Jon Michael Taylor, PGM 2019-2020

Brother Jon Michael Taylor was born on September 8th, 1966 and was raised in Tarrant, Alabama. He graduated from Tarrant High School in 1984 and the University of Alabama in Birmingham in 1992. He has also earned degrees from the Community College of the Air Force, Jefferson State Community College, and the Air War College. He earned his Master’s Degree from the Air University at Maxwell Air Force Base in 2010.
He was initiated in Dolcito Masonic Lodge #596 located in Tarrant, Alabama on November 21st, 1987. He was Passed to the Degree of Fellowcraft on December 14th, 1987, and Raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason on January 23rd, 1988. He progressed through the Chairs of Dolcito Lodge #596 and was elected to serve as Worshipful Master during 1994 – 1995. He has served as Secretary of Dolcito Lodge since July 2001.
His service to the Grand Lodge of Alabama began when he was appointed to serve as Worshipful Junior Grand Deacon of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Fee and Accepted Masons of the State of Alabama in November 1995 by Most Worshipful Past Grand Master Gene Grooms. He was also appointed to serve as the Right Worshipful Grand Historian in November 1996 by Most Worshipful Past Grand Master Larry Wortham. He was appointed as District Lecturer for the 19th Masonic District in November 2007 and served in that capacity until his election as Junior Grand Warden in November 2016.
He was initiated into the York Rite Bodies in Woodlawn Chapter #146, Woodlawn Council #71, and Woodlawn Commandery #31 in 1991 and Boyles Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star #104 in 1996.
He is a current member of the Center Point Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star #416, Birmingham-Metro York Rite Bodies, the Royal Order of Scotland, the Saint Dunstan Conclave of the Red Cross of Constantine, Emrys W. John #179 York Rite College, the Old Cahaba Council #339 Allied Masonic Degrees, and Zamora Shrine. On October 26th, 2019, he was invested with the rank of Knight Commander of the Court of Honor in the Valley of Birmingham Scottish Rite.
He enlisted into the Alabama Air National Guard in July 1986 and served in various assignments in the 117th Mission Support Group and the 117th Air Refueling Wing. He received his commission as a Second Lieutenant in August 1999 as a distinguished graduate of the Academy of Military Science in Knoxville, Tennessee. He has commanded the 117th Communications Squadron and the 117th Intelligence Squadron. He also served as the Deputy Mission Support Group Commander for the 117th Air Refueling Wing. He has deployed to the United Arab Emirates, England, Germany, France, Italy, Turkey, and Guam in direct support of Operations Desert Shield, Joint Forge, Allied Force, and Enduring Freedom.
He currently holds the rank of Colonel and is assigned to the National Guard Joint Force Headquarters in Montgomery, Alabama where he serves as the Director of Staff for the Alabama Air National Guard. He is responsible for leading, directing, and managing all Air National Guard functions and direct program operations throughout the State of Alabama. As the state’s senior full-time Air National Guard Management official, he serves as a principal executive advisor to the Adjutant General and oversees and directs a variety of comprehensive military operations to include two Flying Wings, one Combat Communications Group, one Combat Communications Squadron, one Intelligence Squadron, and one Special Operations Communications Squadron.
He is the son of James Milton Taylor, a 62 Year Alabama Master Mason and Bonnie Taylor, a 60 year member of the Eastern Star. He is married to Aletha Taylor and they are active members of Pinson Church of Christ. They have three children: Daughters Casey and Hannah, and son Matt who was Raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason in Dolcito Lodge #596 in September 2018. They all live in Remlap, Alabama.