“CLARENCE EDWARD MICHAELS was born in Chillicothe, Ohio, on February 26, 1888, the son of AUGUSTUS P. and MARY MICHAELS. He was educated in the Public Schools of Chillicothe, Ohio and from 1902 to 1907 was employed by the B. & O.S. W. Railroad as Stenographer and Clerk. On October 1, 1907 he came to Birmingham, Alabama and entered the employ of the L.& N. Railroad as Stenographer and Accountant. From 1914 to 1917, he operated Metal Culver plants at Portsmouth, Ohio and Savannah, Georgia, and on June 8, 1917 returned to Birmingham, Alabama and entered the employ of the Tennessee Coal, Iron and Railroad Co., as Stenographer and Clerk in the Purchasing Department and where he served as Buyer. On August 15, 1912, he married Miss MARTHA SCHOEL of Birmingham, Alabama and to them three children were born,, two daughters and one son.
He was a member of the First Christian Church of Birmingham, Alabama and of the Exchange Club of Birmingham, Alabama.
CLARENCE EDWARD MICHAELS was initiated in Woodlawn Fraternal Lodge No. 525 of Birmingham, Alabama on September 29, 1921, passed October 13, 1921 and raised October 20, 1921. He served this Lodge as Worshipful Master for the years 1928-1929 and on June 26, 1940 was elected a Trustee of the Lodge. He served the Lodge as Secretary Pro Tem during the illness and until the death of their Secretary from July 19, 1934 to September 26, 1935. In the Grand Lodge of Alabama he was elected Junior Grand Warden on December 4, 1940, was regularly advanced and on November 20, 1946 was elected Most Worshipful Grand Master.
He received the Capitular degrees in Woodlawn Chapter No. 146, Royal Arch Masons of Birmingham, Alabama on November 16, 1923 and served the Chapter as High Priest for the year 1931-1932. He was elected a Trustee of the Chapter on June 14, 1935. He received the Cryptic degrees in Woodlawn Council No. 71 Royal and Select Masters of Birmingham, Alabama on March 15, 1924 and served the Council as Thrice Illustrious Master for the year 1934-1935. He was elected a Trustee of the Council on June 12, 1935. In the Grand Council of Alabama, he was elected Grand Conductor of Council on December 4, 1934, was regularly advanced and on November 30, 1937 was elected Most Illustrious Grand Master. He received the Orders of the Temple in Woodlawn Commandery No. 31 Knights Templar of Birmingham, Alabama on March 14, 1924 and served the Commandery as Eminent Commander for the year 1934. He also served the Chapter, Council and Commandery as Secretary and Recorder Pro Tem during the illness and until the death of the Secretary and Recorder from 1934 to 1935. He received the 32nd degree of the A.A. Scottish Rite in the Bodies of Birmingham, Alabama on Nov. 9, 1945. He was a member of Zamora Temple, A.A.O.N.M.S. of Birmingham, Alabama, having been initiated on May 25, 1925.
Brother MICHAELS was a devoted worker for the benefit of Masonry in all its branches, and was ever alert to guard its interest and ready to do all in his power to promote its good. His genial disposition, charitable heart and constant concern for the welfare of the brethren made him beloved by all.
He passed away in Birmingham, March 22, 1955.”