“WILLIAM LEIGH was born in Amelia County, Virginia, October 4th 1790; died in Florence, Alabama July 31st, 1873; aged 82 years, 9 months, and 27 days. He connected himself with the Baptist church at Sandy Creek, Amelia County, Virginia, Aug. 1807. He was licensed to preach Aug 5th, 1810, and was regularly ordained to the Gospel ministry June 16th 1821. He continued to preach until his death, 63 years from the date of his license, and 52 years from the date of his ordination. As early as 1823 he advocated in the Muscle Shoals Association, the missionary doctrine, and although unsuccessful at first, mainly through his perseverance and great zeal the Association finally adopted it.
Your committee cannot find, after careful inquiry, when, or where he was made a Mason; but find that he was elected Junior Grand Warden in 1828, Grand Master in 1833 and 1834. In 1851 he published his book—“The Ladies Masonry or Hieroglyphic Monitor.” He was a member of the order up to his death, being a member of Florence Lodge No. 14 when he died.
In his general intercourse and character in the community, he was esteemed as energetic, charitable, and humane, illustrating in his life the principles of our order, universal charity and benevolence; being ever ready according to his ability to aid and assist the needy and distressed.
No man in the State was more devotedly attached to our order, or more active in his zealous discharge of Masonic duty. He was ever ready to aid, assist, and work. Your committee in the facts and preparation of this history are indebted to Past Grand Master Felix G. Norman for all the details, and would recommend the adoption of the following: Resolved, That a memorial tablet be erected in the printed proceedings, with the name and date of his death, and that a copy be furnished the family of our deceased Brother and Past Grand Master.”