Fred W. Vaughan was born February 6, 1914 in Alabama City, the son of James A. and Clyde Rye Vaughan. He attended school in Alabama City, graduating from Emma Sansom High School in 1932. In 1938 he married Nicky Dodd, who died in 1961. They had three children, two daughters, Mrs. Peggy Clark of Fort Devens, Massachusetts, and Donna Vaughan, a teacher at Alma Hinson Junior High School in Attalla, Ala., and one son, James Fredrick (Ricky) Vaughan, now a member of the Armed Forces at Fort Devens. In 1963 Brother Vaughan married Anne Crim. They reside in East Gadsden.
Brother Vaughan is a member, of the supervisory staff of Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company of Gadsden. He is an active church worker, is a member of East Side Presbyterian Church in Gadsden, and has’ served that congregation as deacon and as a teacher of the Men’s Bible Class.
His experience in and service to Masonry have been extensive. He was initiated an Entered Apprentice in Dwight Lodge, on April 18, 1947, passed to the Degree of Fellowcraft on May 5th of the same year, and raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason On May 12th. He began to take an active part in the activities of his Lodge, serving in all of its offices, including two terms as Master. He has received various Grand Lodge appointments, including Assistant District Lecturer and District Lecturer. He has served on the’ Committee on Work, first as a member and later as Chairman of that body. He has been a member of the Committee on Appeals. His services to Alabama Masonry finally culminated in his election in 1962 to the station of Junior Grand Warden, and since that time he has given us every reason to expect that his year as Grand Master will be a brilliant and productive one for Alabama Masonry. Brother Vaughan is an active member of Alabama City Chapter No. 345, Order of the Eastern Star, and has served that Organization as Worthy Patron.
Since 1962 he has been a member of the York Rite bodies of Gadsden, which include Coosa Chapter No. 86 Royal Arch Masons, Gadsden Council No. 56 Royal and Select Masters, and Etowah Commandery No. 15 Knights Templar and’ holds an elective office in each. He has been a Shriner for the past three years, with membership in Zamora Temple in Birmingham. He was recently admitted to the Royal Order of Scotland. Special mention must be made of Brother Vaughan’s activities in connection with youth work, both Boy Scouts and DeMolay. For a number of years he has been Chairman of the Board of Advisors for Etowah Chapter in Gadsden, and in spite of the many demands made on him, he is always there on meeting nights prepared to give advice or encouragement as needed. As soon as Fred had entered Masonry he gave evidence of possessing that combination of traits and qualifications which have made him so popular among Masons of this State and which have finally caused him to be chosen for the high station he occupies today. He combines energy and zeal with judgment, common sense, and a great knowledge of Masonry and its problems. A man of great tact and personal charm, he is equally qualified to preserve harmony within, and to represent us abroad. He is a worthy successor to that eminent group of Grand Masters who have preceded him.