Brother Jack Smith was elevated to the highest office Masonry can bestow when the 163rd Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of F. & A. M. at the closing session and was installed Wednesday, November 23, 1983.
Brother Smith made his start in Masonry when he was initiated an Entered Apprentice of Clarence Lodge No. 708, Sneads Cross Road, in Blount County. He was raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason November 17, 1952, one month after he was initiated. He went on to serve his lodge three times as Worshipful Master. He received his Grand Lodge Proficiency Certificate Dec. 1973 and M. W. Grand Master
Joseph Brackin gave him his first appointment, that of assistant Lecturer of District 9A, where he served through 1975. He was Lecturer of District 9 during 1976 when he was appointed to the Committee on Work. He was serving the Committee as Chairman when he was elected Junior Grand Warden.
The son of Jessie David and Lona Smith, Brother Smith was born in Liberty, Blount County, Alabama on March 21, 1925. He received his education in the Blount County schools before entering the U. S. Army, where he served during World War II. He was discharged in early 1946. He returned to Horton, Alabama where he lives today. He furthered his education by attending University of Alabama (night school) for a period of two years.
On July 24, 1946 he married the former Nelladeen McMurry and they have two sons, Kenneth Jearold Smith of Talladega and Johnny E. Smith, of Horton. They are all Baptist.