William Wallace, Jr., or Bill, as he is known to hundreds of Masons throughout Alabama, was born on a farm near Atmore, son of William and Arry Wallace. He received his elementary education in the public schools of Escambia County and was graduated from Murphy High School in Mobile in 1927. For the past 23 years he has operated his own business, Bill Wallace Auto Parts, in Mobile. He is a member of All Saints Episcopal Church. On July 23, 1936 Bill was married to Myrtle Southall, daughter of Past Grand Master Joe S. Southall, Sr. and Past Worthy Grand Matron Irma Southall.
He was initiated an Entered Apprentice in Toulmin Lodge No. 875 on March 16, 1951, passed to the degree of Fellowcraft on March 30, 1951 and raised to the sublime degree of Master
Mason April 6, 1951. He was elected Treasurer of Toulmin Lodge in 1951 and again in 1959, appointed Senior Steward in 1953 and elected Junior Deacon in 1954, and after normal progression, was elected Worshipful Master of Toulmin Lodge in 1958.
He received the York Rite degrees in Mobile on December 18, 1959, and walked the hot sands of the AAONMS, Abba Temple, at a ceremonial held in Bay Minette on December 19, 1959. He
is a charter member of St. Bernard Conclave, Red Cross of Constantine, Mobile. Bill has also been active in the Order of Eastern Star being initiated into Birdie Winston Chapter No. 391 on June 6, 1951. He served this chapter as Worthy Patron in 1952, 1953, and 1954. Bill served as Grand Sentinel of the Grand Chapter O. E. S. of the State of Alabama in 1955-56. He has
served as a member of the Advisory Board, Order of DeMolay since 1955.
In Grand Lodge activities Bill served two years as Assistant District Lecturer, District 32, and two years as a member of the Committee on Work, Group 7. He served as Senior Grand
Steward of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge, F. & A. M. of Alabama in 1952-53. In 1959 he was appointed Grand Representative of Italy and still holds that appointment for the Grand
Lodge of Alabama. Bill was elected Junior Grand Warden of the Grand Lodge, F. & A. M. of Alabama in November 1960, and has progressed upward to his election and installation as
Grand Master in November 1963.
Bill’s Masonic career has been highlighted by many things, but two of the more important have been work and interest in the fraternity. Since his entry into the fraternity he has studied diligently and has never been too busy to stretch forth that helping hand for a brother. His complete knowledge of Masonry in Alabama and his wide acquaintance with its members will make him, as Grand Master, invaluable to the brethren of our State. His quiet and unassuming manner belie his ability to work and travel long hours in all types of weather to participate in any function in which he may be helpful. He has always been a strong proponent of proficiency and has set an example and established a criteria for all to follow. Masonry in Alabama will be much richer for the leadership provided by this outstanding Mason.