Michael Lee Boyles, PGM 2023-2024

M.W. Michael Lee Boyles was born the eldest of four children to Lee Elton (Doc) and Virginia (Mickie) Boyles On June 22, 1955 in Haleyville, AL. A life long resident of Haleyville, AL and a 1973 Haleyville High School graduate. His education continued at the University of North Alabama where he received a degree in Business and Supervisory Management.
He worked in the construction industry from 1977-1994. Starting out as a laborer and worked my way up to Vice President of the company. In 1994 he started his own construction company and ran his business until 2015, when health issues forced him to retire. He has been married to the former Jennifer Erwin, from Hayti, MO since May of 2020.
He has three children, one son, two daughters, ten grandchildren, and one great granddaughter.
During this time of work, going to school and raising his family he began his Masonic journey. He was initiated on September 24, 1991, passed on to Fellowcraft on January 7, 1992; he then was raised to Master Mason on June 6, 1992. He proudly received his Grand Lodge Certificate of Proficiency in 1998 from Grand Master Brother Jerry Underwood. He served as Secretary of Haleyville Lodge #464 for 16 years, also as District Lecturer for District 6 for many years. He enjoyed serving on COW on 2 different occasions: 2014-2015 and 2018-2019. He was elected in June of 2020 for Junior Grand Warden for Group 2 and installed in November 2020. He is a proud member of Cahaba Shrine Temple in Huntsville, AL.