Billy Wayne Jackson, PGM 2021-2022

M.W. Grand Master Brother Billy Wayne Jackson was born on February 10, 1947 to Abb Richard and Bertie Lee Jackson in St. Stephens , Washington County, Alabama. He was raised and spent his childhood on the Mobile Cut-Off Road and went to Leroy School until age sixteen.
He worked Construction until age 17 at which time he left home and went to New Orleans, La. And went to the Seafaring International Union School. When he finished he shipped out of Houston, Texas. At age 18 he was drafted into the U.S. Army after he was discharged he worked as a Millwright for 40 years at Olin Chemical and retired.
Brother Billy and Verna were married February 8, 1969. They have three daughters Susan, Wanda and Tammy.
M.W. Brother Billy started his Masonic journey in Citronelle Lodge #637 where he was initiated on February 22, 1982, passed to the degree of Fellowcraft on March 8, 1982 and raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason on March 26, 1982. He affiliated with St. Stephens Lodge #81 and Santa Fe Lodge #226 March 28, 2005 and served as Master in all three Lodges.
Brother Billy stood for his Grand Lodge Certificate of Proficiency on September 14, 1987. He served as District Lecturer #44 until 2018 also Committee on Work for 5 years in Group 5.
M.W. Brother Jackson was elected Junior Grand Warden in 2018, Senior Grand Warden in 2019, Deputy Grand Master 2020 and elected Grand Master of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Alabama on November 10, 2021 at the Annual Communication.
He is also a member of the Santa Fe Chapter #505 Order of the Eastern Star, Abba Shrine, Scottish Rite Valley of Mobile and Mobile York Rite.