COL. Henry Clay Armstrong was a prominent citizen of Auburn, Alabama. During the Civil War, he was on GEN. ROSS’S staff, and later was State Superintendent of Education. He was a member of the State House of Representatives and under President Cleveland was United States Consul to Rio de Janeiro.
Col. Henry Clay Armstrong died at his home in Auburn, Alabama.
His Masonic career began in his early manhood. He was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason in 1865, exalted to the Holy Royal Arch in 1866, and knighted a Knight Templar in 1868. He was also a member of the council. He filled with credit the first station in the subordinate bodies of Ancient Craft, Capitular, Cryptic and Templar Masonry. He was Grand High Priest of the Chapter for three years, Junior and Senior Grand Wardens, Deputy Grand Master and Grand Master, respectively, for two years. At the time of his death, he was Grand Secretary of the Grand Chapter, Grand Council, Grand Lodge, and Grand Recorder of the Commandery. He was well informed in Masonic law and precedent and thorough with the ritual. He was perhaps the most impressive exemplifier of Masonic work in the State.
As a citizen he has been true to his country, loyal in his political alignment and faithful in office. He fought valiantly for the lost cause, but accepted the result without a murmur, and there was nowhere a more loyal citizen of the United States. In the General Assembly of his State, both House and Senate, the former of which he was at one time speaker, in the office of State Superintendent of Education, as Consul General of the U. S. at Rio de Janeiro and in all public stations to which he was called, he discharged his duty as becometh an honest, faithful official, and with marked ability. He was appointed to serve on a Select Committee of Five to perfect some plan to carry out the ideas of resolutions offered to establish a Masonic Orphans Home and College at the 1882 Annual Communications.”