“Franklin Warren Parks, born January 11, 1898, at Brundidge (Pike County), Alabama, the son of Franklin Butler Parks and Alice Harden Parks, was educated in the public schools of Pike County.
He served in the 1st World War during the years 1917-1919, spending 15 months overseas in France and Belgium.
In 1920 he came to Montgomery and attended Massey’s Business College. He made his home in Montgomery and operated a Decorating business.
He married Miss Mae Schoefield of Crenshaw County on August 2nd, 1922, and to their union three children, William P., Joseph Robert and Patricia Ann were born. He was a member of the Capitol Heights Methodist Church in Montgomery.
Brother Parks was initiated an E.A. in Keystone Lodge No. 778 A.F. & A. M. at Montgomery, Alabama on January 12, 1937, passed to degree of Fellowcraft on January 26, 1937, was raised to Sublime Degree of Mason on February 23, 1937. He was elected Junior Deacon in 1939 and served as Worshipful Master of his lodge during the year 1941-42. He was appointed Assistant District Lecturer of the 21st Masonic District in 1940, and District Lecturer in 1941-42-43. He served as a member on Committee on Work in 1945-46-47. He was appointed as Grand Representative of the Grand Lodge of Western Australia in 1947. He was elected Junior Grand Warden, November 1947. Brother PARKS received the Scottish Rite degree in May 1939, served as Venable Master, Sept. 19, 1945 to Feb. 5, 1947, received 32nd degree K.C.C.H. on Oct. 21, 1947. He was made a member of Alcazar Temple, A.A.O.N.M.S., Montgomery, Alabama May 26, 1939 and was exalted to the Most Sublime Degree of R.A.M. on July 10, 1945 in Montgomery Chapter No. 22. He was received and acknowledged a R. & S. M. on March 4, 1948 in Montgomery Council No. 3. Brother PARKS was Knighted a K.T. in Montgomery Commandery K. T. No. 4 on March 8, 1948. He was a Charter Member of the Past Master Association in Montgomery and was initiated in Hinda Grotto March 15, 1941 where he served as Monarch during the year 1942. He received the degrees of the Order of the Eastern Star in Elizabeth Armstrong Chapter No. 10, Montgomery, in 1948.
In the fraternal circles of the State he was held in the highest esteem, attested by the fact that he was honored by the highest office in the gift of his fraternal brethren. Socially he was one of the most genial and companionable of men and numbers among his close personal friends, men in every walk and station in life. Grand Master PARKS was capable and honest, and noted for his sterling integrity in dealing with all matters pertaining to his official duties, endeavoring at all times to follow our teachings Do good unto all; recommend it more especially “to the household of the faithful.”
Brother Parks passed away March 13, 1966 following a sudden seizure at a Shrine Dinner in honor of the Imperial Potentate.”