“Coke Smith Wright was born in Oconee County, South Carolina, Feb. 14, 1886-son of the Reverend John Nelson Wright and Martha Jane (Boggs) Wright. He received his education in the public schools of S. C. He attended the medical department of the University of Georgia at Augusta in 1909, and practiced medicine in Aiken County, South Carolina.
In 1909, he gave up the practice of medicine and entered the life insurance business, and, in 1911, was made Birmingham Branch Manager for the Acacia Mutual Life Insurance Company. He was very active in the Birmingham Association of Life Underwriters.
He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church South.
He was married on September 18, 1919 to Edna Earl Reeves.
Bro. Wright was initiated in Owens Lodge No. 164 of Norfolk, Virginia, on April 19, 1909, passed May 31, 1909 and raised September 22, 1909. He demitted from that Lodge and on July 25, 1911 affiliated with King Solomon Lodge No. 460 of Birmingham, Alabama. He served this Lodge as Worshipful Master for the year 1917 and again for the year 1928.
In the Grand Lodge of Alabama he became an active and zealous worker, serving as Lecturer in his District and as a member of the Masonic Home Board, and always alert for the best interest of the Craft. On December 4, 1929 lxviii[1935 Pro] he was elected Junior Grand Warden, was regularly advanced and on December 4, 1935, was elected Most Worshipful Grand Master.
He received the Capitular degrees in Mineral City Chapter No. 101, Royal Arch Masons, of Birmingham, Alabama, on June 15, 1916. He received the Cryptic degrees in William S. Patton Council No. 24, Royal and Select Masters of Meridian, Mississippi, on November 16, 1916. He received the Orders of Knighthood in Ensley Commandery No. 36, Knights Templar, of Ensley, Alabama on Nov. 19, 1919. He demitted from this Commandery on March 19, 1923 to become a Charter member of Birmingham Commandery No. 42. He was initiated in Salter Chapter No. 21, Order of the Eastern Star, of Birmingham, Alabama on March 23, 1915 and served the Chapter as Worthy Patron for the year 1917. He was a member of Kam Ram Grotto, M. O. V. P. E. R., of Birmingham, Alabama and was a Past Treasurer, and Trustee. He was initiated in Birmingham Lodge of Perfection, A. A. S. R. S. J., of Birmingham, Alabama on Nov. 4, 1912, Birmingham Chapter Rose Croix on Nov. 5, 1912, Birmingham Council of Kadosh on Nov. 6, 1912, Alabama Consistory on Nov. 7, 1912. He served as Master of Kadosh for the year 1922. He was initiated in Zamora Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S., of Birmingham, Alabama on Feb. 8, 1913.
Brother Wright was an earnest, energetic, efficient and enthusiastic worker for all that is to the best interest of the Craft, and his most distinguishing characteristic was his gracious charm, cheerfulness and friendly disposition. He was beloved by a host of friends throughout the State.”