The subject of this sketch was born February 23, 1898 on a farm near the little town in which he now resides, Hartselle, Morgan County, Alabama, the son of Mattie Callaway Nunn and the late Samuel Nunn. His boyhood days were spent in a wholesome atmosphere among the people of sterling qualities and high ideals. He received his education in the public schools of Morgan County. At an early age he decided to leave the farm and seek employment elsewhere, and for several years working at various jobs until 1923 when he was employed by the Louisville and Nashville Railroad in the Building Department. During the next fourteen years he “was thus employed and was located in many States in the South and East which made it possible for him to meet many people in all walks of life, thereby enabling him to better understand the problems which confront the people of his native Southland. In 1937 he decided to return to his home town of Hartselle, Alabama and go into the Jewelry business. He has enjoyed a successful business in this field for more than eighteen years, but most of all, he enjoys and values his many friends made during the years spent in his home town.
He is an active member of the First Baptist Church of Hartselle and a member of the Chamber of Commerce. He is also past president of the Rotary Club and is at present, serving as Chairman of the City Council. He was elected to this position three years ago, and enjoys the respect and admiration of a host of acquaintances.
Brother Troy L. Nunn was initiated in Hartselle Lodge No. 398 F& A M on June 23, 1939, passed on July 18, 1939 and raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason on August 1, 1939, He was elected and served the Lodge as Worshipful Master from June 1940 to June 1943. He was elected and served Hartselle Chapter No. 39, Order of the Eastern Star as Worthy Patron from June 1940 to June 1941. He is a member of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite for the Southern Jurisdiction, Alabama Consistory No. 1, Valley of Birmingham, having received his 32nd degree on April 5, 1946. He is a member of Zamora Temple A. A. O N . M. S. having been initiated May 18, 1946 and is now a member of the Decatur Shrine Club.