“On the 12th day of February, 1890, the death Angel came into our midst and summoned to the reward of the just, our highly esteemed and dearly beloved Brother, Past Grand Master George D. Norris, of New Market, Alabama.
After the Civil War, Grand Master George D. Norris renewed the need for an Orphans Home. He traveled through the rain, in a stage coach, on a steamboat, and by rail. He traveled two months in 1869 visiting Lodges, lecturing, working and settling points of Masonic Law.
Brother Norris was one of the oldest and brightest stars in the Masonic constellation of this State, and his love, devotion and zeal for the cause of Masonry were equaled by but few and surpassed by none. Always at his post of duty, ever ready and willing to sacrifice and be sacrificed for the good of the Fraternity, he was a model Mason, and in his Masonic life we have an example worthy of imitation by all who have assumed the obligations of the mystic brotherhood