William Joseph Nash, PGM 1949-1950

“William Joseph Nash, son of REV. William Nash and Martha Ann Ford Nash, was born at Highmound in Blount County, Alabama, June 28, 1909. He was educated in the Public Schools of Blount County, Alabama, attended Howard College, Birmingham, Alabama, then transferred and graduated from Jacksonville, Alabama. He taught in the High Schools of Calhoun County, Alabama for five years.
He returned to Oneonta, Alabama as Assistant Manager of The Nash Abstract and Investment Company, Inc. In 1933 he was appointed Judge of Inferior Court of Blount County, Alabama to fill an unexpired term and was elected to serve four more terms of four years. He was re-elected January 15, 1949. Bro. Nash was appointed City Clerk, Treasurer and Engineer on October 1, 1934 and held that position until his resignation on October 1, 1947. He was issued an Engineering License as Civil Engineer by the State of Alabama on July 1st, 1947 and accepted an appointment as District Manager of the Birmingham District of the Woodmen of the World Life Insurance Society of Omaha, Nebraska.
On August 24, 1929, he married Miss Mary Edna Conkle of Oxford, Alabama and to their union two children, Sara Ann and William Robert Nash, were born. He was a member of the Missionary Baptist Church and served as President of B.T.U., Church Choir, Sunday School Supt., Church Clerk and Clerk of the Blount County Baptist Association. During World War II, he served as Chairman of Blount County Chapter of the American Red Cross, Chairman of the War Chest, Chairman of War Bond and Finance Committee and County Director of Civilian Defense. He was District Chairman of Choceolocio Council, Boy Scouts of America, and a Past Scout Master in that Council. Bro Nash was a member and Past President of the Oneonta Civitan Club, member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and a Past Noble Grand, member of the Woodmen of the World, a Past Consul Commander and Past Head Advisor of The Head Camp, W. O. W., State of Alabama.
Bro. Nash was initiated an E. A. in Oneonta Lodge No. 324, A. F. & A. M. on December 20, 1935, passed to the Degree of Fellowcraft on January 10, 1936 and was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason on January 24, 1936; was elected and installed Worshipful Master of his lodge, June 24, 1938, only a little more than two years after he was raised. In 1938, he was
appointed Assistant Lecturer for the Ninth District, and in 1939, he was named District Lecturer. He was elected and installed Right Worshipful Junior Grand Warden, November 20, 1946, and elevated to the Grand East on November 23, 1949.
“As a Mason he has exemplified the highest principles of the Craft in his daily life. His attentive ear was ever open to the call of distressed brethren, their widows and orphans, ever ready to use his best endeavors for them and the good of Masonry in general.”
Brother Nash passed away July 21, 1950 while in office as Most Worshipful Grand Master of Free and Accepted Masons of Alabama.”