Gerald S. Borden, the son of the late James Edmer David Borden, Sr., and Anna Lee Borden King of Royalton, Illinois, was born in Russellville, Alabama, on October 17, 1941. He attended Russellville Elementary and Senior High Schools and is a graduate of International Correspondence Schools of Scranton, Pennsylvania, with a degree in Business Administration. He has been employed by the Gas Board of Russellville for 15 years and has been manager of that department since February 1972.
Brother Borden is married to the former Jo Ann Hester of Sheffield. They have four daughters, Teresa, age 15, Lisa, age 14, and twins, Beverly and Ginger, age 3. Both Teresa and Lisa attend Russellville Senior High School. Brother Borden and his family reside in Russellville, Alabama, and attend Southside Baptist Church.
Brother Borden began his Masonic career October 14, 1965 when he was initiated an Entered Apprentice of Russellville Lodge and in just a little less than two months, on November 27, 1965, he was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason. In June of 1969, he was elected and served his Lodge as Worshipful Master. Upon completing his term as leader of his Lodge in 1970, he was awarded his first Grand Lodge appointment. He was appointed Assistant Lecturer of District 4, of Group 2, which he served for a year before being appointed Lecturer of the District for the year 1972. He served as Lecturer again in 1973 before being appointed to the Committee on Work in 1974. In 1975 he served as Chairman of the Committee on Work. In November 1975, he was elected Right Worshipful Junior Grand Warden, and was installed as Most Worshipful Grand Master, November 22, 1978.
Brother Borden is a Charter member and Past President of the Northwest Alabama Proficiency Club. He is a member of The Huntsville Household, Master Chefs of the Temple.