Charles Cooper was born July 5, 1908 in Chilton County, near Mountain Creek, Alabama; the son of Charles Cooper and Laura Miller Cooper. His boyhood was spent in Marbury and Verbena, Alabama. He received his education in the public schools of Marbury, Verbena and Lanett, Alabama. At an early age, he became interested in the building business, first as a bricklayer in 1924. Since 1938 he has been in the General Contracting Business, having erected many fine buildings throughout the State.
In September, 1928 he moved to Selma, Alabama and on June 21, 1929 he was happily married to Miss Ruby Wood of Selma, Alabama. They were blessed with three children: Mrs. H. J. Riley, Thomas Eugene Cooper and Linda Marie Cooper.
He was an active Deacon in the First Baptist Church of Selma and enjoyed the privilege of leading the singing in his Sunday School Class.
He was initiated in Selma Fraternal Lodge No. 27 on February 24, 1947, passed to the degree of Fellow Craft March 10, 19447, and was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason on March 17, 1947. He was elected Senior Warden of the Lodge in June 1947 and was elected and served the Lodge as Worshipful Master from June 24, 1948 to June 24, 1949. He received the Capitular degrees in Montgomery Council Royal and Select Masters No. 3, on March 19, 1954. He received the Orders of The Temple in Selma Commandery No. 5, Knights Templar on November 8, 1947. He was initiated in Alcazar Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S. on November 25, 1947. He was initiated in Dallas Chapter No. 184, Order of the Eastern Star on August 14, 1947.
He was appointed District Lecturer of the 24th District, Group 5, on November 17, 1948 by now Past Grand Master J. Clifton Roe and he served in that capacity until November 22, 1950 when he was appointed a member of the Committee on Work, Group 5, by now Past Grand Master, Franklin W. Parks, and served as a member of the Committee on Work until November 18, 1953 when he was elected Right Worshipful Junior Grand Warden. He was regularly advanced and on November 21, 1956 was elected and installed Most Worshipful Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Alabama.
In all his undertakings he has made a success and served with honors whenever entrusted with responsibility whether it was in his Church, Civic, or Fraternal duties. Brother Carl Charles Cooper passed away March 20, 1978.”