MW Grand Master Brother Van Kevin Tidwell was born on May 5, 1970 to Vander and Charlotte Tidwell in Haleyville, Winston County, Alabama. Brother Tidwell has three brothers, two of which are Master Masons. He was raised and spent his childhood and adolescent years in Haleyville, Alabama where he attended Haleyville City Schools and graduated in 1988.
Van and his wife Cynthia were married on May 23, 2009. They have one child, Jackson Wayne.
Brother Van has worked his entire adolescent years in the Manufactured Housing Industry since 1989, in the supply channels. He has proudly worked for the same family this entire time.
MW Brother Van started his Masonic Journey when he was initiated on June 24, 2002 at Haleyville Lodge #464, passed to the degree of Fellowcraft on July 23, 2002 and raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason on July 30, 2002.
Brother Van was elected and served Master of Haleyville Lodge #464 in 2005-2006.
Brother Van stood for examination and received his Grand Lodge Certificate of Proficiency on November 2, 2003. His certificate was signed by then Grand Master Brother Billy C. Ford, who was also a member of Haleyville Lodge #464.
He served as District Lecturer of District 6, Winston County from 2003 until 2010.
MW Ron G. Andress appointed Brother Tidwell to serve on the Grand Lodge Committee on Work, Group 2 in 2010. Brother Van continued to serve on the Committee on Work and was appointed Chairman of that Committee in 2014 by MW John R. Strickling.
MW Brother Tidwell was elected Junior Grand Warden in 2015, Senior Grand Warden in 2016, Deputy Grand Master in 2017 and elected Grand Master of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Alabama on November 14, 2018 at the Annual Communication.
He is also a member of Haleyville Chapter #224, Order of the Eastern Star and Decatur York Rite Bodies, Decatur, Alabama.