“William Lovard Lee was born April 17, 1873, in Clayton, Alabama, the son of Alto V. and Lillie(Lawrence) Lee. He was educated in the common schools of his native town and graduated from the University of Alabama in the year 1892. After teaching school for three years in Camden and Columbia, he was admitted to practice law in Clayton, Alabama on November 13, 1895, a profession he followed with great success and distinction. He served as Mayor of Columbia, Alabama from 1900 to 1904, was a member of the State Legislature in 1907, and Chairman of the Houston County Board of Education from 1914 to 1921. He was a member of the Democratic Executive Committee of the State of Alabama 1916 to 1920 and was Chairman of the Houston County Democratic Executive Committee for eight years.
He was married on December 9, 1896 to Miss Ellen Thomas and to their union seven children were born: William L. Lee, Jr. Wallace T. Lee, Eloise Lee, Wilellen Lee, Vela Lee, Dorothy Lee , and Alto V. Lee.
William Lovard Lee was initiated on August 24, 1901, in Columbia Lodge No. 135 of Columbia, Alabama, passed September 29, 1901 and raised October 14, 1901, serving this Lodge as Worshipful Master during the years 1904, 1905, and 1906.
In the Grand Lodge of Alabama he served as Chairman of the Committee on Appeals and on December 3, 1925 was elected Junior Grand Warden. He was regularly advanced and on December 2, 1931 was elected Grand Master, being re-elected on December 7, 1932.
He received the Capitular degrees in Dothan Chapter No. 113, of Dothan, Alabama, on July 24, 1903; demitting from this Chapter on May 8, 1908, to become a Charter member and the first High Priest of Columbia Chapter No. 138, of Columbia, Alabama and served as High Priest from 1908 to 1912 and again from 1914 to 1916. He received the Order of High Priesthood on December 3, 1912 . In the Grand Chapter of Alabama he was appointed Grand Master of the First Veil on December 3, 1912, was successively advanced and on November 30, 1920, was elected Most Excellent Grand High Priest. He received the Cryptic degrees in Montgomery Council No. 3 of Montgomery, Alabama on December 2, 1912. He was knighted in Dothan Commandery No. 25 of Dothan, Alabama on March 25, 1908 and was a member of Zamora Temple A.A.O. N.M.S. of Birmingham, Alabama.
Upon assuming office as Grand Master, he found the treasury empty, with an indebtedness of $40,000.00 with no appreciable income for the past year, the expense of the Grand Lodge before him, and the Masonic home, the symbol of our love, with 428 residents to care for, with no cash on hand and no revenues to look forward to. William Lovard Lee was a man, led by God, who came into the hearts of Masonic Brethren and caused them to sense the great responsibility resting upon them. Under the leadership of this man, we began to set our house in order, and with our trust in God, and our brotherly love re-exemplified, our great lights rebrightened.
William Lovard Lee passed away on December 28, 1944.”