“Eely Elbert Jackson was born at Searcy, Butler County, Alabama on Jan. 12, 1900, the son of William Andrew and Eugenia M. Jackson. When he was one year old, his parents moved to Honoraville, Crenshaw County, Alabama where he spent his boyhood days and received his education in the public schools of that community. On Nov. 28, 1928 he married Miss Ruth Cumbie of Greenville, Alabama. They were blessed with two sons, Wallace Lamar and Eely Elbert, Jr. He was a member of Capital Heights Baptist Church of Montgomery, Alabama.
Bro. Jackson was initiated in Honoraville Lodge No. 251 on Dec.1, 1923, passed to the Degree of Fellow Craft on Dec. 17, 1923 and Raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason Feb. 3, 1924. He was elected Junior Deacon of Honoraville Lodge June 1924 and was elected Junior Warden in June 1925. On Aug. 31, 1925 he moved to Greenville, Alabama, and transferred his membership to Eureka Lodge No. 64. He served the Lodge as Worshipful Master in 1934 and again in 1941. In Dec. 1942 he moved to Montgomery, Alabama and transferred his membership to Keystone Lodge No. 778.
He received the Capitular Degrees in Montgomery Chapter No. 22 R. A. M. on February 1950 and served the Chapter as Excellent High Priest in 1951-52; the Cryptic Degrees in Montgomery Council No. 3, R. & S.M. on November 1953; the Orders of the Temple in Montgomery Commandery No. 4, K. T. by special dispensation from the Grand Commander at the Grand Commandery meeting in Mobile, Alabama on April 25, 1951. He was elected as Eminent Commander in 1955. He received the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite Degrees as follows: 4th through 14th Degrees, Montgomery Lodge of Perfection, May 21, 1953, 15th through 18th Degrees, Montgomery Chapter Rose Croix, April 27, 1955, 19th through 30th Degrees, Montgomery Council of Kadosh, May 12, 1955, 31st through 32nd Degrees, Montgomery Consistory, May 12, 1955. He was initiated in Alcazar Temple A.A. O. N. M. S. in the Spring Ceremonial of 1957. On October 7, 1947, he was initiated in Liberty Chapter No. 254, Order of the Eastern Star and served the Chapter as Worthy Patron in 1952-53.
He served as District Lecturer for many years and as a member of the Committee on Work and in 1952 was appointed Worshipful Junior Grand Deacon, by Most Worshipful Grand Master Brother Southall. On November 17, 1954 he was elected Right Worshipful Junior Grand Warden of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Alabama, was regularly advanced and on November 20, 1957 he was elected and installed Most Worshipful Grand Master.
Eely Elbert Jackson had appointed a Planning Committee as early as 1957 with Dr. William E. Goodwin as Chairman to study the Grand Lodge total program. They recommended to Grand Master Evatt in 1961 a master plan to centralize the Masonic Home activities and expand them eventually to a colony that would include housing for Masons and their families who may not be confined to the Masonic Home. On November 22, 1961, he was elected Right Worshipful Grand Treasurer and served in this office until November 19, 1980, a period of nineteen years. Bro. Jackson passed away May 23, 1991.”