William Lipsey Legg, PGM 1951-1952

William Lipsey Legg was born April 30, 1897 at Jasper, Walker County, Alabama, the son of Albert Brown Legg and Lizzie Lipsey Legg. He was educated in the public schools of Jasper, Alabama and graduated from Walker County High School in 1915. During World War I he served in Battery C, Fourth Field Artillery and is a charter member of Woods-Smith Post No. 9
of the American Legion.
Since his youth he has been engaged in the mortuary and insurance business with his father and brothers, he is Secretary-Treasurer of A. B. Legg & Sons Company, Inc. and of A. B. Legg
& Sons Burial Insurance Company, Inc. of Jasper, Alabama. He is a member of the First Methodist Church of Jasper and at the present time is a Trustee of that church and a member of the Board of Stewards.
On April 23, 1923 he was married to Minnie Lane McDonald and to them have been born three children, Dorothy Lane (Mrs. Martin J. Wiman), William Lipsey, Jr., and Florence (Mrs. M.
L. Mathews, Jr.) .
William Lipsey Legg was initiated in York Lodge No. 211 of Jasper, Alabama on April 4, 1922, passed on May 2, 1922 and raised June 6, 1922. After having filled all the chairs in this Lodge he was elected Worshipful Master in 1930. He was again elected Worshipful Master in 1944 and again in 1945. In 1944 he was appointed District Lecturer of the Fourteenth Masonic District comprised of Walker and Fayette Counties and served continuously in this capacity until his election as Junior Grand Warden.
He received the Capitular Degrees in Jasper Chapter No. 118 on October 5,1928 and is Past High Priest of that Chapter. He was made a member of Jasper Council No. 70 on November 9, 1928, he is a member of Cyrene Commandery No. 10, K. T. and Zamora Temple A. A. O. N. M. S. of Birmingham. He was initiated into the Eastern Star in Jasper Chapter No. 17 on June 8, 1944.
Brother Legg is peculiarly fitted for the Office of Grand Master. He brings to the office a long experience as a business administrator. In his career as a Worshipful Master and District
Lecturer he has been most thorough and diligent, being satisfied with nothing less than perfection. Withal, he is calm and courteous and considerate of all with whom he comes in contact.