Ben M. Jacobs, PGM 1905-1907

“Brother Ben M. Jacobs, Past Grand Master and Past Grand Patron was born August 21, 1850, at Quincy, Illinois, and attended school in that city until the year 1874. In 1880 he removed to Columbus, Miss and after a few months decided to cast his lot in the city of Birmingham which then was a small village.
Brother Jacobs was initiated in Laster Lodge No. 441, August 15, 1884, and was exalted to the degree of Royal Arch Mason in Mineral City Chapter No. 101 on March 14, 1889. He was greeted as Royal and select Master in Sam Thompson Council No.43, R. & S. M., on October 1, 1891. He was elected Most Illustrious Grand Master of the Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of Alabama in December 1905.
Brother Jacobs was an active member in the Scottish Rite and Shrine.
He was elected Grand Patron in 1921. He was initiated in Salter Chapter No. 21, and served as Patron of his Chapter in 1917-1918. He was a most enthusiastic Eastern Star.
His influence will ever live. He is truly the father of the Masonic Home for which he conducted a successful campaign.” lv [Eastern229]