Brother Willard Ray Fuller was born January 20, 1940 to the Rev. Percy Smith and Mary Essie Fuller. Brother Fuller attended DeKalb County Public School and was graduated in 1957. He continued his education at Snead State Junior College and later attended the Technical School of Alamance where he received a degree in Industrial Supervision. He is married to the former Nancy Privett of Stevenson. They have three children; Brent, Patrick and Heather; and two Grandchildren, Chad and Corey. Willard and Nancy are members of The First Baptist Church of Fyffe.
Brother Fuller was Initiated an Entered Apprentice Mason March 27,1979; passed to the Degree of Fellowcraft April 10, 1979; and raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason May 30, 1979.
He received the Grand Lodge Proficiency Certificate in 1981 and was appointed Assistant District Lecturer by Grand Master Hermon Taylor in 1982. Brother Fuller served the Office of Senior Grand Deacon in 1983 under Grand Master Jack Smith. Appointed to the Committee on Work in 1984 by Grand Master Harris Henderson, he served as a member of that committee until 1989, at which time he was appointed Chairman of the Committee on Work by Grand Master David L. Shirey. Elected to the Office of Junior Grand Warden in November 1990, he has progressed through the Offices of Senior Grand Warden and Deputy Grand Master. On November 17, 1993 Brother Fuller was elected to the Office of Grand Master of Masons of the State of Alabama.
Most Worshipful Brother Fuller is employed by Kappler USA in Rainsville, Alabama.