“Ency Fendley Yeilding was born October 15, 1897 at Oneonta, Blount County, Alabama, the son of W. L. and Era Yeilding. At the age of four years, he moved to Birmingham, Alabama, with his parents, where he spent the larger portion of his life. He attended the public schools and received his earlier education in the schools of Birmingham, Alabama. In July of 1918 he moved to Florence, Alabama and engaged in the battery and electrical business. He was married November 23, 1921 to Miss Annie Boyd Brown of Birmingham, Alabama, and their union was blessed with two children, a son and a daughter.
Ency Fendley Yeilding was initiated September 6, 1920, passed September 20, 1920 and raised October 13, 1920 in Florence Lodge No. 14 of Florence, Alabama. He filled all the chairs in that Lodge and was elected Worshipful Master on June 24, 1924.
In the Grand Lodge of Alabama he served for seven years on the Committee on Work. On December 6, 1933 he was elected Junior Grand Warden, was regularly advanced and on December 6, 1939 was elected Most Worshipful Grand Master.
He received all the Capitular Degrees in Cyrus Royal Arch Chapter No. 6 of Florence, Alabama on February 25, 1929. After filling all the other chairs in this Chapter, on June 24, 1932, he was elected High Priest. He received the Order of High Priesthood on December 5, 1932 in the Council of Anointed High Priests of Alabama. He received the degrees of the A.A. Scottish Rite in the bodies of the Rite in Birmingham, Alabama as follows 14th Degree Feb. 11, 1921; 18th Degree Feb. 14, 1921; 30th Degree Feb. 15, 1921; 31st Degree March 10, 1921 and 32nd Degree March 18, 1921. He was initiated in Zamora Temple A.A.O.N.M.S. of Birmingham, Alabama on March 19, 1921. He received the Order of the Eastern Star in Cyprus Chapter No. 195 of Florence, Alabama on May 18, 1921 and served that Chapter as Worthy Patron, being elected to that office on June 22, 1934, and was again elected Worthy Patron on June 23, 1939.
“Brother Yeilding distinguished himself in Masonry from the first, always ready to serve the Order whenever a call came. He was ever loyal to his own home Lodge and in spite of the fact that he has gone to the very top in Masonry, he could always be seen in his Lodge meeting with his brethren.
He was a life-long member of the Methodist Church and stands high in the estimation of all the citizens of Florence as a man of high moral integrity.”
Brother Yeilding passed away December 8, 1980.”
Lxx [1981 Pro][1939 Pro]