Paul E. Bradford was born in rural Jefferson County near Trussville, Alabama, on September 2, 1912. He is the son of the late Floyd Bradford and Alta Brown Bradford. He attended the public schools of Trussville and graduated from Hewitt-Trussville High School in 1931. He attended the extension department at Auburn and holds a certificate in accounting. He later attended many courses in real estate at the University of Alabama.
Brother Bradford married Lisale Todd on December 30, 1931. They have two sons, Paul Jr., and Gerald; and a daughter, Gloria (Mrs. Sherman Forehand). They also have eleven grandchildren. Brother Paul and Mrs. Bradford are active members of the First Baptist Church of Trussville. He is a retired Postmaster after 33 years, and is now engaged in real estate brokerage.
Brother Bradford is a member of Georgiana Davis Lodge No. 338, F. and A. M. at Trussville. He was initiated an Entered Apprentice on September 9, 1940, passed to the degree of Fellowcraft on September 23, 1940, and raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason on October 14, 1940. He immediately became an active worker in Freemasonry, serving his Lodge in several capacities, including Worshipful Master for two consecutive years, Secretary for two years and is now serving as Lodge Treasurer.
Brother Bradford was exalted to Royal Arch Mason on August 11, 1951, in Woodlawn Chapter No. 146, R. A. M.; greeted a Select Master on November 16, 1951, in Woodlawn Council No. 71, R. & S. M., and was constituted a Knight Templar on August 18, 1951, in Woodlawn Commandery No. 31, K. T. He is also a 32nd degree Mason of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, Valley of Birmingham; and a member of the Ritualistic Cast of Zamora Shrine Temple, A.A.O.N.M.S. of Birmingham.
He has been active in Grand Lodge work for the past 24 years, serving as Assistant District Lecturer, District Lecturer, Committee on Work, Grand Marshal, Senior Grand Deacon and
then was elected Junior Grand Warden in November, 1968.
We feel that Freemasonry in Alabama is in good hands with Brother Bradford as Grand Master, and we are looking forward to a successful year under his capable and dedicated