Brother James G. Macon, the son of Sarah and Mallam Macon, was born in Pell City, St. Clair County, Alabama, on November 27, 1924, where he resides today. Growing into manhood in the Pell City area, he received his education in the St. Clair County Public School System before entering the U. S. Army, where he served during World War II. He was discharged from the U. S. Army at the conclusion of the war and returned to Pell City to become a Civil Service employee on a near-by U. S. Government Installation. He has since retired with more than 30 years service.
Brother Macon met Miss Charleen Phillips, of Ashville, a dozen miles to the north of Pell City, and they were married November 9, 1946. They have one daughter, Mrs. Sherry Macon Polk, who also resides in Pell City. They attend the First Baptist Church of Pell City.
Grand Master Macon has been dedicated and loyal to Masonry since he received his Blue Lodge Degrees in Ben M. Jacobs Lodge No. 643. He was accepted and initiated an Entered Apprentice 23 years ago, on March 1, 1956. He was passed to the degree of Fellowcraft on March 15, 1956 and on March 22, 1956, he was raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason. He was elected Worshipful Master to serve Ben M. Jacobs Lodge during the Masonic year 1961-62. On August 16, 1962, he earned his Grand Lodge Proficiency Certificate and two years later, in 1964, he received his first Grand Lodge appointment as an Assistant Lecturer from Most Worshipful Grand Master Tolbert D. Sharp. He was again appointed Assistant Lecturer of District 9 by Most Worshipful Grand Master James W. Cooper in 1967 and he served the duties of that position through 1969. Brother Macon was first appointed Lecturer of District 9 by Most Worshipful Grand Master Marvin Lynn in 1970 where he served until he was appointed to the Committee on Work for 1972 and 1973. He was then re-appointed Lecturer of District 9 by Most Worshipful Grand Master James M. Eidson, Sr. and a year later, in 1975, he was returned to the Committee on Work, in 1975. He was serving the Committee when he was elected to the office of Junior Grand Warden at the Grand Lodge Session of November 1976. On November 21, 1979, Brother Macon was elevated to the exalted office of Most Worshipful Grand Master of Masons in Alabama.
Brother Macon has also been active in many of the appendant bodies of Masonry. He received the Degrees and Orders of the York Rite in Woodlawn York Rite Bodies, of Birmingham, on May 16, 1975 and a year later, on May 22, 1976, he received the degrees of the Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite Bodies. In 1975, he became a Noble of Zamora Shrine Temple, of Birmingham, and is a member of Zamora’s “Knights of Mecca” Unit. He is a charter member of Vulcan Chapter No. 22, Knight Masons, in Birmingham and is a member of Mobile’s Albert J. Youndt Chapter No. 511, National Sojourners. He is also a member of Dinar Grotto, of Birmingham, having been initiated a Prophet in special ceremonies conducted by Grand Monarch Gerald N. Steeves, in Mobile, on March 2, 1978. He is an active member and a Past Patron of St. Clair Chapter No. 437, Order of the Eastern Star.