“Leonard Stacy Terry the son of L. Clint Terry and Susie Goodwin Terry, was born May 24, 1898 near Courtland, Lawrence County, Alabama. He was educated in the public schools of Lawrence County. He was appointed as rural letter carrier on Route No. 1, Courtland, Alabama, at the age of 19. In 1919, he transferred to Route No. 2, Hillsboro, Alabama. He was a Steward in the Hillsboro Methodist Church.
He married Miss Catherine Bailey of Hillsboro, Alabama on June 21, 1922 and to them was born a son, Bailey Terry and a daughter, Miss Julia Sue Terry. Leonard Stacy Terry was initiated in Courtland Lodge No. 37 on July 14, 1919, Passed Aug.14, 1919, and Raised on Sep.9, 1919. After serving in various stations, he served as Master for the year 1929-30 and Secretary in 1953. He was exalted as a Royal Arch Mason in Decatur Chapter No. 38, Decatur, Alabama, on November 17, 1921 and served as High Priest of that Chapter for the year 1934-35. He was anointed, consecrated and set apart to the Holy Order of High Priesthood on December 2, 1935. He was Knighted in DeMolay Commandery No. 14 K.T. of Decatur, Alabama on December 6, 1951 and was a member of Zamora Temple A.A.O.N.M.S. of Birmingham, Alabama, having been initiated on May 30, 1953. He was initiated into Town Creek Chapter O.E.S. No. 249 on August 16, 1926, and served as Worthy Patron in 1931-32. When Courtland Chapter No. 498 was organized in 1951, he demitted from Town Creek and affiliated with Courtland. His zeal, faithfulness and devotion to the Masonic Fraternity has been proven by service throughout the years. He served the Grand Lodge of Alabama as District Lecturer and a member and Chairman of the Committee on Work.
On November 22, 1950, he was elected Junior Grand Warden, and successively advanced each year to the station of Grand Master in 1953.
“Brother Leonard Stacy Terry died in Starkville, Mississippi, March 4, 1976. He served as Superintendent of the Alabama Masonic Home 1962-1967.
He was one of the most faithful, steadfast and honorable Masons of our State. We all are made poorer by his leaving us.”