Julian Fletcher Spearman was born in Social Circle, Walton County, Georgia, June 26, 1877, the fifth son of Toombs and Annie Elizabeth Spearman. His f
ather was a prominent lawyer of Social Circle. He received his education at the public schools of Social Circle later practicing pharmacy in the State of Georgia; moved to Anniston, Alabama 1899, to enter the employ of the Wikle Drug Company; later he purchased that firm. In June 1918, he was elected President of the Alabama Pharmaceutical Association. Brother Spearman married Miss Tempie Knox June 3, 1903, of Social Circle and they had two children, Ruth Elizabeth and George Knox. He was a member of the Methodist Church.
Brother Spearman was a member of the Anniston Rotary Club and Director in the Commercial National Bank as well as Director in the Anniston Chamber of Commerce.
He was initiated in Anniston Lodge No. 443 and elected in June, 1908, Worshipful Master. He was District Lecturer for the Fifth Masonic District, December 1912 and served until 1915. In 1921, he was elected Junior Grand Warden and regularly advanced and elected Most Worshipful Grand Master 1921-1922.
He was a member of Anniston Chapter No. 105, R. A. M., elected High Priest 1907; member of Talladega Council No. 67. Knight Templar of Anniston Commandery No. 23. Eminent Commander 1909-1910, and April 1917, was elected Grand Commander. Bro. Spearman was Past Patron of Elizabeth Spearman Chapter O. E. S. No. 81, which he organized and was named for his mother.
Bro. Spearman passed away in Anniston June 11, 1947.