V. Wayne Causey, PGM 2000-2001

Bro. V. Wayne Causey was born April 12, 1946 in Birmingham, Alabama to Vester Lane and Evelyn (Duke) Causey. Bro. Causey’s father was a long time member and a past Master of Central Park Lodge 808. After graduating from Ensley High School in Birmingham, Bro. Causey attended Jacksonville State College and graduated from the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa in 1968. After completing his undergraduate degree, he attended Officer Training School in the United States Air Force and completed his military service with the rank of Captain. He returned to Birmingham and was employed first at Alabama Oxygen Company, and later with Alabama Power Company as a systems analyst. Ever pursuing his quest for knowledge, Bro. Causey began work on a Master’s in Business Administration degree at Samford University while working fulltime at Alabama Power Company. He earned his MBA degree from Samford in 1974 and then began work on a law degree at Birmingham School of Law. Bro. Causey received his Juris Doctor degree in 1978 and was admitted to the Alabama State Bar the same year. He started his law practice in Birmingham, later moving his law office to Calera, Alabama where he and Donna now reside. In 1992, he joined the Alabama Department of Industrial Relations as Assistant General Counsel.
Bro. Causey married Donna R. (Morgan) Causey on August 27, 1966 while attending the University of Alabama. Donna was a special education teacher in Jefferson County and Hoover, Alabama school systems for many years. They have two sons, Michael, and Brian, both graduates of Auburn University and currently residents of Tennessee and Georgia, respectively.
Bro. Causey is a member of the Calera First United Methodist Church and a past Chairman of the Administrative Board. He has been a member of and actively participated in various civic and professional organizations through the years, including the Sigma Delta Kappa law fraternity and the Civitan and Lions clubs. He is an avid golfer and played for many years at the former Buxahatchee Country Club in Calera where he has registered two “holes in one”. He also enjoys listening to music and books on tape while traveling.
Bro. Causey is a member of Shelby Lodge No. 140, Columbiana, Shelby County, Alabama, having been initiated an entered apprentice on March 5, 1981, passed to the degree of fellowcraft on April 2, 1981, and raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason on May 7, 1981. He served as Worshipful Master of his lodge in 1985 and 1995. He is a member of Crandle B. Dodd Scottish Rite Memorial Degree team, Valley of Montgomery; Scottish Rite degree team, Valley of Birmingham; Scottish Rite Bodies, Valley of Birmingham and is a 32° KCCH; Birmingham York Rite Bodies; and Noble of Zamora Shrine Temple, where he is a member of the Knights of Mecca. Bro. Causey is also a member of the National Sojourners, Montgomery Chapter 365 and Heroes of ’76.
Bro. Causey was elected to the office of Junior Grand Warden in 1997. Bro. Causey progressed through the Grand line and was elected and installed Grand Master of Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Alabama on November 22, 2000.