“Hugh S. D. Mallory was born on his father’s plantation in Talladega County, Alabama, Feb. 6, 1848. His education was acquired in the high school, and later at the Male institute of Talladega, then at the University of Alabama until the burning of the institution, when he entered the University of Virginia. He studied during 1866-67-68, and graduated with the degree of B.L. in the last named year. In January, 1869, he settled in Selma, and was admitted to the bar the same year or as soon as he had attained his majority. His career as a lawyer was one of uninterrupted success, and as a citizen he received the utmost confidence of the residents of the city. He served two terms as magistrate and two years as mayor. He was President of the Selma Bar Association four or five times, and a member of the Dallas Bar and State Bar Associations. He was one of the organizers of the Home Real Estate and Loan Company, of which he was president, and also one of the organizers of the Selma and Cahaba Valley Railroad Company. For five years he was Superintendent of Education for Selma and the President of the Board of Trustees of the Alabama State Colored University, of which the Governor of the State and the State Superintendent are ex-officio members, the entire board being prominent citizens of Alabama and Democrats. For a number of years, he was the chairman of the Dallas County Democratic Executive Committee, and several times a delegate to state conventions.
He was a Knight Templar, a member of the I.O. O. F. and Past Grand Dictator of the Knights of Honor; was a member of the Legion of Honor and of the National Union.
A deacon in the Baptist church, he was also Superintendent of the Sabbath School and Moderator of the Association, in October, 1872.
Mr. Mallory married Miss Lula Moore, daughter of Dr. C. B. Moore of Summerfield, Dallas County, and the result of the union being the birth of six children.” lvi[MemDallas]