Ronald (Ron) Lee Thomas, H-PGM 2015

R.W. Ron Thomas was a native of Ozark and moved to Dothan with his family at an early age. A 1965 graduate of Dothan High School, he attended Huntingdon College and later received a B.A. Degree in History, Economics and English from the University of Alabama. In earlier years, he taught at Rehobeth High School and attended Troy University, Dothan, where he received a Masters Degree in Guidance & Counseling. He retired in 1998 from the Houston County Board of Education and formed an Education Consultant Company, Union Professional Services, Inc. and retired as its President in 2014.
Ron was a member of the Haleburg United Methodist Church. He was currently serving as Treasurer of the Friends of the Archives and on the Board of Directors of the Alabama Historical Association. He was also member of the Henry County Historical Group and served on its Board of Directors and formerly served on the Board of Directors of Landmark Park and the Landmark Park Foundation.
Ron was a member and Secretary of the Brown’s Crossroads Masonic Lodge No. 529. He served in York Rite Masonry as Past Right Eminent Grand Commander, and Past Most Illustrious Grand Master of the Council of Royal and Select Masters. He was currently serving as Most Excellent Grand High Priest of the Grand Chapter of Alabama and Past Sovereign Master of the Allied Masonic Degrees. Ron was a Shriner and Rosicrucian’s Mason, Dothan Scottish Rite Bodies and a 33rd Degree Scottish Rite Mason. He was a member of the Royal Order of Scotland and the Order of the Purple Cross. Ron was a past District Lecturer and Senior Grand Warden of the Grand Lodge of Alabama Free and Accepted Masons. He was preceded in death by his father, Raimon G. Thomas.
At the 195th (2015) Grand Lodge Session of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Alabama, R.W. Ronald Lee Thomas was declared an Honorary Past Grand Master of this Grand Lodge.