Grand Master Simmons was born in Clayhatchee, Alabama February 25th, 1937 to the late Walter Simmons and Blondell Bryan Simmons. He has been happily married to the former Sally Ann Williams of Dale County for over 44 years. Brother Simmons has served his church through the years as Usher, Adult Men’s Sunday School Class Teacher, Chairman, Board of Deacons, Chairman, Board of Trustees, Lay Leadership Director, Church Training Superintendent and Financial Secretary. He and his wife are members of Newton Baptist Church, Newton, AL. Both are active in the Newton Ruritan Club where Brother Simmons has served as a member of the Board of Directors and as Vice President. He graduated from Ozark High School in 1955 and attended the University of Alabama Extension Branch at Dothan, Al. Brother Simmons retired in April 1999 from the Quality Control Department at Fort Rucker, AL ending a 43-year career.
Brother Simmons has faithfully served the Masonic craft for many years. He began his Masonic career in Newton Masonic Lodge No. 224 located in Newton, Al. He received his Master Mason Degree in 1963. He served as Worshipful Master in 1981 – 1984, and again in 1992 – 1994 and is currently serving as Lodge Secretary.
He was appointed District Lecturer of Masonic District 27 in 1981 and served the Alabama Grand Lodge in that capacity through 1988, at which time he was appointed to serve as Group Six Member of the Committee on Work until 1998. During that time, he served as Chairman of the Committee on Work in 1992. In November 1998, Brother Simmons was elected The Right Worshipful Junior Grand Warden of The Grand Lodge of Alabama. He has progressed through the Grand Line and was installed as the Most Worshipful Grand Master of Masons in Alabama at the Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge in November 2001.
Brother Simmons has been very active in the York Rite Bodies both locally and State-wide. He joined the Dothan York Rite Bodies in 1964 and has served in many capacities. He has served as Excellent High Priest in Dothan Chapter #113, as Thrice Illustrious Master in Dothan Council #68, and as Eminent Commander of Dothan Commandery # 25. He is a Past Most Excellent Grand High Priest, Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Alabama; Past Most Illustrious Grand Master, Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of Alabama; and Right Eminent Grand Commander, Grand Commandery of Knights Templar of Alabama. He served the Alabama Priory #31, KYCH as Prior and in 1992 he was honored as recipient of the K.Y.G.C.H. Brother Simmons joined the Dothan Scottish Rite Bodies in 1972. He has served as Master of Kadosh, Venerable Master in the Lodge of Perfection and Wise Master of the Chapter of Rose Croix. He served as President of the Dothan Scottish Rite Honor Club for two years. In 1989, he was invested with the distinction of K.C.C.H. In October 1999 he was honored by the Supreme Council of the Southern Jurisdiction of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite with the 33rd Degree. Brother Simmons is a Shriner and member of Alcazar Shrine Temple A.A.O.N.M S.
Brother Simmons spends much time managing his property and live stock interests. He and Sally’s (and Princess their prized Chihuahua) most pleasurable past time is traveling in their Motor Home. Brother Simmons has served as National President of the National Camping Travelers, Inc. (NCT). This organization is a Masonic Family Camping Club exclusive for Master Masons in good standing.