Frank Wesley Little was born April 11, 1947, in Birmingham, Alabama. He is the youngest son of the late Ray and Sarah Little of Leeds, Alabama and the brother of the late Jimmy Ray Little of Leeds. Frank attended public school in Leeds and graduated from Leeds High School in 1965. He enrolled at Jacksonville State College in the fall of 1965; however, his education was interrupted in the summer of 1966 when he enlisted in the United States Army. After 21 weeks of training Frank was sent to Vietnam where he spent one year serving with the 281″ Assault Helicopter Company as a crew chief and door gunner from January 1967 until January 1968. He served the remainder of his enlistment at Hunter Army Airfield in Savannah, Georgia training helicopter pilots and received an Honorable Discharge on July 25, 1969. He currently serves as Junior Member at Large of the 281st Assault Helicopter Company Association, a group of veterans of the 281″ that meets once a year to renew old friendships forged under difficult circumstances and to honor the memory of their 46 fallen comrades.
Frank has two daughters, Michelle who resides in Georgia and Hope who lives in Florida, He has been married to his wife Margaret for 25 years and they currently reside in Irondale where they are members of the First Baptist Church.
Frank retired from Alltel in April of 2002 after 33 years of service. He enjoys many hobbies such as hunting, fishing and beekeeping. He is currently president of the Beasley Hunting Club in Sumter County where he began hunting with his dad at age 12. He is past President of the Jefferson County Beekeepers Association and two-times past President of the Alabama State Beekeepers Association. He currently serves as Quartermaster of Leeds VFW; Post # 6440.
Frank was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason on May 21, 1996, in Leeds Lodge # 446 where he is a Past Master and presently serves as Secretary. He received the 4Ih thru 32°” Degree of Scottish Rite Masonry in the fall class of 1996, invested a Knight Commander of the Court of Honor in Charleston, S.C. in October, 2002 and received the rank and title of Inspector General Honorary 33rd Degree on December 10, 2005. He currently serves as Co-Class Director for the Valley of Birmingham. He is a member of the Birmingham Metro York Rite, Cahaba Chapter # 222 Order of the Eastern Star, where he serves as Marshal, and is Director of the Knights of Mecca of Zamora Temple. He is President of the Central Alabama Square and Compasses Club and Knight Companion of the St. Dunstan Conclave of the Red Cross of Constantine.
Frank was awarded the Grand Lodge Certificate of Proficiency on June 30, 1998, and is a past District Lecturer of District 17. In 1999 MWPGM Jerry Underwood appointed him to the Constitution and Edicts Committee. In November 2002 he was elected Junior Grand Warden. In 2004 MWPGM Darrell Neill appointed Frank Conference Chairman of the 44th Annual Southeastern Masonic Conference held in Birmingham. In February 2005 at the Conference of Grand Masters of North America held in Calgary, Alberta he was elected to serve on the Time and Place Committee for the 2006 Conference in Nashville, TN. On November 23, 2005, at the Annual Communication of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of F. & A. M. of Alabama Frank was elected Grand Master of Masons in Alabama.