Gordon Lee Evatt was born June 4, 1910, in Rising Fawn, Georgia, the son of Luther Eugene and Emma Hollifield Evatt.
He received his public schooling in Collinsville, graduating from the Collinsville High School as salutatorian of his class in May of 1929, and then entered Alverson Business College, Birmingham, graduating in the May, 1930, class of which he was president. For the past twenty years he has been Official Court Reporter of the Ninth Judicial Circuit of Alabama, serving the courts in DeKalb, Cherokee, Jackson and Marshall Counties, and for several years prior thereto was Treasurer of Public School Funds and bookkeeper in the office of the DeKalb County Superintendent of Education, being in public service offices for a total of twenty-seven years.
He is a member of the First Baptist Church, Fort Payne, and has served in many offices including that of Deacon, Church Treasurer, Training Union Director and assistant Teacher of the Baraca Class of more than 200 members.
He is a charter member and past president of the Fort Payne Lions Club and also served that club as Treasurer, Secretary and Director. He also holds membership in state and national Court Reporters Associations, and was president of the Alabama Association in 1956-57. He is a member of the Alabama Historical Society.
He married Miss Imogene Keys on May 4, 1939, and she has been a constant encourager and loyal supporter of his fraternal service.
He was initiated in Fort Payne Lodge No. 437 April 3, 1936, Passed to the Degree of Fellow Craft April 17, 1936, and Raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason April 24, 1936, and subsequently served the offices of Secretary, Wardens and as Worshipful Master in 1939-40. He has been Secretary of the DeKalb County Masonic Conference for twenty-two years.
He received his Capitular Degrees in Woodlawn Chapter No. 146 Royal Arch Masons April 3, 1943 and later demitted to the revived Fort Payne Chapter No. 107. He received the Cryptic Degrees in Woodlawn Council No. 71 April 17, 1943. He received the Orders of the Temple in Woodlawn Commander y No. 31 Knights Templar April 24, 1943, later affiliating as a charter member of Fort Payne Commandery No. 46, K. T. and served as Eminent Commander. Since September 15 Bro. Evatt has filled an interim appointment as Acting Grand Secretary-Recorder of the York Rite Grand Bodies. He was initiated in Zamora Temple AAONMS, Birmingham, June 13, 1943. He was selected and initiated in St. Dunstan’s Conclave No. 57 Order of the Red Cross of Constantine, Birmingham, February 4, 1958, and is currently serving as Herald. He received the Scottish Rite Degrees in the Lodge of Perfection, Valley of Huntsville, in March of 1960, and the remainder of the Scottish Rite through the Thirty-Second Degree in the Valley of Birmingham in October, 1960. He was initiated in Fort Payne Chapter No. 414 Order of the Eastern Star, and served as Worthy Patron, and as Chairman of the By-Laws Committee of the Grand Chapter in its Golden Anniversary year 1949-50. He is a charter member of Bethlehem Shrine No. 6, Order of the White Shrine of Jerusalem, Gadsden.
He served the Grand Lodge for nine years as Chairman of the Credentials Committee, one year as associate member and five years as Chairman of the Jurisprudence Committee. In November, 1957, he was elected Right Worshipful Junior Grand Warden, regularly advanced to Right Worshipful Senior Grand Warden, Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master, and on November 23, 1960, was elected and installed Most Worshipful Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Alabama.
The Masons of Alabama were fortunate in having an opportunity to elevate to their highest office one who possesses the experience, knowledge, and Christian virtues of this noble citizen from Ft. Payne. It was with an indomitable spirit and undaunted courage that he conquered the ravages of a physical impairment suffered in youth, and it will be with these same sterling and persevering qualities plus an amazing capacity for leadership that he will handle and solve the intricate and complex problems confronting the Grand Lodge of Alabama. Despite his personal attainments and earned titles, he delights in being addressed as “Gordon.” His friendly demeanor is so warm and sincere as to inspire devoted attachments. To sum it all up in one sufficing statement, it would have been difficult indeed to select a worthier set of shoulders on which to drape the Purple of our Fraternity.