“Brother Robert Rufus Berryman was born near Town Creek, Lawrence County, Ala., February 25, 1902, the son of William A.. and Octavia Masterson Berryman. He received his education in the public schools of Lawrence and Colbert Counties, graduating from Colbert County High School, Leighton, Alabama in 1919. After receiving a teacher’s certificate by extension classes from the University of Alabama, he taught five years in Lawrence County Schools. In 1924 he was appointed rural letter-carrier and remained in that capacity until his retirement from Civil Service in 1956. In 1958, he was engaged in the Insurance Business, and a member of the State Senate, representing the second senatorial district of Lawrence and Morgan Counties.
He was a Deacon in the Town Creek Baptist Church, a member of the Civitan Club and for many years he was an active worker with the Boy Scouts of America. He married Miss Kylie Terry of Courtland, Alabama on April 6, 1928. They had one son, William Clinton Berryman, who served as Grand Orator in 1958.
Brother Robert was initiated in Town Creek Lodge, No. 361 on October 23, 1924, Passed to the degree of Fellow Craft November 13, 1924, and Raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason November 27, 1924. He served as Worshipful Master 1938-39 and again in 1941-42. A new Masonic hall was built during his term as Worshipful Master.
He received his Capitular degrees in Decatur Chapter No. 38 R.A.M. as follows: M. M. September 7,1928, P.M. and M.E.M., September 14, 1926 and R.A.M. on September 21, 1928. He received the Orders of the Temple in DeMolay Commandery No. 14 K.T. as follows: R. C. and Malta Dec. 6, 1951, Order of Temple Jan. 17, 1952. He was initiated in Zamora Temple
A.A.O.N.M.S., Birmingham, Alabama on May 30, 1953. He was initiated in Town Creek Chapter No. 249, O.E.S., on February 15, 1927 and served as Worthy Patron, 1929-30, 1930-31, 1940-41, and 1944-45. He was a charter member of North Alabama Shrine No. 7, Order of the White Shrine of Jerusalem, Decatur, Alabama, which was organized March 24, 1948, and is
a Past Watchman of Shepherds.
He served the Grand Lodge as District Lecturer, Member of the Committee on Work, and various other capacities in the Grand Lodge. In 1939-40, Brother Ency Yealding appointed him Junior Grand Deacon of the Grand Lodge. On November 23, 1955, he was elected R. W. Junior Grand Warden of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Alabama. He was regularly advanced and on November 19, 1958, he was elected and installed Most Worshipful Grand Master.
As a Mason, he exemplified the highest principles of the Craft in his daily life, and he is noted for his sterling integrity in dealing with matters pertaining to his official duties.
Bro. Berryman died July 9, 1969.”