“Robert F. Lovelady was born on a farm near Danville, Morgan County, Alabama, and was educated in the public schools of Morgan County. At an early age he studied pharmacy and opened a drug store in Pratt City, now Birmingham. Later he engaged in the wholesale and retail drug business in Birmingham. He was elected president of the State Pharmaceutical Association of Alabama and represented Alabama at the National Retail Drug Association. In 1907 he was elected to the State Legislature to represent Jefferson County, Alabama. He was a member of the Committee on Education and Temperance and took an active part in the cause of both introducing the State Local Option Bill that became law. In 1908 he was elected a member of the Board of Revenue of Jefferson County and served as President 12 years. He also served as Chairman of the Jefferson County Democratic Executive Committee. Govenor Brandon appointed him in 1924 a member of the Jury Commission of Jefferson County and in 1925 he was appointed private secretary to John H. Taylor, Commissioner of the City of Birmingham. He was appointed Superintendent of the Hillman Hospital, Birmingham in January 1930. Bro. Lovelady was a Methodist and served as President of the Board of Missions for twenty years. He served as a Sunday School Superintendent for 25 years.
He was initiated in Florida Lodge No. 450, A.F.& A. M., October, 11, 1890, passed October 25, raised November 8, 1890. He represented his Lodge in 1894 as Junior Warden; and had not missed a Grand Lodge meeting since that time—37 years. He was elected Master of his Lodge in June, 1895 and served for two years. Bro. Lovelady served the Grand Lodge as Chairman of the Committee on Lodges Under Dispensation for many years and on December 4, 1924, was elected Junior Grand Warden. He was regularly advanced and on December 4, 1929, was elected Most Worshipful Grand Master, being re-elected to that office on December 3, 1930.
He received the degree of Mark Master in Pratt City Chapter No. 108 of Pratt City, Alabama, on April 17, 1893; Past Master, May 1, 1893; Most Excellent Master, May 20, 1893, and Royal arch June 15, 1893. Bro. Lovelady served this Chapter as High Priest for the years 1898, 1902 and 1904. He received the Cryptic Degrees in Sam Thompson Council No. 43, of Birmingham, Alabama, on December 4, 1894 and was knighted in Cyrene Commandery No. 10, Knights Templar, of Birmingham, Alabama, on December 4, 1894. He was a member of Ludie Little Chapter No. 343, O.E. S., of Pratt City, Alabama. He was a member of Birmingham Consistory No. 1, A. A. S. R. S. J., of Birmingham, Alabama. He was a member of Zamora Temple A. A. O. N. M. S. of Birmingham, Alabama.
“He was a man of delightful and charming personality, sound business ability, a civic, religious and political leader and was highly esteemed, respected and held in the highest regard by all who know him.”
On March 23, 1946, Past Grand Master, Robert F. Lovelady passed away and On March 24, 1946, Masonic Services were held in the Forest Hill Cemetery of Birmingham, Alabama.”
Lxv [1930 Pro][1946 Pro] [Grand Masters of The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Free & Accepted Masons The State of Alabama 1821-2008 by Donna R. Causey]