descent from the Virginia families of Miller; his mother’s side was also of Scotch-Irish descent, her family being a branch of the Western N. C. Torrences. His boyhood days were spent in a wholesome atmosphere among a people of sterling qualities and high ideals; he received his early education under the tutelage of some of the best teachers of Alabama, later attending the State Normal College at Florence, and the Danville College. In his early manhood he came with his parents to Birmingham, and soon thereafter married Miss Margaret Brittain, who lived only two years; he was thereafter engaged in teaching for four years and was thereafter appointed Deputy Clerk and Register of the City Court of Birmingham. He continued in that service until he was elected Treasurer of Jefferson County. In 1914 he was engaged in the practice of law in the City of Birmingham. In 1890 he was married to Miss Sara Dagg of Kentucky, a young woman of rare charms and accomplishments, an artist of acknowledged genius, a musician of rare attainments, a linguist of note, and a recognized Queen of the Home, which was blessed with two girls and three boys. Her father and grandfather were two eminent Baptist ministers and teachers who were for many years President and professor in the Tuscaloosa Athenaeum and Mercer Univ., and her uncle Noah K. Davis was for many years at professor in Howard College, while it was located in Marion, and also a professor in the University of Virginia.

Bro. Miller was initiated in Birmingham Frat. Lodge No. 384 on July 18, 1892, passed Aug. 1, 1892, and raised Aug. 8, 1892. On Aug. 8, 1895 he demitted and became a charter member of Myles J. Greene Lodge No. 530; demitted from this Lodge and on Dec. 2, 1898, affiliated with East Lake Lodge No. 480. On June 26, 1900 he was elected Worshipful Master and served as such until 1903. On Nov. 30, 1905 he affiliated with Birmingham Temple Lodge No. 636 and was appointed “Lecturer” and presented with a gold watch and chain…..He received the Illustrious Order of the Red Cross in Cyrene Commandery No. 10, of Birmingham, Alabama on April 6, 1906, the Order of the Temple April 9, 1906 and the Order of Knight of Malta on Sep. 20, 1907. He was a member of the A. A.S.R. for the Southern Jurisdiction, having attained the 32nd degree, and received the degrees of the Rite as follows: Birmingham Lodge of Perfection No. 2, May 20, 1903; Birmingham Chapter of Rose Croix No. 2, May 20, 1903;…..

He was a member of Zamora Temple A.A. O. N. M. S; a member of Electa Chapter No. 16, O.E. S. of Avondale, Alabama…. On March 1, 1907, he was appointed Lecturer for the 10th Masonic District of Alabama. He was active in support of the Constitutional amendment providing for the Masonic Home, and was an active member of the Home Committee until the issue was carried….He was as well versed in the ritual of the first three degrees as any man in this State, and has done incalculable good to the Craft by his many visitations to Lodges. He was one of our most competent and effective workers and was beloved by the entire membership of this Jurisdiction. Bro. Miller passed away March 1, 1935.”

Daniel Arthur Greene, PGM 1911-1913

Daniel Arthur Greene, PGM 1911-1913

Daniel Arthur Greene, PGM 1911-1913

“Judge Daniel Arthur Greene was born in Lee County, Alabama August 8th, 1863; the son of Rinaldo M. and Annie (Bullard)Greene. He graduated from Emory College in 1884 with the degree of A.B. After graduation he taught school one year in Camp Hill. In1886, he graduated from the University of Alabama, with the degree of L.L. B.

He was married to Miss Jordan M. Morrow, daughter of Past Grand Master George M. Morrow in May, 1890, and they had three children.

He located in Birmingham, Alabama, immediately after graduation and began the practice of law, and served as Assistant Solicitor of Jefferson County from 1888 to 1892. He was a member of Legislature 1896-1897 and elected Associate Judge of Criminal Court of Jefferson County, November 1900 for a term of six years. In 1904 he was appointed by the Governor as Senior Judge of that court, and in 1906 was elected by the people Senior Judge for a term of six years. On account of ill health, he was forced to resign as Judge in February 1910. After his recovery, he entered the automobile business in Birmingham, Alabama.

He was initiated in Birmingham Fraternal Lodge No. 384 on July 24, 1893, passed February 26, 1894, and raised March 12, 1894. He served as Secretary of the lodge for one year and was elected Junior Warden and Senior Warden for one year each, and served as Master for two years. The Lodge more than doubled its membership during his term as Worshipful Master.

In 1903 he compiled the Edicts of Grand Lodge and assisted in preparing the “Masonic Manual of Alabama.” with Brother George A. Beaucham. The manual was pronounced a model by officers of other Grand Jurisdictions at the time. He served as a member on Masonic Jurisprudence of Grand Lodge from 1900 to 1906, elected Junior Grand Warden 1906; Most Worshipful Grand Master December 6, 1911; re-elected 1912. He served as a member of the Committee on the Masonic Home and was very active in promoting this great enterprise, which is such a credit to Alabama Masonry.

He was exalted to the degree of Royal Arch in Mineral City Chapter No. 101, Birmingham, Alabama, May 15, 1901. He received the Orders of Knighthood in Cyrene Commandery No. 10, Birmingham, June 21, 1902. He was initiated in Zamora Temple A. A. O. N. M. S., February 17, 1909 and was Grand Patron of Eastern Star 1919-1920.

He was affable and kind, faithful and devoted to his duties, sincere and honest in his motives and in every position of trust or service he has been called to fill, has proved himself “a workman that needeth not to be ashamed.”
[1912 Pro][Eastern 221]

Lawrence H. Lee, PGM 1909-1911

Lawrence H. Lee, PGM 1909-1911

“Lawrence H. Lee was born 1867 at Clayton, Alabama. His parents were Alto V. and Lillie (Lawrence) Lee. He received his early educational training in the common schools at Clayton, and afterwards attended the University of Alabama, from which institution he received the degree of A.B. in June, 1887. In June, 1888, he received from the same institution the degree of LL.B. On October 29th, 1889, he was married to Miss Augusta Alston, of Clayton, Alabama.  He served as County Solicitor of his native county of Barbour for the years 1889-1890, was alderman of his native town for the years 1896-1897, and representative from his county to the legislature for the years 1898-1899. He removed to Gadsden, Alabama, in September 1901, and was City Attorney of Gadsden for the years 1902-1903. On November 29, 1905, he was appointed Reporter of the Supreme Court of Alabama.

Lawrence H. Lee was initiated and passed in May, 1889 and raised in June, 1889, in Royal White Hart Lodge No. 10 of Clayton, Alabama. From this lodge he demitted on August 12, 1901 and on November 12th, 1901, he affiliated with Gadsden Lodge No. 236 of Gadsden, Alabama, of which lodge he was elected Worshipful Master in the years 1902 and 1903.

In December, 1904, he was elected Junior Grand Warden of the Grand Lodge of Alabama, was successively advanced and in December, 1909 was elected Grand Master, to which responsible and honorable office he was re-elected in December 1910.

He was advanced June 18, 1889, presided June 18, 1889, received and accepted June 18, 1889 and exalted to the august degree of Royal Arch on June 19, 1889 in Clayton Chapter No. 63 of Clayton, Alabama of which chapter he presided as High Priest from 1892 to 1894. He was anointed, consecrated and set apart to the Holy Order of High Priesthood on December 6, 1892. He demitted from Clayton Chapter No. 63 and affiliated with Coosa Chapter No. 80 of Gadsden, Alabama in 1903, being elected High Priest of that chapter the same year and serving form 1903 to 1905. He was appointed Grand Master of the 3rd Veil in December 1904, was elected Grand King in December, 1909 and was elected Deputy Grand High Priest in December 1910. He was received and greeted July 6, 1904 in Gadsden Council No. 56, Royal and Select Masters, from which council he demitted and affiliated with Montgomery Council No. 3 of Montgomery, Alabama, on June 17, 1909, and was elected Thrice Illustrious Master the same year. In the Grand Council he was elected Grand Steward in December, 1904 and was elected Most Illustrious Grand Master in December 1909. He received the Illustrious Order of Red Cross on June 5th 1904, and the Orders of Knight Templar and Knight of Malta on June 5th 1904, in Etowah Commandery on April 27th, 1908, and affiliated with Montgomery
Commandery No. 3, Montgomery, Alabama on February 11, 1909. He also received the degrees of the A. & A. Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction, from the 4th to the 14th, inclusive, and was a member of Zamora Temple A. A. O. N.M. S. of Birmingham, Alabama.”
Lvii [1910 Pro] [Grand Masters of The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Free & Accepted Masons The State of Alabama 1821-2008 by Donna R. Causey]