Brother Hancock was born June 20, 1953 in Cook County, Illinois, the second of five children of Reverend Arnold and Mrs. Edna Hancock. He attended public schools there and graduated with honors from Bloom Township High School in 1971. After serving in the United States Navy during the Vietnam conflict, he moved to Jackson County, Alabama where his parents had been raised. He was employed by the Tennessee Valley Authority as an Electrician and held several positions there in the Electrical Maintenance Department. He furthered his education while employed with TVA, and received an Associate in Science degree from Northeast Alabama State Junior College, graduating with honors. He took an early retirement from TVA in December, 2005 after 29 years of service. He is very active in the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Union and has held several appointive and elected offices. He is presently the Financial Secretary for IBEW local 721 in Chattanooga, Tennessee. In October, 2007, he was appointed by Governor Bob Riley as Chairman of the Board of Registrars in Jackson County and currently serves in that position.
Brother Hancock married his high school sweetheart, Wanda Wooden on May 20, 1974. They have two children and three granddaughters. Their oldest daughter, Gail is a homemaker, married to Brother Randy Malley. This marriage has produced three lovely granddaughters, Maranda, Savannah and Peyton. They live in Fackler, Alabama. Their youngest daughter, Stephanie recently completed her Radiation Technician degree at Wallace State Junior College. She is married to Jeff Harris, and they live in Danville, Alabama.
Brother Hancock began his Masonic career by petitioning Bolivar Lodge #127 in Stevenson. He was initiated an Entered Apprentice on October 15, 1987, passed to the degree of Fellowcraft on October 29, 1987, and raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason on November 11, 1987. He served his lodge as Worshipful Master 1989-90 and has served continuously as its Secretary since 1992.
He received his Grand Lodge Certificate in 1989, and served Jackson County as District Lecturer from 1990 to 1998. He served as a member of the Committee on Work in from 1998 to 2006 and served that committee as its Chairman 2004-5. He was elected Junior Grand Warden in November, 2006 and has progressed through the Grand Lodge line and was installed as the Most Worshipful Grand Master of Free and Accepted Masons of Alabama on November 11, 2009.
Grand Master Hancock is a member of the Cahaba Shrine in Huntsville, Huntsville Scottish Rite Bodies 32° K.C.C.H., Huntsville York Rite Bodies, Ten Sephiroth #255 Allied Masonic Degrees, Alabama College Masonic Rosicrucian’s, Vulcan Council No 22 Knight Masons USA, Monte Santo York Rite College No 64, Redstone Chapter No. 353 National Sojourners, Holy Sepulcher Conclave Red Cross of Constantine, Hero’s of 76 Monte Santo Camp Redstone Chapter 353, Royal Order of Scotland, Dinar Grotto, Dekalb/Jackson Square and Compass Club, the Jackson County Shrine Club and the Perfect Ashlar Society of the Grand Lodge of Arkansas. He is an honorary member of Progress Lodge #870, Arab Lodge #663, the Grand Lodge’s of Tennessee and Kentucky.