Joseph Spangler Southall, was born April 20, 1889, at Sunny-South, Wilcox County, Alabama, the son of Alexander M. and Alma Spangler Southall. He was educated in the public schools of Wilcox County, moving at the age of 10 years to Mobile where he continued his education at Barton Academy. He has been connected with Industrial and Mill Supply Houses as a factory representative since 1910.
He is a member of the All Saints Episcopal Church in Mobile, Alabama. On April 24, 1911 he married Miss Irma I. Steber of Mobile. The union has been blessed with four children: one son, Joseph S. Southall, Jr., New Orleans, Louisiana; three daughters: Myrtle (Mrs. William Wallace, Jr.), Mobile, Alabama; Irma Inez (Mrs. Robert F. Flinn), Mobile, Alabama, and Betty Carolyn (Mrs. Harvey N. Blakeney), Mobile, Alabama, and one granddaughter, Marilyn Flinn, Mobile, Alabama.
Joseph Spangler Southall was initiated in Athelstan Lodge No. 369 of Mobile, Alabama on April 5, 1919, Passed on May 3, 1919 and. Raised on May 14, 1919. He was elected and served
the Lodge as Worshipful Master in 1923-24.
He received the Capitular Degrees in Mobile Chapter No. 21 R. A. M. on January 28, 1921. He was received and Greeted in Mobile Council No. 12 R. & S. M. on July 21, 1921. He was Knighted in Mobile Commandery No. 2 K. T. on July 1, 1921. He was initiated in Abba Temple A. A. O. N. M. S. on April 11, 1923 and is a Charter member of Al. Hassen Grotto. He was initiated in Veritas Chapter No. 175 O. E. S. on November 28,1922 and served as Worthy Patron in 1924-25. He demitted from that Chapter and became a Charter member of Birdie Winston Chapter No. 391 in 1929. He was elected and served the Grand Chapter O. E. S. of Alabama as Worthy Grand Patron in 1930-31. He was later elected and served the Birdie Winston Chapter No. 391 as Worthy Patron in 1943-44.
For many years he served the Grand Lodge of F. & A. M. of Alabama as a District Lecturer and a member of the Committee on Work. On November 23, 1949 Brother Southall was elected Junior Grand Warden of the M. W. Grand Lodge F. & A. M. of Alabama and was regularly advanced and on November 19, 1952 was elected and installed Most Worshipful Grand Master.
He is a man of cheerful disposition, quick to make friends, zealous in the interest of Masonry and well known for his solid common sense, fine understanding and good judgment. Brother “Joe” is loved by all who know him for his generosity and loyalty to his friends and principles.
[Grand Masters of The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Free & Accepted Masons The State of Alabama 1821-2008 by Donna R. Causey]